I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 256 The Power Of The Guild In The Dungeon

"As for why I say that the dark faction and the third force in the dungeon have a mutually beneficial relationship, then my guess is that the biggest reason is "the same interests."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least until the enemy is completely dead, my enemy's enemy will be the most reassuring partner."

It's not a particularly complicated reason, it's just a simple "identity of interests."

Yasifei heard clearly and understood why Bell made such a judgment, but she also raised another question.

"Then why does the guild know so much information?"

"According to what you just said, the members of the guild knew that this thing appeared on a certain floor of the dungeon, and also issued a secret request for the Gangfist fighters of the "Ganesha Familia" to retrieve it. So the guild is How do you know something like that?”

"If there is a connection between the dark sect and the third-party force in the dungeon you mentioned, they would not let people know about "963" so easily. But why does the guild still know about it?"

Bell nodded slightly and quickly gave the answer.

"Actually, the answer is very simple."

"Because the guild has its own unique power in the dungeon."


This answer made both Loki and Hermes open their mouths in shock.

The guild has its own power in the dungeon? If this news reaches Orario, it will really explode.

The person who dominates everything in the guild is Ouranos, and Uranus promised that the guild would not support its own troops, which means that the guild theory does not have its own power, let alone the sphere of influence in the dungeon.

"Please wait."

Asifei was also speechless for a long time because the content of the topic was so scary.

"God Ouranos once said that the guild would not have its own adventurer organization. Have you judged that God Ouranos lied?"

Bell just shook his head slightly.

"Adventurer organization? "Almighty One", do you think the adventurer forces can investigate important information from under the noses of the dark factions and the third-party forces I speculated?"

"The guild's power in the dungeon is just a guess on my part, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is only one possibility, otherwise the guild would not know so much information about the dungeon."

The topic paused for a moment, and Bell turned to ask "the question of the Almighty."

"Almighty, then if the guild really has its own power in the dungeon, who do you think they are?"

This question made Asfi ponder.

Although Bell's guess just now was partly a "guess", there were many parts that were consistent with the facts. It was even said that Bell's guess might be mostly correct, so she couldn't help but analyze the situation carefully.

However, it is really difficult to investigate important information among the dark factions in the dungeon and the third party forces Bell mentioned.

That's not what adventurers can do.


Yasifei was startled. Suddenly she raised her head and looked at Bell. She understood why Bell asked her, because the answer was terrible.

"You mean...monster."

This answer made the entire "Big Tree House" feel extremely quiet.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Bell who asked the question.

Bell, who was stared at by everyone, certainly did not disappoint everyone.

"Yes, the final answer is monsters."

"The objects that can be investigated for information in the dungeon without being suspected are monsters."

"Even if the dark factions and third-party forces discover the existence of monsters, they will never regard the common monsters in dungeons as guild forces."

"In fact, as long as the monsters don't bother them, they won't even clean up the waste. 7"

The monster turned out to be the guild's power in the dungeon.

This answer is simply ridiculous and ironic.

At least that's what it seems to Loki and Hermes. As the oldest god, Uranus's trick is really a slap in the face.

"No wonder the guild directly stated that it would not support its own troops. Monsters are indeed not adventurers. It is no wonder that so many gods don't know where the "eyes" of the Great God Ouranos come fromJ

Now Loki finally understood what was going on.

He even talked about why the guild had such a clear understanding of the dungeon.

Even though the guild has released tasks related to dungeon map drawing in the past, a large part of the information is still provided by the guild, and there is also some very important information on the distribution of monsters.

So all this information was investigated by adventurers commissioned by the guild?

Perhaps the eyes in the dungeon are the reason why the guild can really know so much.

Hermes was also surprised by this answer, because he felt that this answer might be the reason why the great god Uranus knew so much secret information.

"Monster, this answer is indeed something I didn't expect."

Yasi Fei also felt that this answer was incredible in her heart, but if it was really the answer, then the reason why the guild could understand the dungeon so well would have been found...

"But how does the guild train monsters to the point where they can investigate intelligence?"

When he heard this, the corners of Bell's eyes twitched slightly. He felt that the Almighty was definitely thinking in the wrong direction.

"Asfi, the monsters Bell is talking about are not the monsters in the dungeon that chase adventurers just after looking at them. Those things don't have any brains no matter how much they are trained, and even if they can collect information, there is nothing they can do about it. Make it clear.”

Hermes also answered after his captain asked this question.

“It’s not just a matter of communication, it’s also an issue of investigation.

Loki also saw the crux of this problem.

"No matter how powerful the beast tamers are, they will never be able to make the monsters go to the dungeon to collect intelligence according to their wishes. So those monsters are definitely not the brainless things in the dungeon, but have the ability to think and have the ability to think. A special monster that affects people’s ability to communicate.”

...........But if it develops to that point, those monsters will actually no longer be monsters.

"Boy, is this what you mean?"

Bell smiled and nodded.

"That's what I meant."

"There are creatures with human-like intelligence in the dungeon. Those creatures may have a monster-like appearance, and may even have magic stones that monsters possess, but those creatures cannot continue to be classified as "monsters." "

"To put it bluntly, I think they 0.4 are more like a type of sub-human, like "the adults and the werewolves are almost the same concept."

Loki sighed slightly, covering her face and unable to say the next words.

But Hermes took up the topic.

"Mr. Bell, it's best not to let others hear your words like this.

“In the perception of most people in Orario, ‘monsters’ are ‘monsters’.

Bell naturally knows this. The idea that "monsters" are "monsters" is actually similar to "people who are not my species must have different minds." He also has this idea.

So Bell smiled calmly.

"Of course I know, so I won't tell anyone these words."

"It's just that the guild and the Ganesha Familia don't think so."

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

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