I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 278 Loki Exploded

"Don't be so nervous, Haruhime."

Tiona comforted Haruhime beside her.

"What kind of magic is awakened is just random, and it is something that cannot be controlled by oneself. In fact, it is normal not to awaken the appropriate magic. You should not have so much psychological burden."

"Tiona is right."

Finn also agrees with this statement. Seeking the magic book to awaken the magic is just to find a way to strengthen Haruhime, but such a method cannot deny the significance of Haruhime itself.

"Relying on magic books to forcibly awaken magic is a big gamble, but gambling itself involves losing and winning. Even if you lose, there will be no problem, because this is what we started from ten

Tao thing. "

"Haruhime, you don't have to worry too much even if you haven't awakened the right magic."

Although Finn also put his gambling money on Chun Ji, he also didn't want Chun Ji to be under too much pressure.

As Finn himself said, there are winners and losers in big bets, and his choice to gamble means that he needs to bear the risk of losing.

Finn is not someone who can't afford to play. He is also willing to take the risk of losing, so he also hopes that Haruji will not be under so much pressure.


Although Fenn and others have been so comforted, Haruji still needs to worry about what she should be worried about.

Others see it, but it is useless for them to talk about this kind of thing. They can only wait for the new magic awakened by Haruhime to come out.

"Knock knock knock!"

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

Finn glanced at the people sitting in the office and said.

"Mr. Bell, you can come in directly."

Several girls present all turned their attention to the door, and even Haruji, who was under great psychological pressure, temporarily forgot about the pressure she was facing.

The door opened, and the person who walked in was the boy who was still wearing a cloak and hood in the room.

"As expected of Captain Finn, he actually guessed it was me."

"No. Everyone in the family knows that we are having a meeting here. Apart from Ais and Riveria who have not come back yet, the only people who come back to knock on the door are you.

"Although it is a natural speculation, being able to react quickly is also a quality I do not possess.

Listening to Finn's explanation, Bell still did not reduce his high praise for Finn.

It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to react so quickly.

Finn did not refuse the praise, but looked at Bell with his chin in his hands.

"So, Mr. Bell is also here to give us information this time?"

"Sending information... I guess it counts. But it's information. In fact, it should be information from three days ago, and it's information about the "Sword Queen" and the deputy captain of Riveria.

Bell snapped his fingers, and a picture appeared in the center of the office.


Everyone present jumped up in shock when they saw this scene, even calm Finn was not immune.

In the picture, Riveria is holding Ais who is covered in blood and has lost her right arm and both legs.

This scene was a heavy blow to the entire Loki family.

"What happened to Ace!?"

The first person to lose his composure was Bert. He came to Bell in one step and reached out directly to grab Bell's collar.


Finn, who reacted first, was about to stop Burt's behavior but was shocked the next second.

I saw that Bert's hand had just been stretched out and his body was rigidly fixed.

"What...what's going on?"

Bert felt like his whole body was being pinched tightly by an invisible hand, and he couldn't even move.

Bell did not immediately explain the problem, but looked at the "ferocious wolf" in front of him.

"It's not a problem to have emotions when you see members of your own family being hurt like this, but I hope you can listen to your words next time."

"In addition, this is not bad news, but a blessing that I want to send to God Loki."


There was some anger on Loki's astonished face. Seeing Estan with her hands and feet broken off, she was not happy at all, and even the anger in her heart was about to burst out.

"Boy, if you don't explain clearly..."

"Stop! Rather than saying something like this to me [God Loki asked Captain Finn, wouldn't he know why? I think Captain Finn should be the person who knows best why Sword Lady is like this."

Before Loki's anger could turn on him, Bell stopped immediately and turned the topic to Finn, who was the only one who knew why this situation occurred.

"Finn! What's going on!?"

Loki asked angrily directly to his captain.

Ah... My head is starting to hurt.

Loki's roar made Finn smile bitterly, and he knew that this matter was getting bigger and the final problem would fall on him.

In fact, after he saw Aisi's appearance, his calm mind already told him what happened.

But Finn really didn't expect that Ace would be like this with Riveria following him.

"I think Aisi should challenge the floor master."

"Challenge the floor master!?"

Loki looked at Finn in shock. He didn't expect that Finn actually knew what Ais was going to do, but even so, he still allowed Ais to do it?

Loki felt his blood pressure rise just thinking about this.

"Finn, are you going to let Riveria and Ais challenge the floor master?"

"God Loki, I think you need to pay attention to your wording. If two people were to challenge, how could "Sword Princess" be injured like this?"

"Going alone!?"

Loki's vision almost went dark. Going to challenge Lord Lou Kang alone?

If it was the low-level floor master Aisi alone, it would definitely be enough. There might be only one floor master who could beat Aisi into that state and be able to challenge Aisi on her own initiative.

The floor master of the 37th floor, Lv.6 Udaios!

You must know that the floor master on the 37th floor is not a challenge that one person can face, not to mention that Ais is still doing it as a Level 5 person.

From Loki's point of view, it was not a challenge, it was equivalent to (Qian Nuo Zhao) seeking death.

"God Loki doesn't need to be so excited. As far as the result is concerned, the fact that "Sword Princess" can come back alive means that she defeated the floor master. I think this means that the Loki Familia will add a Level 6 adventurer in the future, which will smoothly promote the power of the Loki Familia in Orario. "

These words undoubtedly poured oil on Loki's already burning heart.

"Have you ever seen a Level 6 with severed arms and legs? I became happy when I saw Aistan look like this! Guo?"

But Bell couldn't help but laugh after being sprayed like this.

"God Loki, I now realize that you are really forgetful, don't you think so, Captain Finn?

When Finn's name was called, he covered his face and couldn't watch. In the end, he had no choice but to remind Loki, who was mentally unstable.

"Loki, have you forgotten about "regeneration of severed limbs"?"


At this moment, Loki, who was calm all of a sudden, suddenly became stupid.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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