I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 264 The Top Identity Background

While Hestia Familia was performing a romantic comedy in the morning, there was no peace within the guild.

Early in the morning, God Loki, God Ganesha and God Hermes were all called to the guild to meet the great God Ouranos.

The man who made this decision was Ouranos.

It’s not that Ouranos really wants to involve Loki and Hermes in their secret operations, it’s because the news delivered by Hermes yesterday was so explosive that it almost completely destroyed their plans, actions and some of them. All the hidden objects were exploded, and even the Great God Ouranos was shocked to the point of being charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

This made Uranus make a judgment that he could no longer hide it from the gods who knew about it, so today's meeting took place.

Because of the suddenness of this meeting, Tasha didn't know what happened yesterday.

"Loki, Hermes, why are you here?"

Ganesha thought that today was the arrangement of the follow-up plan by the great god Uranus, but he did not expect that this time he would also encounter Loki and Hermes.

He looked around and saw that this was the altar where Uranus prayed.

"What do you think?"

Both of them felt uncomfortable looking at this fool.

It is not difficult for them to accept being deceived by others, but after being deceived by such a fool for such a long time, can they say that fools are blessed?


Ganesha looked at these two people with a question mark on his face. He always felt that the tone of Loki and Hermes was a bit conflicting today?

"Please calm down, you three."

Just when Ganesha looked confused, the person who had been hiding in the dark came out.

Wearing a black robe, a hood on his head, and a mask on his face, almost all visible parts were covered up. Only the skeleton-like arms could be seen, but no one was sure. Are these skeleton-like arms real?

"The reason for inviting three people here today is because we need to clarify some things first about what God Hermes said yesterday."

"About what was discovered in the dungeon, what happened at the "Monster Festival", the trouble the children of the Loki Familia encountered on the 18th floor, and the murder of the children of the Ganesha Familia. "

"And of course the investigation and research report on Bell Crowne, and the identity of Bell Crowne."

Hermes frowned.

"Fels, even Mr. Bell's identity must be revealed?"

If possible, he didn't want Mr. Bell's identity to be exposed at all. Some secrets are best kept as secrets.

"Although his identity is very special, he has now investigated the information about the third-party forces in the dungeon and the guild's influence in the dungeon. His identity has actually attracted the attention of God Loki."

"Now God Loki and God Hestia are cooperating, which also puts the child in a safer position. Therefore, God Loki knowing the identity of the child will help give the child the greatest help.

I see.

Hermes glanced at Loki. Apart from Freya, only Loki's side was the safest for Mr. Bell.


Loki said an unhappy "Huh" and knew that what he felt was right. The little dwarf was definitely taking advantage of him.

She turned to look at Hermes, the errand boy.

"You're such a damn errand boy, why are you still hiding such a secret?"

Facing Loki's malicious look, Hermes' mouth twitched and he inadvertently took a few steps back.

"After all, a secret is a secret. If a secret can be revealed casually, it is not a secret at all."

"Let's not talk about anything else. First, tell me the identity of the little dwarf child so that I can hear it."

Now Loki felt that the boy's identity was very important, so it would be better to find out the boy's hidden identity first.

At this moment, Loki's eyes were fixed on Hermes [as if he had a "tell me" attitude.

Ganesha didn't understand the situation very well, so he just stood aside and listened quietly.

"Actually...that child has a rather special status. His parents were once members of two families who were expelled from Orario."

"There are quite a few families who were expelled from Orario. Which one are you talking about?"

There was no way Loki could be expelled from Orario's family.

"They are the two strongest."

"The strongest... Zeus Familia and Hera Familia!?"

Hermes' brisk reply made Loki feel dazed for a moment. After realizing the definition of "strongest", Loki immediately opened his eyes wide.

"That boy's parents are from the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia!?"

You must know that the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia were very popular in Orario at the time. There were a large number of excellent Familia in the two families, the strongest of which were Lv.9 and V.8, and among them there were seven Lv.7s who were not bad Eight, far from what the current Orario can compare with.

"Which two are they? The Empress? Well, no, it's not her. No man will like her, and there will be no man she likes."

"You don't have to guess. Mr. Bell's mother is Level 6 in the Hera Familia. However, his mother is not particularly good at fighting among the Hera Familia. Her name in Orario was also overshadowed by her sister. I don’t think I know much now.”

"As for Mr. Bell's father, he is a supporter in the Zeus Familia. His level is the same as Mr. Bell's mother. He is also Level 6. He is also not good at fighting."

Good guy, this identity is really not simple at all.

Inherited from the blood of Zeus Familia and Hera Familia, it can be said that that boy is the common child of Zeus Familia and Hera Familia.

Loki unconsciously thought of the power that boy still had, and she was sore at this moment. The little dwarf had really picked up a ready-made one.

His background identity is extremely weird, his parents are both Level 6, and he has already reached Level 2 in just over a month since he came to Orario. The speed of upgrading is also very strange.

"Two parents who are not good at fighting gave birth to a child who is so good at fighting. Where did the kid inherit his talent?"

"I think...that child's talent may come from his mother."

Loki was actually so upset that he couldn't help complaining, but Hermes also accepted the complaint.

"Although Mr. Bell's mother is not good at fighting, his mother's sister is very good at fighting.

"Loki, you should still remember, that one is called the "incarnation of talent". "


Loki's eyes widened immediately.

Although there is no shortage of talented children in Orario, there is only one person who can be called the "incarnation of talent" from ancient times to the present. The woman called "Quiet", with a level of 7, kills instantly Leviathan, one of the three major adventurer missions.

Nowadays, Ota can only be called a younger brother in front of that woman.

And now Hermes told her that that woman was actually that boy's aunt!?

This identity and background is really a bit too high.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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