I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 248 An Uneasy Premonition

"It's begun."

Bell, who had been waiting high up for a long time, finally saw the adventurers blocking the hotel entrance and started to take action.

Bell could clearly sense that the adventurers in "Rivera Street" were rushing toward the central square at very fast speeds.

Even a few people from the Loki Familia took their things from the hotel to the square.

Bell's eyes quickly scanned the images of adventurers in the square. Most of the adventurers were wearing different styles of equipment and armor. The stolen armor that belonged to the deceased was actually not very special in style. If you didn't know it clearly, I'm afraid no one can tell the difference.

Of course, it is not true that no one can tell the difference. As long as the adventurer who has interacted with the dead can probably tell the difference.

"Is that why you deliberately stole the deceased's armor?"

Now Bell understood a little bit why the woman stole the deceased's armor, and also understood why the other party appeared in the crowd wearing the deceased's armor.

That woman did it on purpose.

If the key thing cannot be found on the dead person, it definitely means that the thing is in the hands of someone else. So how to get the thing back from the adventurer who contacted the dead person, you need to find that person first.

That's why he deliberately appeared in the crowd wearing the clothes of the deceased, just to expose the contacts.

"What a bold move."

"Facing an adventurer in the 18th floor safety zone, he actually did such a bold thing. It seems that he has enough confidence, and it also means that the things that need to be retrieved are important enough."

However, while feeling emotional, Bell also lamented that the opponent's luck was really bad.

This idea is correct. If she has the strength of Level 5, then that woman's action this time will definitely be successful.

Because there are no adventurers with strength above Level 5 in this safe zone.

But so did Bell's sigh.

Although the safe zone on the 18th floor really does not have adventurers with strength exceeding Lv.5, today we are lucky enough to welcome three Lv.5 adventurers and two Lv.6 adventurers. This is doomed. The woman's plan wasn't going to work this time.

Sure enough, as most of the adventurers began to gather in the square, Bell clearly felt that the other party's aura began to become irritable.

"It seems that the appearance of Captain Finn and the others was a big surprise for that woman."

But soon the irritable atmosphere began to stabilize.

"So fast?"

Bell was a little surprised at how quickly that woman calmed down.

If you can calm down so quickly when you know you are facing two Level 6s, there are only two possibilities.

One is resigned to his fate.

The other one is fully prepared.

Bell frowned and let go of his senses again. Soon he smelled a foul smell.

His eyes changed slightly, and he immediately wrote two runes to enhance his perception, and marked the stench in red.

"No wonder you calm down so quickly. Those piranha flowers are specially prepared for the two Level 6 opponents, right?"

"What a shrewd woman."

Many of the piranha flowers Bell had seen appeared under the cliffs around "Rivera Street".

Bell has seen the strength of piranha flowers before. Even a Level 5 adventurer cannot take down those piranha flowers without using weapons.

The hardness of the piranha rhizomes and flower buds is completely prepared for first-level adventurers, almost completely restraining adventurers who do not use magic swords and non-first-level weapons.

Therefore, Finn and Riveria must separate and face the piranha flowers that ordinary adventurers cannot deal with, otherwise all the adventurers in "Rivera Street" will be slaughtered by the piranha flowers. .

This approach did not give Finn and Riveria any choice from the beginning.

They can only choose hard connection.

Finn, who was sitting in the center of the square leaning on his spear, frowned.

He looked at the adventurers crowded in the square, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.


He was actually prepared for a riot to occur before gathering the adventurers, but the riot did not occur. Instead, all the adventurers gathered in the square.

Although he wasn't boasting, Finn didn't think anyone wouldn't know that he and Riveria were here.

If it's only Level 5, it's not impossible to capture them with the strength of the two of them.

It should be said that as long as the other party jumps out, the fate of being caught is waiting.

So why didn't the other party escape?

There are only two conceivable answers.

The first is that it was too late, too late to cause a disturbance, and the best opportunity to escape was missed.

Unfortunately, this doesn't hold true for Finn.

Hasana was killed two hours ago. Even if it was to investigate which adventurer was Hasana's contact, all preparations needed to be made.

Therefore, in Fenn's opinion, the other party has enough time to prepare for action and escape after taking action, and will not miss the opportunity to escape.

Then the answer can only be the second one.

The woman was sufficiently prepared that she was able to escape unscathed even when facing Liya and him.

"Finn, what's wrong?"

Seeing Finn's serious expression, Riveria came over and asked in a low voice.

Finn did not speak, but his expression became more solemn.

"Riveriya, Hasana's armor was also stolen, right?"

"Oh, yes.

"So what did Burce and Willie say?"

"It was a very ordinary and common armor style, not so conspicuous. Both of them said that style was very common in "Rivera Street". "

But Finn shook his head slightly at this answer.

"It's not that the style of armor is very common, it's that they don't remember the details of the armor."

"Both and Willy saw Hasana and the woman at the same time, but both Both and Willy's attention was attracted by the woman, so they knew the woman in detail, but about Hamana's armor But it just uses a very common word to describe money."

In fact, there is nothing abnormal about this. Even adventurers, not everyone has a very good memory.

Sometimes when someone's attention is drawn to you by a more conspicuous person, you will inevitably overlook things that you didn't pay much attention to before.

"Both and Willy didn't notice the details of Hasana's armor because they didn't need to focus on the details of an adventurer, and they didn't know that Hasana would die."

"However, someone can clearly know the details of Hasana's armor, because that person has the same mission as Hasana. In order to connect with Hasana, that person will remember the details of Hasana's armor in more detail, so as to facilitate They connect it."

"So, now that we have announced the news of Hasana's death, what if the adventurers who gathered here after hearing the news noticed that someone in the crowd was wearing Hasana's armor?


Riveria's expression suddenly changed.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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