I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 245 Two Key Figures

Arriving at the room where the smell of blood was particularly strong, Finn stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, and the smell of blood almost hit his face.

The tragic scene in the room immediately came into view.

On the ground was the body of a man wearing only underwear. Half of the man's head had been crushed, and the crushed parts were scattered on the ground.

But there was a man sitting on the bed in the room. This man was Willy, the owner of "Willy's Hotel".

Now he is sitting on the bed with a sad face, thinking about life.

"Ah...why did such a thing happen in my hotel?"

It's not good news for an adventurer to die in his own hotel. He pointed to this hotel to make money. Now, if something like this spreads in "Rivera Street", it will definitely have a great impact on the hotel's business.

Listening to the resentful complaints, Finn could completely feel how much resentment this person had from his words.

But just by looking at the corpse on the ground, you can understand why he has so much resentment.

If something like this happens in any hotel - I'm afraid it's not a good experience.

But before he could ask the question, a somewhat agitated voice came from outside.

"Hey! It's forbidden to enter here now!"

But it’s no wonder.

An adventurer was killed by someone who didn't know where he came from. It turned out that the hotel had been arranged so that no one could come in. But as soon as he turned around, someone broke into the place where no one could come in.

Anyone would be annoyed in such a situation.

Finn looked back at the familiar figure and spoke immediately.

"Long time no see, Bos."

"...It's you, Finn.

The irritation just now turned into speechlessness after seeing the person, and Bosi couldn't help but complain in his heart, "Why does this person always appear at such a time?"

Finn didn't really care about the other party's dislike.

"Boss, we plan to stay here for a while. In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, how about we also come to help?"

Looking at the bodies on the ground, Bosi was helpless. It would be a good thing if this matter could be solved as soon as possible.

But facing Finn, Bos still looked down on him with a smile.

"You're as eloquent as ever, Finn."

Finn didn't care much about that dislike. After all, "Rivera Street" was under the jurisdiction of the other party, so it was not without reason that the other party hated their presence.

Of course, although there are clearly defined levels of adventurers in "Rivera Street", compared to Orario, "Rivera Street" built in a dungeon does not have such high standards. The strongest adventurer It is only at the level of Level 3, and Boss Elger is the de facto leader of this street.

Now a group of higher-level adventurers have come to "Rivera Street", but their status is inexplicably lower. As the leader of this street, it's strange that Bos would be so angry.

It's just that Finn doesn't care much about this. He himself is not a regular resident of "Rivera Street". The reason why he got involved in this incident is just to avoid more trouble.

As the leader of the Loki Familia, Finn is still very tolerant.

Finn turned his head and looked at the body on the ground.

"Boss, do you have any clues about the adventurer who was killed and the murderer who committed the crime?"

Bosi nuzzled at the man sitting on the bed.

"Willy, don't hold your head and complain over there. Say something quickly."

The man who was holding his head raised his head with a look of pain and sorted out his words.

"Yesterday, this man and a woman in robes came to rent a room from me. However, the man was wearing a helmet and the woman was wearing a hood, and you couldn't see their faces. Even if you saw them again, you couldn't confirm their identities.

Finn nodded clearly and looked at the man who died wearing a pair of underwear. It seemed that he had been killed by the woman before he even started.

"Two people came to rent a house together, so where is the woman in the robe? Since she left, you should be able to see it."

Willy turned his head in embarrassment and didn't dare to look into Finn's eyes, but when he thought about what happened in his hotel this time, he might not be able to catch that person if he didn't explain clearly. In that case, , his hotel will be even worse.

“I……was not at the hotel at the time.

Finn sighed involuntarily. Looking at Willy's hesitant expression, he knew what had happened.

"So, that woman is very beautiful?"

"That goes without saying! That woman definitely looks like a good woman!"

Willy, who was still feeling sad and melancholy just now, seemed to be ignited by emotions, and his voice was a decibel louder.

The key is that Willy's nose gets longer when he talks.

…………Please give me flowers…………

"Oh! I also saw it yesterday. That woman didn't wear a lot of clothes, and her figure was amazing!"

When this topic was brought up, Bosi's nose, which had been a bit serious just now, suddenly grew longer, and a smile that all men knew was on his face.

How disgusting!

Tione and Tiona couldn't help but cast disdainful looks, as if they were looking at the dirtiest thing.

Bos and Willy, who felt the gaze behind them, quickly corrected their attitudes. It was not appropriate to say these words in front of a woman.

Finn understood when he looked at the two men's condition.

"So, you didn't know when the woman left after that?"

Willy nodded sadly.

"The room here makes noises that can be heard outside, and I don't want to hear those noises outside. So I went to the bar to kill time at that time.


"By the way, I remember that after the couple, there was another adventurer wearing a cloak and a hood who rented a house together, and he was right next to the couple.

This kind of thing is actually very common in "Rivera Street". As long as you pay enough money, some adventurers can also find some ways to hide their identity.

As a dog person, your sense of smell is your weapon.

"It seems that the person who knows about this situation is not only the woman in the robe who is with this man, but also an adventurer who lives next door."


Willy paused when he said this.

...They paid a higher price, what can I do?”

But when he came back, Willy smelled the strong smell of blood with his nose. At that time, he really didn't want to be a dog man, at least then his nose would not be so sensitive.

Finn also felt that he might not be able to find anyone.

"Where is the registration of residence?"

Tione, who was standing near the door, went directly to the next room.

"Captain, there is no one next door."

After getting the answer, Tione immediately returned to the next door to report to the group leader.

"But when I came back two hours later, I smelled a strong smell of blood, which burned my nose."

"Yes, Captain."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me some reviewers.

After lifting the curtain, no one could be seen.

This is really unexpected news.

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