I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 243 The Disgusted Bell

Just as Finn and others were squeezing in, a figure was watching them from a distance.

"Loki Familia, I didn't expect them to come to the dungeon."

This figure is naturally Bell who was disgusted by that hotel.

He found a hotel just because he wanted to take a short rest, and after resting for a few hours, he went to look for a private sanctuary that could be established.

But how could he have imagined that just two hours after he slept, a strong smell of blood woke him up directly from his sleep.

It was because he noticed something strange that Bell quickly put away the wooden bed and put on all the coats and cloaks he had taken off.

While hiding the aura, it also unlocked the barrier.

What happened next door was also sensed by Bell.

After lamenting "bad luck", he obediently set up some traps.

Use runes to record all the scenes in the room, and also place tracking markers at the door of the next room.

After doing these things, Bell observed the movements of the woman next door through Rune in the room. It wasn't until the woman used the face of the dead man, put on her clothes and armor and left, that Bell left the hotel behind. .

Of course, Bell felt really disgusted no matter what.

After observing outside for a while, Bell noticed that the woman had been hidden among the crowd.

So of course, Bell quietly watched the other party's performance in the dark.

Until he saw several key members of the Loki Familia appearing in the crowd outside.

"They really like to join in the fun."

Bell shook his head slightly but showed no sign of joining in the fun. At the same time, he was also thinking about the woman just now.

"Judging from the smell, that woman is at least Level 5, but that woman has always had a very familiar stench and a feeling that is completely unhuman.]

"And what on earth is that woman looking for?"

When he was looking in the next room, Bell did see that everything belonging to the adventurer in the room had been torn apart, and even the adventurer's head was directly trampled on. It was clear at a glance that there was nothing to be found and was trampled to pieces in anger. .

There was such a big commotion in the safe zone on the 18th floor. Was Xi Xi looking for someone?

Even a fool knows that this thing is not simple at all.

With a hint of curiosity, Bell also paid great attention to this.

It's just that Bell always feels that this matter is a very familiar event, and this feeling is also one of the reasons for Bell's action.

These factors allowed Bell to maintain an official stance on the killing.

At the same time, Bell also reopened the "Screen Capture".

The time goes back fifteen minutes.

"I didn't expect to be able to see Mr. Bell's progress in the dungeon."

While eating cold noodles, Hestia sighed.

"And Mr. Bell has grown to this point without knowing it."

Having never seen Bell fighting in the past, it was not clear how far Bell had grown, but after seeing that fast and furious fighting style today, Hestia had a clear idea of ​​Bell's strength.

Attack the dungeon alone and sweep away all the monsters in front of you with lightning speed.

Maybe other adventurers can do it, but Hestia doesn't think that adventurers of the same level as Mr. Bell can do this kind of thing.

Even among adventurers of higher levels, no one can do it better than Mr. Bell.

"It really grew up very quickly."

Hephaestus, who was sitting next to him, was also convinced.

"You can actually grow to this point in about a month. Both your magic and combat skills have grown very quickly. It's incredible."

"In addition to the superficial growth, combat skills have also been significantly improved. When facing monsters, you can always attack the monster's weaknesses, and even use skills to cut off the magic stones on the monsters. This skill The growth is definitely not something that ordinary Level 2 can achieve."

The smoothness when killing monsters, killing the oncoming monsters with almost no pause and the least consumption, is a skill that cannot be mastered in a short time.

Hephaestus was also worried that Bell would focus on magic, so she reminded Bell that he needed to pay attention to skill training.

But did her reminder last long?

In just one week, Bell was reminded that he had demonstrated a level beyond imagination in the field of skills.

So Hephaestus has reason to make a more comprehensive judgment on Bell's skills.

"…"I think that in addition to his personal efforts, Bell's technical growth should also have a lot to do with his skills."

"You mean, the "personal training" that Bell saw? Isn't that precocious skill only for the growth of ability value?"

"The description of the skill did not include that part. The subsequent remarks on that skill only contained the word "premature". Therefore, the scope of that skill may not only cover the field of "ability value", but may also cover "skills", and even more fields that we can't think of. "

.......I go!?

Hestia, who understood the meaning of these words, couldn't help it.

Hestia originally felt that she had overestimated Mr. Bell's skill level, but who knew that she actually underestimated it.

"This, this is too broad, isn't it?"

"Then do you have a way to explain why Bell mastered so many "skills" so quickly?"

Hestia was immediately silenced by Hefei's question.

Of course she couldn't give any explanation, after all, even she didn't know how Mr. Bell grew up so fast.

But if Mr. Bell's skill "Personal Training" is also effective in learning skills, then this will clarify the reason for Mr. Bell's amazing growth rate.

If that was the case, then she was sure that Mr. Bell's awakened skills were too innovative.

Not only is it of great help in improving "ability value", but it can also take shortcuts in improving "skills". This skill is really too much.

However, before Hestia could completely calm down, there was already a call from Bell.

[Lord God, something happened on the 18th floor. I am going to start capturing the scene. 】

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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