I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 242 Nightclub And Hotel Murder Incident

In the city established by the adventurer named "Rivera" on the 18th floor, in a quiet B&B, Bell was sitting in the room and resting quietly.

"The monsters on the thirteenth to eighteenth floors are indeed the same as what was investigated."

Starting from the 12th floor, Bell successfully wiped out all the monsters from the 13th to 18th floors in just a few hours, and also completely mastered the information on each monster.

"Although slimes are physically immune, they cannot withstand magical attacks."

"Although the gargoyle is strong enough, it cannot resist weapons with lightning properties."

"No wonder magic is so effective against monsters."

It can be seen from these aspects that suitable magic can destroy those monsters faster.

In addition, Goliath was not reborn when he came down, which saved a lot of effort.

"The strategy for the middle level can be said to be completed here."

Bell felt much more relaxed now.

This time Bell's attack on 27 in the middle was really too fast, even a little ridiculously fast.

After the twelfth level, Bell did not use "Royal Thunder" to accelerate the progress of the strategy. He simply used runes and skills to fight all the way down.

There are not so many lags in the entire strategy process, and there are no monsters that require a particularly long time to study and understand the weaknesses of the monsters.

On this issue, the "Nine Characters of Concurrent Determination" really saved him a lot of effort.

"Today's strategy should improve my "ability value" a lot. Then I need to think about how to obtain enough "great deeds" during the expedition. "

Obtaining enough great achievements is a condition for promotion, which is very important for anyone.

Bell also attaches great importance to this. After all, he doesn't want to waste more of his great achievements by not improving his level even after he has accumulated enough "ability points".

It seems to Bell that it is best not to have this kind of waste, otherwise it will not be worthwhile if the way forward is blocked by those "great achievements".

"We still need to further create temporary coordinates for traveling to and from the family members."

"But this is not very difficult. As long as the stable coordinates are set on the family members' side, I will set up temporary coordinates here."

"It needs to be tested, but you can establish temporary coordinates in this safe zone first, and then establish coordinates in the family members after you return."

Bell shook his head slightly. He had just reached the safe zone. Now he didn't want to go directly to the follow-up work. He needed some mental rest.

"Lord God, Lord Hephaestus, I want to interrupt for a moment."

During the break, he didn't have to let Lord Goddess and Goddess Hephaestus continue to watch. Bell didn't think there was anything interesting about his resting part.

[We understand, Mr. Bell, please take a rest first. 】

After receiving confirmation, Bell closed the screen capturer.

Now was not the time when Lord God was watching, so he could relax a little.

Of course, Bell didn't mean to show off in front of Lord God and Lord Hephaestus, but he couldn't rest well with the two gods staring at him.

Especially after you have self-awareness in your heart.

"Rivera Street is just a temporary resting place for me. I need to find a less dangerous place to establish my stronghold as soon as possible in the future. J

Bell couldn't completely relax his physical condition in a place like this established by others.

But that was after a few hours of rest, and what needs to be done now is to rest.

After setting up a soundproof barrier in the room and taking certain safety measures, Bell took off his dusty cloak and coat and threw them into the fourth dimension.

After taking a look at the bed in the room, Bell hesitated and took out the wooden bed he used before from the four-dimensional space.

Even if he lives outside, he still prefers to sleep in his own bed.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Bell, who was lying on the bed, directly used a sleep aid rune on himself, and his consciousness quickly relaxed and entered a deep sleep.

The mental state that has been tense for a long time is temporarily relaxed.

Bell also fell asleep little by little.

Two hours later, Finn, Riveria and others had also entered the 18th floor "Rivera Street".

Riveria glanced at the ceiling covered with "green crystals". Those crystals would independently adjust their brightness according to the "morning", "noon" and "night" that were different from those outside the dungeon.

"It's already night."

"But, at this time, is this such a quiet place?"

"Rivera Street" can be said to be a symbol of the greed of adventurers, and adventurers here are often symbols of desire.

I remember that when I passed by during the previous expedition, Riveria remembered that it was also night.

But at that time, there were still a lot of shouts of joy on this street, and there were even drunk and crazy adventurers. But why is it so quiet today?

However, just because they decided to repair it here for one night, they could not avoid this murder.

Finn took a few steps forward and asked in a slightly lowered voice.

“The atmosphere is a little heavier than usual, it does feel weird.

Everyone knows it, and it seems that the problem lies here.

Finn looked at the street and felt that the atmosphere around him was obviously heavier than usual.

Finn and others walked around the street and soon noticed a hotel where a large number of adventurers gathered.

However, it was because the person who was killed was an adventurer that it caused such a big commotion in "Rivera Street", otherwise it would not have attracted the attention of so many adventurers.

Finn raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that they would encounter such a problem just after they arrived at "Rivera Street".

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"We also looked around, and something must have happened in "Rivera Street." "

It would not be a small matter if an adventurer was killed on this street.

"You don't know yet? An adventurer was killed."

The people in front did not look back, but kept looking forward.

It's just that Finn's sixth sense felt that things were a little off.

If they hadn't decided to spend a night repairing in "Rivera Street" this time, then he would have taken Riveria and the others and prepared to leave.

"Brother, what happened earlier?"

In fact, as Finn said, something really happened in the "Rivera Street" established by this adventurer, 373, and it was a rare murder case.

The person who was killed was undoubtedly an adventurer, because there were very few people other than adventurers here.

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