I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 246 Incident Escalation

"What are the characteristics of the man behind?"

"The same cloak and hood, just like the woman in the robe, almost blocking everything about herself. But the man behind is not very tall, and...that man always gives me the feeling strange."

Now I think of the last man who rented the house behind, Willie, who always felt that there was something strange, but he just couldn't put it out right away.

Finn immediately focused his attention, and often the strange parts in this part were clues.

"What's weird?"

"Well... now when I think back to that person, I always have a vague feeling, and the impression is even less profound."

Willy didn't know if this was a strange place, but he still expressed the problem he felt.

In retrospect, it was vague and the impression was even less profound.

Finn's face suddenly turned serious, and there was obviously something fishy about it.

As the owner of the hotel in the security zone on the 18th floor, how could he not remember even one person? It would be really strange if there wasn't something weird here.

It can make memories blurred and become very blurry when recalled. This effect is either magic or medicine.

But, is there any value in using medicine for such a low-level adventurer with little strength?

Then, it is very likely that it is the effect of magic.

But, what kind of magic can produce such an effect?

Finn couldn't help but flash a figure in his mind.

"It's him?"

Finn suddenly thought of the only person in his memory who would do such troublesome things, but has that person really reached the eighteenth floor?

Fenn couldn't give an accurate answer to the answer he thought of. After all, he didn't know the position of the other party, so he could only guess.

Finn temporarily stopped worrying about the identity of the man behind him, shook his head slightly, and changed the topic back.

"The key now is the woman in the robe. Even if she is not the murderer, she is definitely the one who knows the best."

"Moreover, everything belonging to men in the room was cut open and searched aside. It seems that the murderer must be looking for something.

"The murderer probably found nothing in the end, so he crushed the man's head to vent his anger.

Bosi also thought seriously after listening to Finn's analysis.

In fact, Burse's analysis just now seems to be correct, that is, Finn did not directly put the murderer on the woman. But Bos felt that there was a high probability that the woman in the robe was the murderer.

Of course, in addition to studying the purpose of the murderer, we also need to find out the identity of the deceased.

When Bosi thought of this, he poked his head out of the room to look at his little brother who was preparing things outside.

"Has the [unlocking medicine] not arrived yet?"

There were two people running over in a hurry outside, one of them holding a bottle in his hand.

"Mr. Bos, here's the "Unlocking Potion". "

Seeing Xibo Si, he was slightly relieved.

"Okay! Come quickly and open the "lock" on this guy's back. "

The man behind took the bottle containing the "unlocking medicine" and walked into the room and came to the man's body.

"[Unlocking drugs" I remember.........is illegal, right?"

Lefiya couldn't help but look at Bosi.

"Tch, why do you care about breaking the law at this time? Understanding the situation first is the key. Little elf girl, you must pay attention to a modification in everything."

What Bosi hates most are children who put "illegal" and "illegal" in their mouths. Those children are definitely not grown up. It is also troublesome to explain these things to those children.

Although "unlocking medicine" is illegal, it is not illegal when used in this special situation.

The dead cannot speak, so they need to use various means to make the dead speak.

"Lefia, you also need to start learning to be flexible."

Riveria didn't say anything "illegal" or anything like that. The current situation does require some changes, rather than maintaining rigid rules.


Lefiya was educated and immediately stopped talking.

The dogman squatting next to the man's body had already unscrewed the "unlocking potion" and dripped it on the man's back.

"Unlocking potion", as long as it is used in the correct sequence, can open the "lock" attached to the favor by the gods. It is an illegal alchemical product.

Soon a symbol of God's favor appeared on the back of the man's corpse.

"Both, it's ready."

The favor of the gods has appeared, and then as long as you find someone who can read the sacred texts, you can figure out the identity of the deceased...

"Then I'll go outside and find an elf who can read sacred texts."


Just as Bos was about to go out to find other elves who could read sacred texts, he was interrupted by Riveria.

"I can understand the sacred text, just let me read it."

Riveria came to the side of the man's body and looked at the favor of the gods carefully. She soon confirmed the man's identity from the sacred text.

"Hasana Dorlia, belongs to the "Ganesha Familia".


Bosi's two younger brothers were the first to exclaim in surprise.

"Ganesha Familia!? Orario's high-ranking Familia!?"

This time, when the two of them looked at the man's body underground, their eyes showed panic besides shock.

In addition to Bosi's two younger brothers, Willy, the owner of this hotel, was almost scared to the point of losing his legs. He even murmured in disbelief, "The adventurer from the high-ranking family died in my hotel. Oh my god." Why am I so unlucky..."

Indeed, this is really unfortunate for a hotel.

If the adventurers of "Rivera Street" knew that Orario's upper-ranking family members, the adventurers of the Ganesha family members, died in the "Power Hotel", then he would not have any business in the future.

"Wait a minute! Isn't this name..."Go Fist Fighter"?"

Bosi remembered "Hasana Dorlia". 3.8 was still limited to the Ganesha family, so this person's identity was certain.

However, what he noticed was not the family to which the adventurer belonged, but the level of the adventurer himself.

"Isn't he Level 4? Why was he killed so easily here?"

This information made everyone present, including members of the Loki Familia, change their faces.

Because the identity of the deceased is different, the identity of the murderer also becomes different.

Finn's eyes scanned the room. Except for the fact that someone was dead, everything in the room was relatively tidy.

"If you kill a Level 4 adventurer in a room with no traces of battle, then the killer's strength must be at Level 5, or even above Level 5."

This information instantly escalated the incident.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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