I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 247 Smooth Bos

Finn carefully inspected the condition of the body.

The neck was twisted almost instantly by the huge force, and even the skin tissue of the other party could not be seen under the fingernails. This shows how hard the murderer's skin is, even Level 4 who is on the verge of death. None of the adventurers can sway the slightest bit.

From the other arrangements in the room, it seemed that they were all killed at once, and the battle did not even begin.

"Hasana was killed carelessly. The only person who could take action at that time was the woman in robes."

"Judging from the force of the attack, Hasana's neck was broken in an instant."

"If the adventurer were not the main attacking force, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to break the neck of the Level 4 adventurer in one go."

After saying that, Finn began to rummage through Hasana's pocket, which contained healing medicine, a map, and a mission commission.

Finn's eyes immediately noticed the commission, but as soon as he opened it, it was almost covered with Hasana's blood, which made the entire commission blurry to the point where he couldn't see a word clearly.

"It seems that Hassana should have received a commission, and he who was in charge of that thing was spotted by the woman in the robe.

"But judging from the fact that Hasana's body was vented, it seems that the other party did not find what they were looking for."

This is undoubtedly a big problem for the other party, but it is a very important indicator for them.

"Since the other party wants to get something from Hasana's hands even by killing people, then the other party will never let it go so easily. They must find out whose hands the thing is."

Finn's statement made Boss quickly realize a strong crisis, which made him look at Finn with horror on his face.

"Doesn't that mean that there is a Level 5 murderer on the 18th floor who is watching covetously?"


"Damn it!?"

In Bosi's mind, he almost imagined that all the adventurers on the 18th floor would be slaughtered by the Level 5 murderer.

Although they have a sufficient number, but now the enemy does not know where they are, and it has directly formed a state of "the enemy is in darkness and we are in the light", then how can we form a favorable organization to fight against the enemy?

So, you must find that woman!

Having formed this thought and answer, Boss immediately became serious and at the same time bent down to Finn.

"Finn, as the leader of Rivera Street, I am requesting help from the Loki Familia.

"I understand, our Loki family accepts this commission."

Finn thought for a moment before choosing to accept.

The murder of the adventurer in "Rivera Street" revealed the strangeness in every aspect, including the identity of the murderer and the purpose of the murderer. Finn always felt that there was a shocking secret hidden behind it all.

"Both, you go and gather the adventurers on the 18th floor first."

"The other party's purpose is to find something that has been transferred by Hassana, so what we need to do is to find that thing in advance...and this is what the other party wants us to do."

"I see."

Bosi nodded and turned to the two of his own people.

"You go and gather everyone together. There is no need to hide the murder. Let everyone be mentally prepared to avoid uncontrollable situations.

"Also, send all the incompetent people to a safe place."

"We'll go right away."

But after saying that, one of the humans looked at Finn carefully.

"Boss, do you think such a thing could be done by Loki's family?"

This stupid rhetoric made Bosi just roll his eyes and point at the five women of Loki's family.

"The woman in the robe we saw has a very good figure, so Hasana was seduced by her. But, how many of the Loki Familia do you think are good at seduction?"

The first ones pointed at were Riveria and Lefia, who were elves.

"Elves are a race that does not allow anyone else to touch them except those they recognize. Their race means that they cannot seduce."

After excluding the elves, there were two Amazons.

"Amazon are a race with bold personalities, and they also like to wear cool and revealing clothing. But see for yourself, will one of them be the woman we saw?"

The two boys unconsciously stared at Diona's iron-clad bust, then shook their heads repeatedly and denied it in unison.

"It's definitely not her!"

That firm denial was originally a very good thing, but it made the veins on Tiona's head beat wildly.

"Where are you bastards looking at and talking about?"

Lefia doesn't like to be judged, especially her figure, but she still knows not to let Diona rush at her at this time.

"Tiona, forget it."

Burse then pointed to another Amazon.

"As for the other figure, it's up to standard, at least on the same level as the woman in the robe, but..."

"What are you looking at!?"

Tione is not like Tiona. Her character is relatively more irritable. Faced with this kind of judgmental attitude, she will not tolerate these bastards.

After the two younger brothers left, Boss once again bowed his head to Finn and others.

Seeing Bos bow his head and apologize, Tiona and Tione, who were angry at being judged just now, calmed down a bit.

"Forget it, you'd better hurry up and get ready."

"As for the last one, she is the ace of Loki's family, the "Swordswoman" who is famous throughout Orario. She is the last person who is unlikely to do such a thing as seduction. "

Those powerful words made Bosi's younger brother subconsciously cover his lifeblood, and at the same time he shook his head repeatedly.

"Absolutely not her...Absolutely not her..."

"Now go and call everyone over. If they don't come over, then let that guy bear the crime of killing Level 4."

Of course, the two younger brothers didn't think that the "Sword Lady" was the seduced woman in robes, but they were slightly relieved, at least it was not at the hands of Loki's family.

Tiona was just angry that someone was talking about her figure. She didn't really want to cause trouble, so she quickly changed the subject with a smile.

Although the figures are very close, this kind of personality is definitely the type that makes men completely sluggish just looking at her.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS2: Let me ask, have I been bad at writing plots recently?

The two younger brothers felt a chill in their hearts, and they immediately nodded and went down to prepare.

"I'm sorry that my two younger brothers have such groundless doubts about you."

Bosi, who knew everything, also felt a chill, but he tried to pretend not to feel it and scolded his younger brother.

"My chastity belongs to the leader! If you dare to tell me whether you have it or not, I will cut off one of yours and chop it into pieces!"

"Have you seen it? Do you think it could be her with such a personality?"

This kind of personality is simply not suitable for seduction.

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