I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 241 Aisi’S Dark History

Finn and his team walked almost through the white dust all the way through the middle floor and arrived at the safe area on the 18th floor.

"It's all white ash all the way, and even the Minotaurs, who usually have the most, haven't seen one end."

Tiona was bored out of her mind along the way.

She originally thought that the person in front would not break through so quickly and clear away all the monsters along the way. Tiona was also prepared to see who that person was.

Who knew that the person in front was really fast, and not only fast, but also very efficient in clearing monsters along the way, so she was stunned not to see a single living monster along the way.

"Indeed, not even a single monster is left."

Finn subconsciously glanced at Ace and found that the other person was just thinking about something strangely, which made Finn shake his head slightly and couldn't help but sigh.

"This style of doing things really looks more and more like Aisi."

Ais was startled for a moment, and then she understood why she felt that this person's way of doing things was very familiar, as if she had done the same thing a long time ago.

Riveria glanced at Ais casually, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

"Although I don't know who that adventurer is, his behavior, fighting methods, and even magic are surprisingly similar to Ais [I have some idea of ​​the identity of that adventurer]"

Curious. "

There was another adventurer with a similar style to Ais, and he seemed to have rushed into the middle level alone.

That style of magic was too eye-catching. As long as she thought that the other party had a similar style of doing things to Ais, Riveria confirmed that the other party broke into the dungeon with someone else, or even broke into the middle level alone.

"A new Level 2 adventurer dared to rush to the middle level with just one magic. He's just like Ais back then."

Perhaps because of her age, Riveria couldn't help but think of what Ais looked like when she was a child. Especially when she first entered Level 2, Ais wanted to rush into the dungeon.

It's just that Ais had her, Grace and Finn watching over her, otherwise Ais would definitely rush into the dungeon alone at Level 2.

But now there is an adventurer who has done what Ais wanted to do but was stopped by them.

"Riverlia, how did you know that the other party is Level 2?"

Tiona asked her question.

"If you were a veteran, would you have cleaned the twelfth floor so cleanly?"

Riveria also had a very good reason to determine the opponent's adventurer level.

"The other party cleaned up all the monsters all the way down. Only adventurers who have just entered the middle level would do such a thing."

Tiona's eyes twitched a few times. Cleaning up the twelfth floor really didn't seem like something a veteran would do.

Riveria looked at the stairs leading to the eighteenth floor in front of her.

Looking around, the seventeenth floor was surrounded by a space surrounded by white crystal walls, and this was the floor where the floor master who blocked adventurers was born.

"Goliath has not yet reached the stage of rebirth. If Goliath were to block it, we should see the adventurer by now."

Tione frowned as she thought about Goliath's strength.

"Rivelia, no matter how strong the opponent is, he can't fight to the death with Goliath, right?"

Riveria couldn't help but look at Ais standing in the middle.

"No, someone rushed up before, at Level 2.

Aisi stiffened and subconsciously looked away.

Everyone followed Riveria's gaze and locked their eyes on Ais. Then Tiona, Tione and Lefiya all noticed Ais's unusual stiffness.

"Ais...so you have done this before?"

Tione now knew why Riveria said that. It turned out to be a lesson learned from the past.

Sister Aisi has done this before?

This was the first time that Lefiya had heard of such a thing. As a Level 2 person, she directly challenged Goliath, the floor master of the seventeenth floor.

How big of a state of mind does this person have to have to do such a death-seeking thing?

As a Level 3 turret, she would not dare to do such a thing.

Lefiya was sure that if she had not been supported by the front row, she would instantly become the target of Goliath's attack. At that time, not to mention that the magic cannot be released, it will even be regarded as the main target of attack, and it may not even be possible to escape.

When asked, Ais didn't want to recall her dark history at all.

"Hey, Ace, what happened at that time?"

Tiona saw Ace's resistance, but she was very interested in understanding the Ace she didn't know.

Aisi had no intention of answering, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, expressing her determination not to speak.

"Tiona, you don't have to force Ace to tell me, I'll tell you..."

Riveria, who was about to laugh, told the three unsuspecting people about the situation that Ais was facing at that time.


Now Ais couldn't hold herself any longer, and she almost jumped up to stop Riveria.

"Wait a minute, Ace."

Tiona directly grabbed Ais's right hand and completely controlled her movements.

"That's right, it's rare to hear about your past, so let's hear it too."

Tione grabbed Ais's left hand and controlled Ais with her sister.

"Sorry, Sister Aisi."

Even Lefiya, who admired and respected Ais, jumped out and covered Ais' mouth at this time to prevent her from disturbing Riveria's words.

Ais, who was controlled, could not use strength to break free. Tiona and Tione were stronger than her. It was not easy to break free with pure strength, but if magic was used, it would inevitably cause harm. This was not the case. This is what Ais wants to see.

What's more, there is Lefiya here, and Ais is even less confident that she can squeeze Tiona and Tione away without Lefiya being seriously injured.

Therefore, she could only watch Riveria talk about her dark history with a wicked smile.

"It seems to be eight years ago now, that is, when Ais was eight years old. At that time, Ais was well known in Orario as the youngest person who reached LV.2 in the shortest time. At that time, she was still A child who longs for power and likes to show off his strength when doing things."

"Ais, who crossed Level 2 in 3.0, wanted to go one step further, so during our expedition, Ais challenged Goliath without our consent."

"As for the result, it's too obvious. The child couldn't cause substantial damage to Goliath with the help of "Wind Spirit Dash". Even because of "Wind Spirit Dash", the body exceeded the magic load, and almost He was slapped to death by Goliath. "

Talking about the stage when Ace was a naughty child, Veliya not only missed her, but also had a headache.

"At that time, Finn, Grace and I were sure that Ace's personality would not change much in the future. She longed for power and chose to attack many things with a tough attitude, so this child always Will do something beyond imagination.”

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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