I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 254 Mi Niu’S Experiment


A barking Minotaur rushed towards Bell with its fangs and claws bared.


With just a flash of sword light, a two-meter-tall rice cow was cut open from the head, and blood spilled on the ground.

Bell silently concluded.

"Frenzy doesn't work well."

"Monsters in frenzy tend to behave more impulsively, and their excitement lasts too long, making it impossible to restrain their actions."

After several experiments in madness, Bell gave up his expectation of monsters becoming mad.

Maybe the monsters that become mad are more aggressive.

However, this kind of aggressiveness only increases the frequency of attacks within the level range, but does not increase one's own power explosively.

Then Bell provoked another Mi Niu, and after immobilizing it with runes, he used other runes to "ripen" its life, compressing its life to the maximum, so that its ability would be at a certain level. The progress within the time period is high.


Mi Niu's whole body turned blood red, and both his hair and the horns on his head began to change.

"Well, the aura has become a lot stronger, close to the limit of Level 2.'

Although 080 did not break through to Lv.3, this experiment showed that such an operation is feasible.

As long as the monster is "ripened" and the brilliance of its life is forcibly sublimated in a short period of time, the monster's strength can be improved in a short period of time.

"By the way, this Minotaur looks a bit familiar."

With its red fur all over its body and even its red horns, isn't this the same cow that appears in the original work and is affectionately called "Mi Niang"?

Bell's brows raised.

The dungeon has the concept of reincarnation, and reincarnation is conditional on the memory of past battles with humans. The new concept life that was born has the appearance of a monster, but has the wisdom of a human being.

This kind of life is commonly known as "heretic" in the underground city.

They are not welcomed by adventurers, nor are they welcomed by the monsters on the floor.


"Then the monsters will have a certain soul, and the dungeon will put these souls back into the bodies of the new monsters."

Bell dragged his chin and thought for a moment.

"As expected, it's still very troublesome."

The monsters killed by you will appear in front of you as "heretics".

(chdj) Just thinking about this scene made Bell feel "trouble".

So in order to avoid that situation, Bell added three runes to the knife.

At the same time, Bell's conscious time temporarily stopped.

Secret Sword One

With time almost standing still, Bell swung his knife quickly.

The first cut is his foundation, but the second cut is his breakthrough.

——Yan Hui!

The cross sword light almost ignored the laws of space and time, just like two swords attacking at the same time, directly killing the red mutated Mi Niu.

This is another improvement in Bell's skills.

In the past, all he could do was to wield his ultimate sword while time and space were distorted.

That was Yan Hui's introduction, and he did it only after he accepted the swordsman's life.

The second knife was completed a few days ago, almost with a full sense of urgency, and Bell was eager for strength.

The desire for power is the key to advancing skills.

After understanding this, Bell did not stop his desire for power, but he imposed a limit on his desire.

Excessive desire is often not a condition for one's own progress, but can instead be the cause of arrogance and degeneration.


The beheaded red rice cow did not die immediately, but the rice cow also completely lost its color because it lost the most important part.

Bell nodded slightly when he saw this.

"An important part of my soul has been shattered."

"It is impossible for such a soul to be reincarnated and become a heretic."

Soon the alienated Miniu lost his life, and it was only at this time that Bell took away the magic stone from Miniu's body.

As the magic stone was taken away, the scattered body fragments turned into a pile of white ash, but the pair of bright red horns were unusually eye-catching among the white ash.

After putting it into the four-dimensional space, Bell continued to look for the next Mi Niu for testing.

After another test on forty rice cows, Bell came to the conclusion.

It does not mean that compressing life to the limit can exert maximum power. Power requires life, so life needs to be compressed within the range that can be fought.

Therefore, there is a peak in this compression of life.

Bell needs to suppress the monster's life time within the peak range, so that the monster can be maximized.

After so many attempts and research, Bell finally succeeded.

A rice cow whose fur all over its body turned bright red and whose eyes only contained whales was created.

But the level of this rice cow is not Lv.2, but Lv.3.

It officially transcended the limitations of Miniu itself and turned it into a higher level monster.

Bell smiled with satisfaction at this result.

"It worked."

Three simple words gave him the most practical reward.


The alienated Mi Niu was howling angrily, and there were some cracks in the restraints of his body.

Bell was not surprised at all by this scene.

Bell has still stripped the magic stone from the flesh and blood of the rice cow, and put the 41st horn that fell into the white ashes into the four-dimensional space.

"The fur becomes sharper and becomes a natural defense tool."

The method to make monsters cross levels was obtained from Miniu.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The hard flesh and blood did not block Bell's "Nine Characters and Settlement" for the rice cow. Almost instantly, the body of the rice cow was scattered on the ground, until its life was completely extinguished.

But Miniu at Level 3 has the power to break free from the constraints.

Now I have the necessary conditions to participate in the expedition.

"The next step is to increase the ability value to the limit and look for opportunities to obtain karma during the expedition in the near future."

No matter how hard Miniu struggles at Level 2, it will be of no use, and the power of restraint is still restraining him.

"Now it's really finished."

You can see it from the struggle of the rice cow in front of you.

"Sure enough, Lv.3 is still fundamentally different from Lv.2."

The cross sword flashed away.

"But the distance between you and me has not changed."

From the fetus of "Filthy Fairy", a method of controlling it was found.

“It’s simply a qualitative leap.”

Bell gave the highest praise to the growth of the rice cow in front of him.

"The muscle tissue has also become tighter. In addition to its amazing defensive power, it also has stronger attack power. Even its flexibility and mobility have increased a lot."

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