I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 255 Another Shocking Revelation

Three days had passed since the "Rivera Street" incident, and Bell returned to Orario from the underground city.

After leaving the dungeon, Bell rushed back immediately.

When no one noticed, Bell returned to the "Hestia Familia".

But just after entering the great barrier, Bell discovered two more gods and two adventurers.

"In addition to God Hermes, is it possible that even God Loki is here?"

After noticing this, Bell quickly entered the "big tree house".

As soon as you entered the "big tree house", you saw two gods sitting opposite the Lord God and God Hephaestus. It was the God Hermes and the God Loki.

And the three guardians standing behind them.

The "Mud Dog" at Lv. 3, the "Almighty One" at Lv. 4, and the "Ferocious Wolf" at Lv. 5~.

At this moment, Bell's entrance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Hermes looked at Bell who came back with interest.

Loki looked at Bell who came back with some scrutiny.

The gazes of these two gods made Bell himself, who was watching, feel confused.

"Lord God, I'm back."

"Oh! Mr. Bell, I miss you so much!"

Hestia has no burden of being a god's idol at all. When Bell said, "I'm here, she couldn't help but pounce on him."

During this period of time, because Mr. Bell was going to the middle-level strategy, she had been sitting at home doing nothing for several days.

Coupled with what happened in the safe zone on the 18th floor, Hestia had to endure it for a long time before suppressing the urge to call Mr. Bell back.

Although it is very exciting to be hit by Lord Kami's ball, now seems not to be the time to do such things.

With a little regret, he pulled Lord God out of his arms and asked with a little confusion.

"Lord Shangshen, why is Luo Shen here too today?"

"Ah, Loki said she came to you to ask for clues about her family of adventurers."

Ask for clues?

"I see, there is information about the Loki Familia's ace, "Swordswoman" Ais Wallenstein.

Bell thought about it and became curious.

"God Loki, why do you want to ask me about the Sword Lady? The information I know about the Sword Lady is the most free information in the world.

Loki didn't beat around the bush, but got straight to the point.

"It's about what happened in "Rivera Street." After that, Aisitan has been very weird since he came back, so I want to ask, besides the inexplicable guy bullying Aisitan, what else happened?"

Only then did Bell understand the reason for God Loki's arrival.

"If it is this matter, then it should have a certain relationship with the things I have been researching and investigating recently."

Immediately, Si'er looked at Lulune next to God Hermes.

"Of course, the most fundamental reason lies in the young lady from the Hermes family who accepted the task of transporting goods."


Lulune pointed at herself innocently, and suddenly cold sweat kept falling down. She waved her hands repeatedly at the stall where Loki God's eyes swept across.

"I don't know, I really don't know anything."

"I just heard that the remuneration for the commission was very high, so I took it. I didn't know anything about it.

Bell also agreed with Lulune's words.

"You really don't know anything. If you know some inside information, you will most likely die.

The first half of the sentence made Lulune breathe a sigh of relief, but the second half made her spine shiver.

Bell continued on this topic.

“The origin of everything lies in the hidden truth behind the commission you accept.

"The "Sword Queen" was severely educated on the 18th floor. The opponent obviously had the strength to kill the "Sword Queen", but he just wanted to take the "Sword Queen" away with strong means. "

"Those piranha flowers hiding in Orario's underground waterways."

"All origins are here."

Bell snapped his fingers, and the green jade fetus stored in the four-dimensional space appeared in Bell's hands.

"It is the root of everything, and it is also the third force in the dungeon that I recently investigated besides adventurers and dark factions."

This series of bombardments made Hermes' smile freeze.

"...Zeus, what did you bastard teach this kid?"

He couldn't imagine why this kid who had just become an adventurer could say the words "a third party force in the dungeon."

Loki's whole body was completely stiff.

She came here this time to tentatively ask Bell if he knew anything, but she just didn't expect Bell to reveal such shocking information.

…Please give me flowers…

"Third-party forces? What exactly did you investigate?"

Bell is really innocent about this.

He really didn't intentionally research in that direction, but there were some things that he could really tell the reasons for, and he could really prove what he said.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the pill price.

"At the previous "Monster Festival", there were already many piranha flowers hidden in the underground waterways. Those gods and organizations affiliated with the dark factions do not need to entrust others to do some secret things. "

"Obviously, the person who entrusted the Lv. 4 Ganesha Familia to go to the deep layers to retrieve something was not an ordinary person. That person knew that there was a great turmoil in the dungeon, and he also knew that this thing existed on a certain floor of the dungeon. And you can also issue secret commissions.”

Yasifei pushed up her glasses, raised her hand, and asked her question.

"I didn't investigate anything, I just learned some things in the process of researching and looking for solutions."

"It's an easy question because it's not necessary."

"And I think that the dark faction and the third party forces in the dungeon are in a mutually beneficial relationship at this moment, so I made a judgment."

After thanking the "Almighty One" for his addition, Bell continued.

"So, I guess the other party is either from the dark faction or from the guild."

"Thanks for the addition."

"The murder occurred on the 18th floor three days ago. The victim was confirmed to be Level 4. I haven't confirmed who it was specifically. Song heard that he was a member of the Ganesha Familia.

"Why can you be sure that the other party is not a member of the dark faction?"

Hestia obediently returned to her seat, and Bell began to explain further.

""Gang Fist Fighter" Hasana Dorlia. "

I also know that this matter is a trouble, but considering what happened recently, I think this may be the key to future troubles. "

"Lord God, please sit down in your seat first. I will explain it carefully next."

"But through my judgment, I can now confirm that the other party is from the guild."

"That mysterious client is not a member of the dark faction, but a member of the guild."

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