I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 258 God Loki, I Hate Radical Methods

The shocking news is that there is also version 2.0.

Being able to propose half of the idea of ​​destroying Orario, and not objecting to the destruction of Orario at all, both Hermes and Loki understood Bell's subtext from this point.

"I'm not interested in Orario's life or death."

Maybe it wasn't said directly.

But there is not much difference between saying this and saying it directly.

"Boy, if Orario makes such a big fuss, do you think this place can still be peaceful?"

But Bell couldn't help but laugh.

"In fact, I have already dealt with the problem of God Loki."

"As long as this place is made outside the world, then the barrier of the world will become the wall of this place. I think God Loki should know about the barrier of the world, right?"

Loki lost his voice completely. Can this kid even do such a thing?

Making this place a world outside the world? Can such a crazy thing be done? How versatile is that text?

Could she not know about the world’s barriers?

Even if a god has infinite power, he cannot break through the world's barriers. That is not something that the world can allow as a god.

Not only the gods cannot do it, but also no one in this world can do it, because it is something that is not allowed by the world.

Therefore, once this place is made outside the world, the Hestia Familia will stand outside the world and will no longer be affected by Orario.

"God Loki, I like to be prepared. Before things go in a direction beyond my control, I will choose to make all the preparations I can.

"The safety of Lord God has always been my top priority."

"So, I've been thinking about how to make this place a complete haven."

"Just when I was thinking this, "The World" gave me the biggest reminder. Because only the "world" can restrict everyone, and only the world cannot be broken by any force, the fantasy of the alien world outside the world also arises."

Loki looked at the boy in front of him expressionlessly, roaring in his heart.

"NTM's thinking is too perverted!"

Because of the little dwarf's safety issues, we began to consider building this family's base outside the world? Do we also need to connect the barrier here to the world?

How crazy of a mind does this have to have to do such a crazy thing?

Hermes also felt that his blood vessels were beating too hard.

"Because you consider Hestia's safety, you want to build a family base outside the world? Is this an idea that normal people can have?"

"Bell's thoughts were already very strange before. Why does it seem to be getting worse now?"

"It's okay now, I can't provoke Hestia casually anymore."

Originally, Hermes planned to see how he could push the child forward, but now this method really didn't work.

It's not that it's impossible, it's that it's too dangerous.

Hermes couldn't imagine what kind of weird operations Bell would do out of consideration for safety issues.

He even has the idea of ​​establishing a family outside the world, and now he won't be surprised even if there are more bizarre operations.

"So, is it Zeus who is teaching this child? Or is Alguaia teaching him himself?"

"He is good at escaping and hiding. He inherited it from his father. His amazing talents and gifts come from his mother. That paranoia probably comes from his aunt."

"Unexpectedly, that old bastard Zeus raised the most terrifying one."

At this moment, Hermes was very convinced that Bell had inherited the good traits from her parents, while also retaining the bad character from her aunt.

"Maybe Bell-kun will become the second 'incarnation of talent'."

This is definitely a good thing for the times.

But whether this is a good thing for Orario is another question.

If nothing unexpected happens, then things will definitely move in a good direction.

But if some problems arise, Orario will definitely go far on the road to destruction.

Now Loki didn't want to think about whether this boy could do it.

Because she knew that this boy said such words, then he could definitely do it.

The key thing is that she knows that this kid has a special power. Through that power, he can simulate the power of all things. It is possible even to move the stronghold to a place where it will never be affected by the outside world.

But is the first thing a normal person thinks of is the outside world?

I always feel that it is better to skip this topic temporarily. If I continue to ask, I might dig out more information.

But the problem is that Loki feels like his heart can't bear it anymore.

"You'd better stop talking. If you continue to break the news like this, I'm afraid you will pull out Orario's panties."

It is a third-party force in the dungeon, and it is the guild's force in the dungeon. They even proposed a plan that was almost equivalent to destroying half of Orario.

Loki was certain that even if such a plan could really make the people of Orario accept the "monsters" in the dungeon, the losses caused by such a fight might not be what the Great God Ouranos wanted to see.

"And the Great God Ouranos will never agree to the plans you mentioned."

"He will choose a more conservative and stable approach rather than radical means.

Bell is naturally the one who knows this best.

Would a god with infinite life choose a riskier solution?

Maybe this is a tradition left by the older generation.

Perhaps they have seen too much and have lost the energy to continue rushing forward.

However, Bell does not deny that a stable method would be better. In fact, he personally does not like the middle method.

If (Li's) had given him a choice, Bell would never choose to irritate those ordinary people.

The reason why ordinary people are ordinary people means that they can only grow into extraordinary people after experiencing the bloodiest trials.

This is a very long process, and it is also extremely uneconomical.

"Please rest assured, God Loki."

"Actually, what I hate the most is radical courses of action."

"Giving a trial is God's choice, and as an ordinary adventurer, what I want to do is just to move forward for the reason why I became an adventurer.

Why do I not believe this when I say it from your mouth?

Loki saw the seriousness in Bell's words, but she also became more certain of one thing.

The peripheral vision shifted to Hestia.

The key to this kid's problem lies with Hestia.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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