I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 270 The Seriously Injured Sword Girl

A figure was holding a girl covered in blood and running wildly.

If you look closely, you will see that the girl being held is covered in blood, but her right arm is empty, and her feet are wrapped in gauze, but you can still see that the feet have been severed.

Such a situation is almost completely despairing for an adventurer.

The most troublesome problem in the dungeon is the loss of hands and feet.

Death is instant, but losing limbs can cause pain for a lifetime.

Because after losing their hands and feet, adventurers can no longer be as flexible as before, and cannot even display one-tenth of their previous strength. They can only retreat to the third line and enter a life of retirement and waiting for death.

This is absolutely unacceptable to adventurers who still have lofty ambitions.

But the reality is often so cruel that it makes people sigh. After all, even Orario's best healers can't make the severed limbs grow back.

When the figure carried the girl to the "Rivera Street" on the 18th floor, it was night. It was a time when there were many people on the street. You could hear many adventurers drinking and chatting from a distance. the sound of.

So after entering the 18th floor, the figure directly bypassed "Rivera Street" and moved forward through a slightly dangerous path.

But it was because of this action that someone on the wall clearly saw this figure.

"Nine Demon Queens and Sword Queens?"

After wiping his eyes, Bell wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes. How could he see the scene of "Nine Demon Queens" running with the sword girl who didn't know whether she was alive or dead?

After taking a closer look, Bell looked strange.

"It's really the Nine Demon Queen and the Sword Queen."

"Who beat Sword Princess into this state?"

But this thought was interrupted by another question.

"Are they still in the dungeon?"

Bell heard the news that the Loki Familia returned from the dungeon a few days ago. Although it was not an expedition, whenever a member of the Loki Familia returns from the dungeon, it usually has a celebrity effect and is spread throughout Europe. Lali.

I remember hearing this news a few days ago.

But as the leader of the group, the brave man returned, how could he leave Jiu and Sword Girl behind?

Bell shook his head, hiding his figure, and quickly approached the "Nine Demon Queen" running on the trail.

The aura shield perfectly evaded detection, allowing Bell to observe the "Sword Queen"'s condition more closely.

"The right arm is broken? Both feet are broken too?"

Bell was also observing the condition of "Nine Demon Queens" and found that there were not many traces of battle on her body, and she could only see a lot of dust on some of her coats.

"It's really strange that a Level 6 and a Level 5 are acting together, and the Level 5 is in such a disabled state."

"Could it be that Sword Princess was stimulated by that woman? And then she became like this because she challenged a higher-level monster?"

From the perspective of the harmonious state within the Loki Familia, this explanation seems to be more reasonable.

But this reasonable explanation left Bell speechless.

The Level 5 floor master is on the 27th floor, but that two-headed dragon is not enough for Sword Queen to upgrade, right?

In other words, the target of the challenge is Lou Zizu of Level 6.

"You're so brave. You actually go to such lengths. You're just looking for death."

"He was not killed, but he was still injured so badly. He probably fought to the death with the floor owner."

Just look at the appearance of "Nine Demon Queens". It is estimated that the floor master died and "Sword Queen" lived.

But judging from the situation of survival, it was only at a considerable price that I managed to survive.

Seeing "Nine Demon Queen"'s anxious look, Si'er knew why she was so anxious to send Sister Jian to the ground.

"Really, don't you know that the "Sword Princess" who has lost her arms and legs will quickly become the focus of Orario? If the "Sword Princess"'s severed arms and legs regenerate, I will be in trouble. .”

In order to avoid getting into trouble when the time comes, it is impossible to participate even if you don’t want to.

Bell didn't take action until "Nine Demon Queens" arrived at the entrance to the 18th floor.

He quickly took action and before "Nine Demon Queen" could react, he covered her mouth and pulled her into the nearby bushes.


"It's me, be quiet."

Just when Riveria was about to fight back, a voice stopped her.

Then the hand that sealed her mouth was released.

Riveria looked around carefully. There were trees all around and it was almost impossible to see the situation here. It was considered a relatively quiet place.

After confirming the surrounding situation, Riveria turned around and looked at the boy standing behind her.

Just like the most common appearance, there are many cloaks and hoods, and the entire face is hidden underneath so that people can hardly see it.

...Please give me flowers...

A stone table slowly rose up on the gentle grass.

"Stop talking and put the person down first."

Riveria carefully placed Aisi in her arms on the stone table.

Bell didn't say much and directly began to check the physical condition of "Sword Princess".

"The magic power is exhausted, various parts of the body have been severely impacted, and the internal organs are showing signs of rupture. These common injuries are not very serious. The panacea can cure all those injuries, so why not use it?"

"The effect of Wanshen will forcefully heal the broken arms and legs. I'm not sure whether they can regenerate after healing."

Bell shook his head slightly and looked at the miserable appearance of "Sword Queen". No wonder "Nine Demon Queen" would run wildly in the dungeon with people in her arms.

"Isn't this the same character as Ace?"

"Mr. Bell, thank you very much."

"Need not."

"The consequences of rushing for quick success are often tragic."

"Next time, just use the panacea. The healing of the wound will not affect the regeneration of the severed limb."

Such a quick movement did not even give Riveria time to say some polite words, and in the end she could only sigh.

Seeing that the empty and solid arms and legs slowly began to solidify after being broken, Riveria was surprised but also breathed a sigh of relief.

Riveria also knew that Ais had really gone too far this time. If she hadn't met Mr. Bell here, Ais might not have been able to get back to the ground.

Bell shook his head slightly and glanced down at the unconscious "Sword Princess".

At the same time, the bloody feet of "Sword Princess" also suffered from the same condition, but it would take some time for them to fully recover.

"I will have a serious talk with her after she wakes up."

Six runes appeared on the broken arm of "Sword Princess". With the operation of the runes, the bandage collapsed instantly, but the blood in the broken arm did not flow out, but appeared little by little. The shadow of the original arm.

"It seems that the "Sword Princess" was stimulated by that woman, and even if she risked her life for strength, she would use the floor master's skeleton as the way forward.


"'Sword Queen' does not have the skills to bridge the level gap in a short time. She is born with this. Please ask Deputy Captain Vilia to persuade her."

As soon as the words fell, Bell's figure disappeared in front of Riveria.

"Then, I'll take my leave now. As for the cost of treatment, I'd like you to discuss it with Captain Finn then."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.

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