I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 274 Arya And Ace

After digging through other white ash, he also found the unknown solution. From then on, Bell was certain that the unknown solution was the drop of Miniu.

This discovery made Bell unable to look directly at his "Hydra Dagger".

The toxicity of this thing is beyond imagination, and it can even affect the drops dropped by monsters.

"The toxicity is really impressive."

Bell recorded all these situations in his small notebook to use as follow-up research materials.

Remove all the stones on the ground where the solution is located, and these melted materials will also be ready-made research materials.

The only pity is the lack of important experimental specimens.

But the toxin is so effective that even magic stones can be affected.

After the magic stone is affected, the monster's body cannot maintain itself, which makes it difficult for Bell to obtain a body that can be studied.

There is no other way but to take these unknown solutions back and study them.

"Ais, did you hear what I just said?"

Bell was slightly startled, then turned to look at the exit behind him. The "Nine Demon Queen" was walking over while teaching the "Sword Queen" a lesson.

"This time your challenge to Udaios was too reckless."

"You didn't give up until the end. Even if 910 lost one of his hands, he still fought with Udaios, and even lost his own feet. Do you know that you are ruining the adventurer's life?"

Riveria's words were sharp and her expression was serious. It seemed that she was not prepared to treat Ais lightly this time.

Ais, who was taught a lesson, lowered her head with a disappointed look on her face.

She couldn't hold her head up after being taught a lesson.

In fact, Aisi herself knew that she had done something wrong. She was too reckless in challenging Udaios.

Glancing at his right arm, he saw that the smooth and white skin had a halo, almost like a baby's skin.

But Aisi knew that her skin would not be as fair as a baby's after years of exercise. It was a regenerated arm.

"Rivieria, haven't the rune stones been made yet?"

Riveria glared at Ais who interrupted her, making Ais shrink back.

"I'm glad you can remember the rune stones, but you should keep what you just said in mind next time."

"Don't you know that the rune stones are not ready yet?"

Why is this naughty (chde) kid getting older every day, but his style of doing things is still so naughty?

Riveria was very happy to see Aisi growing up day by day, and she was also very happy to see the little girl back then grow up to be the tall and graceful girl she is today.

But this little girl still hasn't grown up in some areas.

The educated Ais also lowered her head in frustration.

Although she fought tooth and nail to defeat Udaios, she risked her own life as an adventurer.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet the person who made the rune stones, and if that person hadn't happened to be willing to help her with treatment, Aisi knew that even if she took that step, she might not have any future.

But Aisi knows, how can there be such a "just right thing?"

"Rivelia, I was wrong..."

Although she didn't know what kind of price Riverlia had paid, Ais knew that it was definitely right for her to apologize at this time.

It was rare to see Ais admit her mistake, and Riveria's mood became more stable.

"There are some things you need to know yourself."

"This time your behavior was agreed upon by Finn and I. If something happens to you, then we will both be responsible for your situation. Do you understand?"

She and Finn are both proponents of solid promotion.

But occasionally she would become emotional because of some things and words. Just like last time, she was inspired by Mr. Bell's words to move on.

But even though the passion was ignited in her heart, she also knew that some things should never be rushed.

Having stayed at the Level 6 stage for so many years, she has already understood the principle of "haste makes waste".

Sometimes the pursuit of speed often leads to an unknown abyss.

After the lesson, Riveria sighed.

"I know you became anxious because of that woman, but you can't make such a reckless move.

Aisi bit her lip tightly, she didn't know what to say.



"The name that woman... calls me when she sees me."


But now a woman who has a relationship with the fairy suddenly pops up, and she mistakes Ais for Arya.

"Go back first, these things need to be considered in the long run."

At first, Aisi's mother and father disappeared together, and disappeared in the Dungeon King.

"Arya" is Ace's mother, and she has been missing for a long time.

However, after so many years, they all thought that Aisi's parents had died somewhere in the underground city. Perhaps even Aisi thought so.

If the name "Arya" came from that woman's mouth, then things would be too strange, because the only people who know this name are her, Finn, Grace and Loki. Why did they attack? Would that woman from Ais know this name?

"No wonder that woman chose to capture Aisi."

But doesn’t this mean that Arya may have been deeper in the dungeon all along, and she’s not even dead yet?

Obviously the other party has never met Arya, but he knows that there is such a fairy like Arya.

The only people who know Ais's identity and the name "Arya" are related to the fairy.

In the past, there has never been clear evidence proving that Aisi's parents are dead, so they have always been defined as missing.

Is that woman related to fairies!?

Regardless of whether that woman knew about "Arya" or not, this was not the place to talk.

At this moment, Riveria's expression also changed suddenly.

The other party deliberately did not kill Ais but chose to take her away. It seemed that the woman was also looking for Arya's whereabouts.

"Listen to what Ais said, that woman mistook Ais for Arya, so that woman does not know about Arya's disappearance. But that woman knows "Arya", I'm afraid the real Arya is still there It has to be at the lower level.”

Riveria suppressed the speculation in her heart. Now she finally understood why Aisi was so anxious to challenge the floor master. I am afraid it was not just to be stimulated by the woman, but to find out why the other party knew "Ai The name Leah.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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