I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 259 The Secret Of Baoyu’S Fetus

"Put other things aside for now, let's talk about this first.

Loki pointed to the green sphere on the table.

Through the green and transparent outer membrane, the baby-like fetus inside was obviously abnormal.

It is not unusual for this to cause guilds and third-party forces in dungeons to compete with each other.

"You confirmed the third-party force in the dungeon through research on this thing, so you should have a clear enough idea of ​​what this thing is, right?"


Bell admitted his knowledge of this thing.

"This is a fetus that has absorbed enough power. Its function is to parasitize, assimilate and phagocytose. As long as it jumps out from the outer membrane, it must parasitize some kind of life in order to grow rapidly and return to its original state. It looks like something."

"Parasite... Assimilate... Devour..."

Listening to these words, Loki could fully understand how bad this was.

But what makes her feel even worse is that this thing can grow quickly and return to its original appearance.

Just this made Loki feel that things were not simple.

"What does this thing originally look like? No, what level is this guy originally like?"

Bell was not surprised that Loki could accurately understand the location of this thing.

"According to my investigation and research, as long as this fetus can swallow more energy, it can quickly return to its original posture as long as it parasitizes any living body."

"As for the original posture of this fetus, based on my inference on birth and deterioration, the body that produced this fetus should have a strength of .8."

Orario's strongest combat power is Level 7, but the fetus in front of her jumped directly to Level 8, which is indeed a bit too high.

Loki's expression became much more serious.

"So to what level can this fetus recover?"

Bell snapped his fingers, and a lot of data appeared on the fetus, and he also made a simple assessment of the fetus' energy and level.

"Judging from the deterioration, [this fetus should have the strength of Level 7 when it returns to its most complete form."

"In addition, when I was studying the inner parts of the fetus, I found that the limit of the fetus can only reach Level 7, but it has signs of mass production.

Hermes's face also darkened. Level 7 mass-produced fetuses, needless to say what those bastards wanted to do.

Loki kicked the table directly.

"There's really no end to those bastards."

She had discussed this topic before when she met the nymphomaniac.

When Zeus and Hera were in power, the dark faction leaders didn't even dare to jump out. As a result, when it was their turn, they all jumped for joy than anyone else.

"It seems that I was right to agree to this kid's plan before."

Loki very much needs to strengthen the strength within the family at this moment.

Level 6 is not strong enough to deter those young people, and even level 7 is probably very reluctant.

But she really should have three more Level 7s in her family.

Otherwise, those mice would jump out every three days and it would be endless.

Bell is more tolerant here, and at the same time comforts God Loki.

"Please don't worry so much about God Loki. Although Tai'er is a mass-produced fetus, it is because it is a mass-produced fetus that most of these fetuses do not have the possibility of transforming to Level 7."

This conclusion actually relieved Loki's irritable mood a little.

"Why is this? Is it because the fetus has deteriorated?"


Bell shook his head slightly to deny this statement.

"The fetus is very stable. As long as it absorbs a sufficient amount of energy, it can complete its Level 7 transformation."

"So, there is not enough energy."

Hermes accurately grasped the key.

"Yes, the fetus has the potential to sublimate to Level 7. As long as it absorbs a sufficient amount of energy and parasitizes life, it will quickly complete the transformation. The biggest factor affecting the fetus is energy."

Bell nodded and acknowledged this, and at the end pointed out that "energy" is the key to fetal growth.

"As for the other reason, it actually has something to do with deterioration."

"The production of such fetuses has become mass production, which also has great restrictions on the growth of fetuses. Although they are easier to transform and reach Lv.5 after devouring a part of the energy, in order to reach Lv.7, they need to The energy is even greater than reaching Lv.7 itself."

"Of course, I don't deny the correctness of the fetus' choice to take the path of mass production."

"Because compared to stably giving birth to fetuses that can be promoted to Level 7, it is better to take the road of mass production. After all, the current Orario is very lacking even at Level 5. As long as there are enough, they can be promoted to Level. A 5-year-old fetus can also deal a devastating blow to Orario."

"After all, Lv.5 requires less energy and is easier to produce."

Well, these words immediately made Loki's eyes turn red.

This is irony.

This is definitely a satire on her!

After taking deep breaths several times, the turbulent emotions slowly calmed down.

“Secondly, in addition to the energy that the fetus itself needs to absorb, the body as the producer also needs a lot of energy to produce.

"Based on this, I have a completely new concept of those new species."

"God Loki, tell me, are the new species your family met on the fiftieth level created just to find energy for the fetus' body?"

"I'm not sure if it was born, but it's really strange that some new types of monsters suddenly appear in the dungeon, isn't it?"

"But this answer also shocked me."

If they were not set to target energy, then the monsters in normal dungeons would regard adventurers as their first targets, but those new species are completely different.

"The defensive nature of the piranha cannot be easily penetrated even by level 5, especially the roots of the piranha. If it is not a first-level weapon, it will not even cause much damage."

"This is the name of the fetus itself."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Bert remembered that those acid-spitting bugs were already attacking the monsters on the fifty-first floor when they encountered them, as if they were hunting all life forms indiscriminately.

Bell clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

"Then there is my research and investigation on the fetus. Through my experiments, I can confirm the identity of this fetus.

Bell does not deny this, but it also needs to be emphasized.

That kind of approach is really like looking for energy.

Having personally experienced the fifty-level encounter, he has a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

"Fairy spirit."

Bert couldn't help but think about the strong reactions of those monsters to magic and magic stones. Even if the magic stones were thrown, "those monsters could temporarily give up the target of attack."

"That thing does have magic stones that are different from ordinary monsters. So, those monsters were not born in the dungeon? They were born from the fetus you mentioned?

"And those monsters also react very strongly to magic. If they are not used to collect energy, I really can't think of any other reason for them to develop in that direction."

These words instantly made Bert, who was standing behind Loki, open his eyes.

"Looking for energy for the main body..."

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