I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 273 The Poison Of Hydra... Awesome

Bell has been operating in the mid-level these days.

The things he needs to do every day are actually quite simple. For him who has no knowledge, it fills his life. Being with monsters all year round is just a part of life.

But while hunting monsters, Bell would sometimes let himself be quiet.

Being in the middle of killing for a long time didn't actually help him that much.

Killing is just to let the body adapt to the physical and mental adaptability after the upgrade. After proper killing, you also need to adjust your mentality.

In addition to adapting to his body, Bell also made the training time of sword swing longer.

At the same time, in his spare time, he also took out the "Hydra Dagger" to start research on the poison.

On the wall of the 18th floor, Bell held the bottle and shook it gently. As the bottle shook, the purple-black solution inside swallowed up the edible minced meat inside in an instant.

Bell carefully returned the "Hydra Dagger" to the four-dimensional space, and then focused on the purple-black solution inside the bottle.

"This kind of thing is much more dangerous than imagined."

Before, Bell's consumption of poison was almost zero. After all, poison is something that most adventurers can resist when upgrading and choosing abnormal resistance.

"Even dead objects are devoured by poison. Rather than calling it poison, it would be more appropriate to call it a virus."

"If it's a virus, it can maximize its toxicity. And I remember that even the gods can't withstand Hydra's poison. I don't know if that's true."

"I wonder if Hydra's poison can inhibit the regeneration ability of those monsters."

The essential difference between monsters and humans lies in their strong vitality and the regeneration ability of some special monsters.

The first thing Bell thought of was the Black Goliath at the end of the first animation. He used his regenerative ability to carry out a crusade of adventurers. He even had an absolute advantage and almost defeated the 18th The adventurers on the first floor were completely wiped out.

Bell knew this from the confrontation with Black Goliath.

The biggest problem low-level adventurers have with high-level monsters is their lack of firepower.

If he were just an ordinary Goliath, perhaps by gathering the strength of all the adventurers on the 18th floor, we could quickly defeat Goliath.

It may be difficult for ordinary adventurers to cause damage to Goliath through those physical attacks, but adventurers with magic can break through Goliath's skin defense through magic.

It can be said that if the Black Goliath had not had the ability to regenerate, it would have been crushed by a bunch of Quincy.

Therefore, the key lies in "regeneration ability".

The tenacious vitality of monsters is really the biggest trouble for the master of the conquering floor.

The same goes for Bell.

The most fundamental reason for studying Poison now is that "Poison" can help him conduct a single-player floor master strategy.

Bell is not prepared to leap directly to the level of using poison to directly cross the floor master. Even the poison of Hydra may not be able to make such a big leap.

After all, monsters are much more adaptable to poison than humans. It is almost unrealistic to expect poison to cause absolute damage to monsters.

Therefore, Bell's expectation for poison is to inhibit the monster's regeneration ability to the maximum extent.

Still have to try looking for monsters.

This is the dungeon, and it is too easy to find a monster to test.

Bell sat up and left the stronghold immediately.

Relying on the "green crystal group" protruding from the wall, it fell to the ground little by little.

After passing the entrance of the 18th floor, passed the 17th floor where Goliath spawned, and arrived at the 16th floor where ordinary monsters spawned.


As soon as he arrived on the sixteenth floor, he saw several rice cows running towards him as if they were seeing his biological father.

Bell is very curious every time he sees Miniu. Even if he hides his aura, these Miniu's reactions are too real.

But this saves him the trouble of looking for it.

Bell, who was holding the "Hydra Dagger", also dodged and charged towards the rice cows.

Several rice cows were also excited and swung their axes at Bell as if they were seeing cows.

The slashing that was still threatening at Level 2 was so slow in Bell's eyes at this moment.

Perhaps because of promotion, both dynamic vision and static vision have become more amazing, and at the same time, the sense of time has also become slower.

The serial attacks of several Miu Niu almost gave Bell no hope of escape, but in the face of such a blade trap, Bell showed his elegant movement.

He simply dodged sideways to avoid the attacks of several rice cows, and at the same time, the dagger in his hand quickly passed through the arms of several rice cows.

The fight lasted only three or four seconds, and Bell had already passed through the siege of Mi Niu, while those Mi Niu had completely fallen to the ground.


The four rice cows fell straight to the ground.

Bell looked back at the four rice cows who were still groaning. He put away his dagger and came to the side of the four rice cows.

When Bell came to Mi Niu, Bell noticed that the four Mi Niu were still as excited as ever, but their strong bodies did not move at all, and only slight muscle twitching could be seen.

"The effect is too good."

This was the first time Bell noticed that the poison of "Hydra Dagger" was so terrifying.

"Ah, I seem to have only used this skill against skeletons before.

Skeletons belong to the category of monsters that cannot be poisoned. After all, no matter how strong the poison is, it cannot have an effect on a skeleton.

Before, Bell had only conducted some tests on the poison, and had not actually used it on monsters or real people.

Withdrawing his thoughts and looking at the tragic situation of the four rice cows in front of him, Bell just quietly observed the reaction of the rice cows and recorded them at the same time.

[Toxin begins to spread throughout the body within three seconds of being attacked. 】

A minute later, Bell noticed that Miniu's pupils had lost focus, and at the same time, he couldn't even make a sound, and his gasping sounds were getting smaller and smaller.

[After one minute, the toxin affects consciousness and its impact on body functions is greatly increased. 】

After nearly a minute and a half, the four rice cows stopped breathing completely, and their bodies turned into white ash.

[One and a half minutes later, the four Minotaurs died and their bodies turned into white ash. It was suspected that the poison had affected the magic stone. 】

After writing the last line, Bell began to search for magic stones and materials in the white ashes.

Soon the magic stone was found by Bell from the white ashes, but the strangeness of this magic stone made Bell record it.

[It was confirmed that the magic stone was broken due to the toxin. At the same time, it was also confirmed that there was some black and purple in the pure magic stone. 】

After recording it, Bell began to look for other Mi Niu materials.

But what is surprising is that not even one of Miniu’s materials can be found.

How can it be!

The skill "Luck" gives Bell unimaginable luck, and this luck has been there ever since he became an adventurer. "There is no such thing as hunting monsters without dropping items."

Later, Bell finally found some clues during his careful search.

In the middle of the white ash, there appeared a pool of unknown black liquid and white ash that were glued together. The sticky appearance made people feel at a glance that this thing should not be touched with hands.

Looking at the unknown solution, Bell accidentally got an answer.

Could this thing be a drop from Mi Niu?

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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