I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 239 Very Strong Charging Skills

Bell did not immediately go looking for other wolves, because he had already heard slight jumping sounds coming towards this side. He must have rushed over after hearing the sound just now.

After hiding his aura again, Bell took a few steps back.

Soon the jumping sound got closer and closer, a pair of long white ears poked out from behind the stalactites, and soon the head also poked out.

There are seven or eight cute-looking rabbits.

Of course, their size doesn't look cute at all.

Each rabbit is about one-third the size of the wolf just now. Rabbits of this size are already very abnormal. What is even more abnormal is the axes carried on the backs of the rabbits. At first glance, the axes are about the same size as those rabbits.

An ax of that size can chop off a person's head with just one blow, and those cute rabbits don't feel very cute when carrying such an ax on their backs.


A sudden bell made all the rabbits prick up their ears, stand on tiptoe, and look around for the source of the sound.


The bell sounded a little louder, but all the rabbits still couldn't find the source of the sound.


For a time, the entire floor was shrouded in the sound of bells, and almost all the wolves and rabbits on the floor were looking for the source of the sound.

But just where the eight rabbits couldn't feel it, Bell's right hand was already covered with white light spots.

And those star points of light, accompanied by the "Kuzi Kanesada" held in Bell's hand, covered the blade with dazzling light.

Swing the knife horizontally!

The white light blade flashed away, and the space was distorted in a small area. The heads of the eight rabbits slowly fell to the ground as if they were cut by the space.

Bell was also very surprised when he completed this blow. This was also the first time he used the power-charging skill.

"A charged sword has such power."

Bell was immersed in that knife and couldn't extricate himself. Even if it only took five seconds to accumulate power, the effect was more amazing than imagined.

As for the consumption...the consumption of physical strength and energy is not very large, perhaps because of the short power storage time.

"The only drawback is that there is too much movement."

"It's difficult to attack even smarter monsters, and this is the charge I used when I deliberately concealed my aura."

It is difficult to cover up the sound of bells that reverberates in the space. If it is only the sound near itself, it may be able to be covered up, but this kind of sound cannot be covered up.

Just as Bell was thinking this, a little starlight began to appear on his dominant right hand, as if in response to his expectations. At this moment, the starlight on his right hand flickered, but it did not make any sound, as if it was a faint sound. The breathing light is average.

"Can this skill still be controlled like this?"

This surprised Bell a little, and then he calculated the time to accumulate power.

In the controlled state of charging, little bits of starlight merged into the "Nine Characters of Concentration" just like before.

Bell also swung the charged sword just like before.

Visible to the naked eye, the space was slightly distorted by the knife, but the power of the knife was reduced by one-third.

However, such a discovery did not make Bell lower his evaluation of this skill. He even understood that this skill would be his must-kill skill in the future.

"Quiet's charge also has power that is unmatched by ordinary sword swings, and its power is only one-third weaker than that of Daoshi's charge. It is a very powerful skill."

"The magical skill of sneak attack."

As long as the aura is kept covered, almost no one can detect this quiet accumulation of energy.

A sneak attack that maintains this state may have the effect of defeating the enemy with one blow.

For him who likes to hide, this skill is really suitable.

Bell was really surprised by this.

If I didn't try it before, it was because I didn't need it. After all, there were too few opportunities for monsters on the upper level to use their energy storage.

Because this time we are entering the middle level, there will definitely be room for using this skill in the future, so it is definitely a good idea to try it (bacj) as soon as possible.

And this attempt really gave him a big surprise.

"Use a loud charge in battle. If combined with aura masking, you can interfere with the enemy's judgment within a certain range."

"In addition, it is necessary to determine the limit time of power storage and the consumption of physical strength by the limit time."

These are very important judgment elements for combat. Only by mastering these details can you use them at the best time.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

There is no doubt that Bell is now a well-rounded adventurer with "stats", skills, and magic. That's why he was able to break into the middle level alone with his current strength, and even set his target on the 18th floor.

"Stronger monsters have larger and higher-quality magic stones, which are simply like driving equipment. Magic stones serve as energy sources for equipment, and different types of equipment are equipped with matching energy sources."

The moment the magic stone left the body, all the rabbits' flesh and blood turned into white ash.

"No wonder Eina-san always says that the middle level is not a place where one can challenge alone."

All the magic stones floated in front of Bell for him to observe.

"Compared to the upper level magic stone, it is larger and contains a lot more energy."

It's just that these tests are not suitable for mid-level testing.

"It's just that monsters are more complicated than equipment."

Bell glanced down. With the ability to gaze into the darkness, he could tell that the height below was close to thirty or forty meters, and there were many sharp cone-shaped stone pillars at the bottom. If he fell accidentally without making some preparations, he would definitely fall. The body will be pierced by those pointed cone-shaped stone pillars.

Bell calmed down his thoughts and looked at the eight decapitated rabbits. Eight wind blades flew past him and completely cut open the decapitated rabbits, revealing the magic stone in the center of the body.

Monsters have inherent advantages over adventurers. Monsters of the same class are often stronger than adventurers of the same class.

However, if you are an all-round adventurer who has trained his "ability points" to the extreme, and whose skills and magic can include support, assistance, medical treatment, exploration, and even combat, you don't have to be subject to so many restrictions.

Under such circumstances, most adventurers can only better face monsters one after another by forming a team and acting together.

The thirteenth floor looks like a stalactite cave, but in fact there are not many roads that can be moved, and there are cliffs on both sides of the road leading to the front, and there is almost no space below the cliff to see the bottom.

"The narrow corridor, coupled with the extremely fast birth rate of monsters, simply requires adventurers to either run away or confront them."

Putting the magic stone into the four-dimensional space, Bell began to move forward.

The invisible force peeled out the magic stone embedded in the flesh.

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