I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 260 Let The Neutrals Take Sides


This name jumped out, causing the expressions of the four gods to completely change.

The enemy's true form turns out to be a fairy. The fairy is known as "the race closest to the gods" and also has "the most beloved children of the gods" and "gods' clones".

Even though the power of the Fairies has dropped a lot due to the "favor of God", the Fairies are still one of the strongest races in the world.

But now, the fairy actually stands on the opposite side of gods and humans.

What was the greatest help to mankind at the beginning has become the greatest resistance to mankind now. This is really nothing to joke about.

Bell continued talking as if he hadn't seen everyone's shock.

"Based on my research on it, I can know its original race."


Loki stopped the explanation.

"We all know about the fairies. There is no need to explain the fairy part. The key is why?"

"Those fairy spirits should be the help of humans, but why are they now standing against humans?"

Bell looked calmly at the a little impatient Loki.

"Inversion, I defined this state as this."

"According to my judgment, after the monsters in the dungeon devoured the fairy, the fairy still maintained its spirit and consciousness. Even if the body was swallowed, the consciousness still exists."

"But that consciousness is fragile and can easily be affected by the monsters that devour them, causing the soul and essence of the fairy to completely reverse its original state."

"It can also be described as "fallen". "

The word "fallen" also had a great impact on Loki.

So that’s it, no wonder Aisi Carbon

At this moment, Loki finally understood why Aisitan had changed so much. Why Aisitan's expression was so dazed when he returned to the dungeon after the treatment that day. Now he finally found the root cause. .

"Mr. Bell, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Hestia was a little worried that Mr. Bell might have made a mistake.

But Bell shook his head slightly. This was not only because he had done enough research and investigation on the fetus, but also because he had an understanding of the fetus itself.

"Basically it's not wrong."

"The answer of the Fairy Spirit itself is the answer this fetus told me after being enslaved by me. I don't think it has the ability to escape my enslavement."

Slavery...or enslavement of fairies...

Hermes couldn't remember how many times his facial muscles twitched today, but today was definitely the most exciting one he had ever experienced.

Ordinary adventurers don't know, but will he not know?

Fairies are the race closest to nature and gods. It is not unreasonable for them to be called "the clones of gods".

Fairies are a race that can use magic better than elves, and their affinity for magic is too high.

Precisely because fairies are so compatible with magic, they are extremely resistant to many magics, negative effects, and some contracts. Therefore, it is almost impossible to enslave fairy spirits by ordinary means.


Hermes looked at Loki and Hephaestus.

It was understandable that Hestia didn't react, but Loki and Hephaestus didn't even know common sense.

But Loki and Hephaestus didn't even have any doubts, and even believed the statement just now.

Hermes lowered his hat and gave Ya a look.

Yasifei, who received the meaning in the eyes, pushed up her glasses, and then raised her hand to ask a question on behalf of the Lord God.

"Please wait, the fairies have strong magic resistance, and simple servitude is probably just a disguise."

Although this was instructed by the Lord God, Yasi Fei herself was very doubtful about this.

Fairies, as the most recent gods, should not be enslaved so easily.

She also needs to remind Bell that after all, she cannot rule out that the so-called answer was deliberately leaked by the other party.

Bell glanced at God Hermes, who was pretending not to know, and he shook his head slightly, firmly denying the other party's statement.

"There is no need for such worries about the Almighty."

"Lord God, God Hephaestus and God Loki are all very clear about the characteristics of fairies, but do you think they raised any objections?"

Yasi Fei subconsciously looked at the three gods, and immediately found that the three gods acted "naturally" and had no objection at all to enslaving the fairies.

"After all, the gods are not stupid [what else do they know?"

"But, if God Hermes wants to know, then please take a step over here first."

…………Please give me flowers.

After Bell finished speaking, the three gods, including Loki, all looked at Hermes with interest.

They all know that Hermes has always stood in a neutral position and is impartial to everyone, so will Hermes take a step forward at this time?

It is indeed a pit.

Hermes knew this was a trap, and was ready to let him choose his side directly.

Looking at the postures of Loki and Hephaestus, it seems that they are also ready to understand his attitude.

Regarding this issue, in fact, Hermes still subconsciously thought of standing in the center as a judge.

But the current posture doesn't look like giving him a chance to choose.

This posture made it impossible for him to avoid this problem, otherwise Rocky would not let him easily join the doctor.


What's more, they were deep in Hestia's base camp, and even if he regained his divine power, there was no guarantee that he could escape.

Are the walls of the world a joke?

Even if the world barrier and this place are not completely integrated to form "outside the world", this integration has definitely begun.

So since entering the inside, he has lost the right to choose.

Of course, the more important thing is that he wants to witness Orario's future, whether it is destruction or rebirth, such development makes him excited at the moment.

"Didn't this give me no choice from the beginning?"

This approach undoubtedly troubled the neutral Hermes.

But considering that he could see more exciting stories and witness more legendary history in the future, Hermes also violated the principles of the past this time.

"Then I surrender, and I will stand by Hestia from now on."

"In that case, can you tell me the reason why they are so sure?"

Bell snapped his fingers, and eighteen runes appeared simultaneously.

"This is!?"

Hermes' expression changed. The initial shock slowly turned into excitement. He glanced at the three goddesses from the corner of his eyes.

"That's it, that's it. No wonder you are so sure."

At this moment, Hermes finally understood why there was no refutation from Loki and the others when Mr. Bell said that answer. If he had already known such an answer

How could they possibly object?

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.

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