I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 271 Sword Lady And I Are Different

Riveria sighed and then returned her attention to Ais.

"You are so reckless."

Although on the 37th floor, if Ais finally fell first before Udaios, Ais would definitely die.

In the end, it was entirely because of her slightly stronger explosive power that Ais was given the opportunity to take a step forward.

To put it bluntly, surviving is just good luck.

But sometimes it is really unreasonable, and it is just because of better luck that we have the opportunity to move on.

Looking at the hands and feet that were still slowly solidifying, I was still shocked to see such a scene for the first time.

Undoubtedly, the regeneration of severed limbs can really give many retired adventurers a lot of hope.

For most adventurers, losing a limb means the end of their life.

But if things like "regeneration of severed limbs" and "two-three-seven" appear in Orario, I'm afraid those adventurers who have been dormant for many years will spring up one after another.

"His sudden appearance probably means he doesn't want this matter to be exposed."

The moment Bell appeared, Riveria knew that his appearance was definitely not because he couldn't stand Ais' injury.

He only appeared to prevent Aisi's severed limbs from being seen.

He is controlling what is known as "regeneration of severed limbs".

Although Riveria knew that Bell was a very cautious person, she didn't expect that he could react so quickly and appear so decisively.

Of course, Riverlia will be grateful for your help no matter what the reason is.

If Bell hadn't appeared, Ais might not have been able to return to the ground.

Moreover, the loss of arms and legs may bring heavy pressure to Ais.

However, this kid Ais really should put some pressure on her.

Riveria felt deeply about Ais's problem this time, so she must have a good talk with Ais after she wakes up.

As time passed by, Aisi's hands and feet were cut off, and the virtual phantom became as real as a real thing.

Riveria reached out curiously and touched it.

I can feel the body temperature and have a very clear touch. It seems that the regeneration is going smoothly.

"It seems to have regenerated smoothly."

As long as the broken limbs can be recovered, it won't be a big problem.

Riveria has no plans to go to the ground immediately.

If Ais was not out of danger before, she would do this, but after Ais is out of danger, what she needs to do now is to give Ais time to rest.

Of course, even so, Riveria had no intention of entering "Rivera Street".

She has not forgotten the trouble that woman caused last time.

Now that Aisi is still in a coma, Riveria doesn't want their location to be exposed casually no matter what the considerations are.

"Fortunately, the space pocket contains tents and food for living outside."

In the past, they would not have brought enough food and tents for such a temporary trip to the dungeon. After all, there was a limit to what each of them could bring.

It is because of the space pocket that they can carry more things.

Especially if this is not an expedition, but just comes to the dungeon to earn some time, this fanny pack becomes extremely useful. Almost every fanny pack can hold a tent and a sufficient amount of food.

Set up camp further away and deeper in the jungle.

After preparing the resting place, Riveria moved the unconscious Ais into the tent, and she entered the tent to rest after being half busy.


Bell, who was supposed to leave, actually didn't leave. Instead, he chose to leave after setting up a certain level of barriers around him.

In the end, Bell took a look at "Nine Demon Queens" when he left.

"I'm not like this kind of guy, I just keep rushing forward."

Just because he knows how dangerous the road ahead is, he also pays attention to the speed when he keeps rushing forward. This is Bell's standard.

However, "Sword Girl" knows the dangers ahead and continues to rush forward regardless of her own abilities. She has the momentum to not give up until she hits the wall. It's just that "Sword Lady" didn't think too much. Even if she was killed, the south wall would not fall down.

Therefore, Bell is very aware that there is an essential difference between himself and the "Sword Girl".

He doesn't like to stand in the spotlight, but "Sword Girl" will stand in the spotlight unconsciously.

This is their most essential difference...

"Idiots who are not afraid of death are the scariest ones."

The idiot Bell refers to is "Swordswoman".

After leaving, Bell stopped paying attention to "Nine Demon Queens" and "Sword Queen". He also needed to do his own thing, but he couldn't focus on these two people.

"Cognition is really a development direction beyond my imagination."

After several tests, Bell can be very sure that the special development direction of "cognition" is really the influence of "Nine Characters and Concentration" on him.

However, this impact is undoubtedly positive.

Because after several tests, Bell found that the so-called "cognition" is actually similar to the effect of "Nine Characters and Concentration".

The difference is that the cognition of "Nine Characters and Ding" has the effect of penetrating defense, but its own "cognition" does not have that special physical effect.

The ability to develop "cognition" cannot enhance physical properties, but it can slowly and subtly enhance the understanding of things.

For example, instead of subconsciously attacking the monster's weaknesses through subconscious recognition of the monster, you can clearly use your eyes to capture the opponent's weaknesses and the places that can easily cause harm to the opponent after recognizing things and people.

It sounds a bit like the effect of the "Death-Eye", but it is not.

"Cognition" does not have the ability to physically interfere, it is simply a 5.1 deepening of understanding.

At least that's how Bell feels right now.

However, in a sense, when using "Nine Characters and Ding", certain subconscious cognitions will be acquired in more detail through the eyes.

And this "cognition" will not be diluted by not using "Nine Characters and Ding".

It can be said that the development ability of "cognition" is to strengthen the incidental ability of "Nine Characters and Concentration".

And it is not only limited to using "Nine Characters and Ding" to increase the understanding of things. In normal times, this "cognition" will deepen the understanding of the surrounding things. This is the same as "Nine Characters and Ding". "There is a fundamental difference.

What is directly enhanced is Bell's "cognition" ability of things, so that he can obtain more information from his eyes.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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