I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 240 He Is The Same Type Of Adventurer As Aisi

Finn and Riveria lead a group of bankrupt and debt-ridden people into the dungeon to start their money-making journey.

Finn and Riveria are at Level 6, Ais, Tiona, and Tione are at Level 5, plus Lefiya at Level 3. It can be said to be a very luxurious team formation. .

Not to mention the strategy for the 18th floor, this combination is enough to go straight to the 40th floor.

Therefore, the group of people who came to the dungeon to make money did not stay too much on the upper floors, but directly aimed at the target and headed to the safety area on the 18th floor.

Fenn and others passed through the eleventh floor of the upper level as quickly as possible. When they reached the stairs leading to the twelfth floor, Fenn and others stopped temporarily.

Entering the twelfth floor still requires some preparation.

Finn took out several torches and flints from his space pocket.

"Tiona, Tione, and Ais, you stand in the triangle with torches. Lefia, you and Riveria stand in the center.

They all knew the situation on the twelfth floor, and the three people who took over the torches and flints had already lit them.

Finn also lit the torch in his hand, and then walked down the stairs as the leader.

The pace of the six people habitually became much lighter, and even the speed also slowed down a lot, trying not to waste too much time on this level.

Finn took the lead into the realm of the twelfth floor.

But today he already felt something strange as soon as he stepped into it.

Earthlings at this level are very sensitive to sound and light, but the light will only wake them up when they are very close. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the earthlings on this level deliberately pretended to be dead and waited for the adventurers to enter.

But this time Finn noticed something was wrong.

The Earthlings lying on the ground couldn't even see a single skeleton. All they could see was a large amount of white ash scattered on the ground.

"Has anyone been here?"

Finn didn't expect that someone had already arrived on the twelfth floor. He glanced around and saw a pile of white ash on the ground. Even by the light of the torch, he could see many magic stones on the ground.

"Have all the Earthlings been wiped out?"

There are all monsters on other floors that have been cleared, but few people will clear this floor. Unless there is an expedition, even Finn doesn't want to clear everything here.

Finn really couldn't imagine how anyone could be so bored, but he still turned to remind the people following him.

"No need to keep staring, all the people on earth have been dealt with."


The few people who were still cautious at the back subconsciously looked around. A lot of white dust could be seen on the ground, and even the magic stone was not chosen to be taken away.

"Except during our expedition, would anyone else clear this floor?"

Tiona asked a very strange question that she, Ais and others wanted to know.

Finn shook his head slightly and took a closer look. The white ash on the ground had not been absorbed by the dungeon, which meant that it had not been long since the Earthlings had been dealt with.

Looking around, I saw no traces of large-scale destruction using magic on this level. So how did they massacre the earthlings in a short period of time?


Riveria was already observing the surrounding situation before Finn's prompt, and she frowned slightly.

"It's a trace of magic power, and it's still very violent thunder and lightning."

This answer really made Finn frown.

"However, there are no obvious traces of magical cleaning on the ground on this level."

"It should be attached to the weapon, or the effect caused by lightning magic like Ais. The fluctuation of magic power is very weak, but the traces of magic power are very heavy."

This discovery reminded Riveria of the strange things she had felt along the way.

"Finn, I also felt this magic wave on the first ten floors. If it's correct, I think it should be the magic used by the same person.

Finn nodded slightly. Riveria's sense of magic power was the strongest among them. Now that Riveria confirmed this, it was certain.

"Then, it should be as you said, the magic used should be the same type of magic as Aisi's "Wind Spirit Speed". "

Aisi's "Wind Spirit Rush" is a fairly comprehensive wind attribute magic. It can not only be used for defense, but can also be used to add wind attributes to attacks to increase attack power.

Then this magic that uses the thunder attribute should have a similar effect.

"I didn't expect that such a person would appear in Orario."

Finn usually pays attention to the outstanding talents in Orario, and his family will also work hard to attract adventurers with special talents.

.........Please give me flowers...

But no matter how much Finn paid attention, he still didn't know that there was an adventurer in Orario who had the same type of magic as Ais.

Riveria looked around.

"Finn, this is not the place to talk."


Finn nodded and didn't say anything further.

He still doesn't know the identity of the unknown adventurer, but since the other party emptied this place, the same phenomenon should also occur in the lower levels.

"Tiona, Tione, pay attention to the Earthlings born around you, we will pass here as soon as possible.

The two sisters naturally increased their attention to their surroundings.

Aisi's eyes were also wary of her surroundings at this moment.

Riveria and Lefia left the twelfth floor under such protection.

The last layer of the upper layer is followed by the beginning of the middle layer.

Starting from the thirteenth floor, it no longer remains in darkness, but there is some light, and there is no need to continue to use torches to illuminate the surroundings.

"It's white ash again? And there's so much of it?"

There was a large amount of white ash accumulated at the door of the thirteenth floor. Tiona asked Riveria with doubts.

"Rivelia, do you feel the magic?"

Riveria, who had been sensing the fluctuation of magic power just now, shook her head slightly.

"There is no fluctuation of magic power here."

"Doesn't that mean that the monsters here are eliminated with weapons? Doesn't that mean that he is really the same type of person as Ais?"

Without noticing the fluctuation of magic power, naturally the monsters here were killed by weapons.

On the twelfth floor, Vilia sensed a magical power similar to that present in the previous floors, and in addition, weapons were used here to kill monsters. Don't all the signs indicate that the person who used magic to clear out the strangers on the twelfth floor and used weapons to kill the monsters at the door of the thirteenth floor was Ace Second?

Tiona's statement is actually correct, and Finn and Riveria think so too.

From what we can see now, the other party is really the same type of adventurer as Ais.

Not only is he good at using weapons, but he also possesses a wide range of lightning-attribute magic.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your review.

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