I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 265: Shifting The Blame For The Heretic Issue

"Does the child raised by Zeus have such qualifications?"

Ganesha still believed what Hermes said. Although this old neutral was usually much unreliable, he used "Silence" as a comparison, and also showed the relationship between the other party, as if he inherited the "talent" from his aunt. "The incarnation" is not something outrageous.

"Great God Ouranos, that commission was also completed by a child trained by Zeus?"

"That's right."

Ganesha felt a little more relaxed after getting the answer.

The news that his child was killed after accepting a commission had reached his ears three days ago. For this reason, he also issued a commission in the guild, and the target was the woman who killed his child.

Now knowing that the fetus was safely sent from the dungeon to Orario, Ganesha felt a little relieved.

At least he could be sure that his child's death was not meaningless.

"The matter of Bell Clonney ends here. There is no need to announce his matter to the public for the time being."

Uranus's words directly define the matter -.

The child cultivated by Zeus has enough potential, and now he chooses to settle down and enrich himself. Then Ouranos will also give this child an opportunity and time to enrich himself.

"Then there is the matter about the filthy fairy and its guardian who are the third party forces in the dungeon, and the "heretics" have determined the contact between the third party forces and the dark sect. They all have the same purpose and the need for cooperation. , it can be considered that they have established cooperation intentions.

"According to Bell Crowne's investigation and analysis, the fetus of the filthy fairy does not have more energy to transform the fetus into Level 7, but even so, further exploration will run into more trouble."

The combination of dark sects and foul fairies will form a very troublesome combination in the dungeon.

In particular, the Filth Fairy can control a large number of threatening new species, and those new species are always in the dungeon looking for more energy for the Filth Fairy's fetus. Once the fetus absorbs a large amount, it can transform into Level 7. , then it will definitely be a big blow to the Loki Familia who are exploring the depths.

"Although this is a crisis, it is also an opportunity."

Loki took over.

"The exploration of the unknown areas of the dungeon cannot be stopped arbitrarily because of danger."

"If we give up exploring unknown areas because we are afraid of the other party, then once the other party accumulates enough power, Orario will not have any future.

"Now the Dirty Fairy cannot directly counterattack Orario because of the deterrence of "The Fierce One", so this is also the best experience for my child. "

Ouranos fell silent. He knew that Loki's statement was correct. If they did not attack now, once the foul fairies got the upper hand, Orario would no longer have any future.

Therefore, the unknown territory of the dungeon at this moment is both a crisis and an opportunity for Orario's family members.

The three Level 6 children of the Loki Familia have been stagnant at that level for many years. If they find an opportunity to continue moving up, this will definitely be of great benefit to Orario.

But this is a big gamble. If you lose, you have nothing.

.....I understand. If you have trouble conquering unknown areas, the guild can give you the greatest help. "

This is also the greatest support Ouranos can give Loki.

Loki nodded slightly. The guild could not provide her with many conveniences, but it was better than nothing.

"Ganesha, you continue to search for the piranha hidden in Orario."

"Hermes, pay attention to the actions of the gods."

Uranus asked Ganesha and Hermes to pay attention in different directions.

Hermes was tactful and often did errands, so he was popular in all aspects. It was obviously the best choice to let him pay attention to the movements of the gods.

Ganesha is not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships and is hated by everyone among the gods. It would be better for him to go to Orario to find other hidden piranha flowers.

“Loki, your family needs to take over the matter of the ‘heretic’. "


Loki's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears.

Didn't everyone have a discussion just now? Why is she now directly in trouble with the "heretic"?

"The "heretics" you are talking about are the rational monsters in the dungeon?"


"Then you want to blame those things on me?"

"You must not have forgotten about Ishtar, right?"

…Please give me flowers…

Ouranos knew that Loki would find a way to avoid trouble, but he never gave Loki a choice to avoid trouble from the beginning.

Ouranos also showed his attitude and directly talked about picking up "Ishtar".

The moment Ouranos mentioned "Ishtar", Loki's face completely collapsed.

Loki had not forgotten about Ishtar.

She came to Ouranos just to get Haruhime and Aisha to send Ishtar to heaven.

This also made Loki almost forget that she owed Uranus a big favor.

So she couldn't avoid the "heretic" thing.

"Don't remember? Need more reminder?"

"...No, I still remember."

Ouranos asked again, and Loki saw that he couldn't hide at all, so he could only respond with a downcast face.

But after answering, Loki felt that he had a headache.

You must know that among the children in the family, Aisitan is not the one who accepts monsters so easily.

But the problem now is that we have to face those "heretics", and we can't treat those "heretics" as monsters.

Just thinking about that scene, Loki felt her trigeminal nerve beating wildly.

"Fels, when the time comes, arrange a meeting between the heretics and the Loki Familia."

Fels glanced at the distressed God Loki.

"I can arrange it, but the "Sword Queen" in the Loki God's Familiar Clan has a great hatred for monsters. Can you guarantee that the "Sword Queen" will not attack the "heretics"?"

In this regard, Ouranos just focused on Loki, and it was obvious that he wanted to throw the blame away.

Loki, whose mouth was filled with a bitter taste, could only respond with a forced smile.

"No problem, when the time comes... I will have a good chat with Aisitan.

But at this moment Loki began to cry in his heart.

She had no idea what she should say to Aistan when Fein and the others came back. She always felt that she would be severely punished by Aistan.

But she had no choice.

She made a choice about Ishtar, and she will definitely have to pay a price when it comes to the "heretics".

So, now she can only continue to bite the bullet.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the price.

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