I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 272 Internal Strife Among Third-Party Forces

On the 59th floor of the underground city, a red-haired woman sat cross-legged on the ground. She had no feminine grace. She was very manly, but no one would dare to lecture her on this.

It can be seen that only half of the woman's right hand is left, and she looks like a half-disabled adventurer.


The woman casually picked up the magic stone scattered on the ground and threw it into her mouth. The sound that made people's hair stand on end turned out to be the sound of being bitten into pieces by the magic stone.

As we all know, magic stones are not edible.

The magic stone is the core of the monster's body, and it itself provides the source of energy for the monster's daily life and actions. However, when humans swallow the magic stone, it cannot provide energy to humans. "It may even cause internal organs to be scratched due to swallowing the magic stone." symptom.

You must know that magic stone, as the core of a monster, is naturally protected by natural instincts, so magic stone is also the hardest part of the monster's body.

The magic stone in the body of a high-level monster is even harder than its own flesh.

But women's teeth are harder than magic stones.

After swallowing a magic stone, the broken arm of his right hand began to have squirming granules, which even made the broken arm recover a little better than before.

Of course, there are only a few.

The woman frowned and looked at her broken arm.

"This body is indeed very taxing."

A broken arm requires a lot of energy for the body to recover.

But because the body itself is very strong, the energy required to recover is much greater than imagined. This also makes the woman now only try to use the magic stones collected by the piranha for her own use.

"You failed."

The woman's hand that picked up the magic stone paused slightly, but she did not deny her failure. She saw Arya and the fetus but didn't even bring one back in the end. This was her biggest failure.

The man coming from behind was wearing a white cloak and a mask with only his eyes hanging on his face. But the malice and sarcasm in his voice were completely undisguised.

"It's rare to find a target, but then let the target escape. Will you still fail like this when facing a group of guys who are weaker than you?"

The harsh words burst out without any cover-up, but all he received was the woman's indifferent gaze.

After the man finished speaking, Yinren laughed coldly.

"Are you jealous?"

The man's smug face that had been sarcastic just now suddenly fell down, and the scarlet eyes under the mask revealed a lot of chill.

The man's figure flashed, suddenly appeared in front of the woman, and punched her forward.

In an instant, a sonic boom echoed throughout this floor.

But the woman's only remaining left hand easily caught the punch.

The woman's expression never changed, as if the man's punch could not even arouse her interest.


The man almost broke his teeth.

He didn't hold back just now, but he never thought that the gap in strength would be so big.

The woman sneered and grabbed the man's fist, throwing the man out of the hospital in a sonic boom.

Like a fly being swatted against the wall, when the man was hit against the wall, a mouthful of hot blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably, and then his body lost all force and fell straight to the ground.

Women don't have any sympathy, this is just men looking for death.

After doing all this, the woman subconsciously touched her neck. The knife she delivered that day was much more violent than the man's punch. The amazing power was completely concentrated in that blow, and even easily cut through her flesh and blood defense.

"Who is that person?"

That knife was so impressive that even now she can feel a dull pain in her neck.

If she hadn't sacrificed her right hand, the woman knew that she would be killed directly that day.

Because of the vague pain in her neck, the woman's irritable mood became much more stable.

"The guys who attack sneakily have special skills, and they also have abilities or magic that can hide themselves."

"No matter what, if that guy's sword was stronger, I would be cut down with one sword."

Women are very self-aware about this.

She may be much stronger than "Arya", but she can't stop a knife from behind. And that person is good at hiding. If the other person continues to stab her as suddenly as he did before, will she lose another arm?

"We need to find a way to deal with that person."

"Or, let's increase our strength."

Looking at her right hand, which was still regenerating, the woman sat on the ground again.

Glancing at the man who was standing up reluctantly while holding on to the wall, the woman's voice lost its sarcasm.

"She has lost one fetus and needs to cultivate the next one."

"It's a crazy guy to think that thing is a goddess."

"Does trash just scream? You are just something she picked up. Do you 163 think you are something important?"

The veins on his head were beating wildly, and the blood in his mouth was vomiting violently. The man endured the shame.

If the gap in strength hadn't been too obvious, the man would have been unable to help but rush forward at this time.

Men’s crazy beliefs turn women off.

This directly shows that her relationship with that thing is much closer than that of men.

The woman doesn't care whether the man will succeed, she is the controller of those piranha flowers, and the man is only qualified as an agent.

It's just the man himself who is passionate.

However, a woman is too lazy to pay attention to a man's thoughts. He is just a consumable. If he fails, he will become her further energy.

A man has to prove himself, and he also has to prove that he has the closest relationship with that goddess. That goddess chose to save him because of her love for him. He was actually chosen by that goddess. right!

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"What do you think her fetus is!?"

"I will prove that I am the one she cares about, and you are just taking advantage of her.

"Since you are so jealous, then I will leave this mission to you."

The man who stood up holding on to the wall clenched his fists tightly, crushing the wall into pieces.

The woman ignored the man's roar. To her, the man in front of her was just a consumable that was confused by that thing. If there was nothing wrong with her arm, then it wouldn't be this man's turn to do it.


"You will never understand her will, you are just a substitute created by her.

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