In fact, it has been seen.

At this moment, the adventurer who had just handed over things to Hasana not long ago had arrived at the square, and had already seen someone wearing Hasana's armor among the crowd.

At this moment, her whole body was trembling, and her heartbeat was so fast that she could not help but cry out in fear.

But her reason restrained her instinct.

Although she knew that causing a disturbance at this time was the best way to leave alive, what if that person just pampered her?

Can Lv. 6, who reacts only slightly too slowly, really react and save her before the other party kills her?

It's difficult.

Even she answered this in her own mind.

Although he has never seen the strength of Level 6, the murderer directly killed Hasana of Level 4. His strength must be at Level 5, or even above Level 5.

They are all strengths that she has never seen before, so who can guarantee that she can live safely?

"If I had known, I wouldn't have accepted this commission."

Only then did she realize how hot the task of handing over this joint was.

She should have reacted when she was entrusted in the guild before. With just one connection, she could earn 20 million phalis just by bringing things from the 18th floor to the ground. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

The difficulty of most adventurer's commissions is proportional to the reward. The higher the reward, the more difficult the task is, and may even involve the risk of death.

As an adventurer, she should be the one who understands this truth best.

But in the end, he was dazzled by the 20 million Faris.

I thought it was just a joint task, and I could earn 20 million Faris just by delivering things to the ground.

And the reality is telling her, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Not even half a day after she took the hot potato from Hasana, Hasana who was interacting with her was killed.

Therefore, the hot potato in her hand at this moment is completely a time bomb that will explode at any time.

If she is not careful, even she will be blown to pieces.

"Calm down, you must not be exposed at this time."

Although her heart was about to jump out of her throat, she was still trying to calm down her emotions.

As long as she doesn't want to encounter Hasana, then what she needs to do at this time is to calm down.

After calming down, the girl tried her best to squeeze forward. As long as she squeezed to the front of the crowd, she would at least be safer.

But just as she was doing this, the woman who had been paying attention to the strange emotions of the people around her had already discovered her.

"It turns out it's really here."

A light and gentle voice came from a man wearing male armor.

But the people around him didn't pay attention, and most of the people here were people, and the sound in the square was also noisy. Even if someone really noticed it, they probably wouldn't be able to determine the source of the sound at once.

"That would save me a lot of work."

At this moment, the woman no longer intends to wait for the opportunity to act.


The ground shook like an earth dragon turning sideways. Dozens of piranha plants emerged from under the ground, and some even rose from the cliffs around "Rivera Street".

And the woman has only one order for these piranha flowers.

"Kill everyone!"

"Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

A sound like the roar of a wild beast resounded throughout the eighteenth floor, and at the same time, the hearts of everyone on this floor dropped to the bottom of the valley.

"New species!"

Finn and Riveria's hearts sank to the bottom.

"We're in big trouble."

Riveria took a deep breath, she already felt that things were moving in the most uncontrollable direction.

"Now is not the time to say these words. The purpose of those piranha flowers is to distract us so that we can attack the adventurers in the meeting."

"But if we insist on staying here, I'm afraid all the ordinary people in "Rivera Street" will die. That woman definitely gave us a death order (chcj) to attract us away. "

The situation in front of him was so serious that Fenn immediately analyzed the results.

But facing such a situation, he and Riveria were at their wits' end. Facing so many piranhas that only first-level adventurers could deal with, they couldn't stand still and take no action.

What's more important is that they are not sure who the contact person is.


The ground in the center of the square suddenly bulged, and several piranha flowers emerged from the ground.


Countless adventurers were thrown into the sky.


"Don't come over!"

For a time, the entire square was filled with various screams.

Finn could no longer think anymore. He quickly rushed forward with a spear in his hand, slashed across with a single shot, and chopped a piranha aimed at a female adventurer into two pieces.

Then Finn's voice immediately echoed throughout the square.

"Everyone take up arms!"

All the adventurers suddenly picked up their weapons.

"Tiona, Tione, you are responsible for cleaning up the piranha flowers at the entrance."

Finn stepped forward, holding a spear in his hand, and with a thrust, he deflected the Piranha's attack.

Tiona, Tione, Ais and Lefiya have all started to take action.

"Other adventurers should avoid using magic casually. Those guys are particularly sensitive to magic and magic stones.

The adventurers on the 18th floor are not all a group of weak ones. Except for those Lv.1, most of the adventurers have experienced a lot of fighting monsters, so it is more beneficial for them to disperse quickly. terrain.

"Facing dusk, trap the strong wind."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"The harbinger of the end, the white snow."

With Finn's command, all the adventurers quickly picked up their weapons and began to disperse around as if they had a backbone.

Riveria, on the other hand, has already started singing.

"Ais, Lefiya, you are responsible for the piranha behind the street."


"Ecstasy Finbulwinter!"

Three layers of cold air blew towards the piranhas from different directions, freezing all the piranhas in the square into ice sculptures almost instantly.

"Rivelia, you are responsible for the piranha that is still in the street."

With the help of the twist of the body, he rounded the spear and smashed the other two piranha flowers, forcing three piranha flowers to stop in an instant.

Although there are still many piranha flowers around "Rivera Street" that are destroying and killing, at least the square can be saved.

The moment he felt the fluctuation of magic power, the piranha in the square aimed directly at Riveria and bit it.

"The closed light, the frozen earth. Snow blowing all over the sky, three severe winters——My name is Alf!"

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