I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 257 Invisible Terrorists

“The guild and the Ganesha Familia have the same idea as me.

"They also believe that those "monsters" with ordinary people's rationality should also be included in the category of subhumans. Otherwise, why would the Ganesha Familia know the secrets of the guild so early?"

Hermes and Loki paused for a moment, and the two gods locked their eyes on Bell at the same time, obviously wanting to ask for an answer.

It seemed that neither God Hermes nor God Loki knew.

This is really amazing news.

"God Hermes, God Loki, please imagine who is entrusted to retrieve this treasure this time?"

"He is from the Ganesha family."

"Then, this kind of thing must be hidden in a very hidden place. So do you think this thing was found by the Ganesha family? No, it should be more like being guided by the creatures in the dungeon to get it back. .”

"Otherwise, the pursuers might have snatched the fetus back earlier."

Bell didn't say anything else, he simply said what he knew and it tied the story together.

"indeed so."

Asfi held her chin and looked at the green gem on the table. The unknown life form in it was obviously very important to the third party forces in the dungeon, otherwise they would not have sent people to hunt down Hassan. Accept.

"If this is something so important that you have to get it back even if you kill someone, then this thing must be hidden in a safe place. In that case, even taking it away will not be easy."

"But Hasana successfully took away the things and was killed by the people who caught up behind him after completing the handover on the 18th floor."

"With such a long process, if there is no one around to help guide the way, one person will never be able to complete such a task so easily."

After finishing speaking, her eyes focused on Lord Hells.

That look was like saying, "Lord Hermes, the guild and the Ganesha Familia are definitely having an affair."

Hermes was silent for a while before speaking.

"That muscular funny man has been hanging around us for so long."

Just as Yasifei and Mr. Bell said, a Level 4 person was chased and killed in such a short time, but he was able to successfully find the entrusted target and successfully take away the things. It is definitely not easy for one person to do this. kind of situation.

Therefore, the great god Ouranos and the funny guy Sa came together from the very beginning.

He, who prides himself on being smart, has only now seen things clearly.

This is simply the greatest irony for a smart man like him.

Bell continued to add fuel to the fire.

"God Loki, do you remember who proposed the "Monster Festival"?"


"Then who made the preparations?"

“Isn’t it Ganesha!”

Loki's face twitched, and she finally reacted, "Monster Festival"!?

"Damn! If you put it that way, hasn't the guild already been involved with Ganesha?"

The "Monster Festival" launched by the guild, and Ganesha supported it so vigorously, it must be those two people who know the power of the guild in the dungeon that this boy mentioned.

She covered her face.

She was really speechless at this moment.

After listening to Dionysus' words before, she had doubted whether the shady plot was the guild. Who knew that the secrets hidden by the guild might be related to the sane "monsters" in the dungeon.

So, the reason why the great gods Ouranos and Ganesha work together is to classify those unpopular "monsters" into subhumans?

Loki smiled bitterly and expressed his discomfort.

Knowing this doesn't mean it's a good thing, because it's obviously a big pit.

The children in the lower world have long been accustomed to treating "monsters" as objects of hunting. Now that they are told that among the "monsters" there are some special species that have developed rationality and are classified as "subhumans", it is estimated that the children in the lower world are It's going to explode completely.

"This kind of troublesome thing will definitely cause a huge mess."

Hermes also agreed with a tired heart.

"The children in the lower world will probably continue to hunt these "monsters" as rare species. No matter what, there will eventually be a complete break between the two parties.

"But now it is known that if the guild and Ganesha are on the side, many of the dependents on the ground may be in trouble."

Loki could already picture that tragic scene with his eyes closed.

Hestia asked carefully while sitting next to Hephaestus.

"Then there is no other way to prevent both sides from completely breaking off?"

"Of course, Lord God."

Hermes and Loki, who were about to say "no", paused for a moment, ready to hear what Bell was going to say.


"Of course it's true, but it's just a little too unscrupulous."

The method Bell said was not fake. He certainly knew some solutions, but it was just that the routine was too old.

"Lord God, humans will only truly unite when facing foreign enemies. Only when they are in desperate situations will they accept "monsters" in order to survive. "Monsters can provide them with the help they need to survive."

"So, as long as you disguise yourself as a dark faction, destroy more than half of the buildings in Orario, and kill half of the people in Orario, all the adventurers in Orario will think of the same problem."

""The dark faction is going to destroy Orario."

"As long as the people of Orario have this concept, and as long as the "monster" shows strong strength, rational consciousness, and the intention to cooperate, then the people of Orario will choose to accept it. "

..........I'm so crazy!?

Hermes looked at Bell who made this suggestion with a horrified expression.

"Bell-kun, your thoughts are even crueler than your aunt!" 110 "How did that old bastard Zeus teach you to be like this?"

Although Hermes was very sure of Bell's proposal just now.

If it is really based on the semi-destruction of Orario, then in order to survive, as long as those "monsters" can communicate, then the people of Orario will definitely accept the power of the "monsters" to strengthen themselves.

But that was based on almost destroying Orario.

Loki's face was also twitching at this moment. She watched Bell calmly say the suggestion of destroying half of Orario.

"Hey, are you the evil god or am I the evil god?"

"Why do I always feel like I'm not even as evil as you?"

Bell happily accepted.

"God Loki, thank you for your compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you!"

Although it was a bit strange, Loki couldn't help but ask a question in his mind.

"Boy, if Hestia asked you to destroy Orario, would you do it?"

This question made Bell silent for a moment, and then he gave an answer that stunned Hermes and Loki.

"It's not easy for me to cross the black dragon by myself, so I will advise Lord God to delay the plan to destroy Orario."

So, you have no objection!?

Hermes and Loki looked at Hestia at the same time. It seemed that they really needed to pay more attention in the future. There was an invisible terrorist here.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

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