I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 279 Catalysts And Inhibitors


Loki was completely dumbfounded now.

Yes, isn’t there also “regeneration of severed limbs”?

She really forgot about the "regeneration of severed limbs", so does the fact that she was so excited just now mean that she is stupid?

Yes, Loki you are really stupid!

If Loki really asked this, then Finn would definitely give such an answer at this moment.

In fact, after seeing that scene, Finn knew that Ais was fine.

The person who created the rune stone of "regenerating severed limbs" met Ais and Riveria three days ago, so if this person appears in the clan today and openly presents such a scene, it cannot be the case. To stimulate their nerves?

Anyone with some brains will realize that this is unrealistic if they think about it carefully.

But the problem is that there are still many people in the family who believe it, which makes Finn somewhat unable to hold back.

So before he couldn't hold himself any longer, Finn decided to change the topic.

"Mr. Bell, what else? You should bring more than just this news."

Bell nodded slightly, and after looking at the restless expressions of most of the Loki Familia, he understood who the hardest working person among the Loki Familia was.

He casually untied "Wolf" Burt and continued talking about the topic given by Finn.

"There is indeed other news, but compared to the previous 430 news, the latter one is not very good news for the Loki family. w

Finn couldn't help but become more curious about this sentence, which made him ask tentatively.

"Is it related to Aisi again?"

"Very accurate."

Facing Bell's faintly visible raised corners of his mouth, Finn couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Bell, you better not make me guess. Tell me accurately."

Bell doesn't mince words either.

"Actually, I saw "Sword Princess" and Deputy Captain Riveria when I was doing some tests and experiments on the 16th floor this morning. Considering that my work was almost done, I followed them back. "

"On the way back, I listened to the words of "Sword Queen" and Deputy Captain Riveria, and I understood that "Sword Queen" had a reason to move forward. "

"So I immediately noticed the two entangled soul fragments hidden deep in the soul of "Sword Princess". "

"I admit, I forcibly activated the fragment of the soul just because I was a little curious about it. But I didn't expect that there were two souls deep in the dungeon connected to the two fragments, and they also officially met with the "Sword Princess" . "

People who don’t understand this language will not understand its meaning.

But those who understood it were so surprised that their eyes widened.


Loki's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Estan still had the soul fragments of those two people on her body, nor did she expect that those two people were still in the dungeon.

Loki really thought that those two people had died somewhere in the underground city, after all, so many years had passed.

Finn, who recovered from the shock, sighed helplessly, and now he couldn't help but ask.

"Bell-kun, how is Ace's reaction?"

"Well~ "Sword Queen" was quite excited, but with the persuasion of those two people and the support of Deputy Captain Riveria, "Sword Queen" quickly got her emotions under control. only………….

"Did Ais say something?"

Finn had almost thought of what Bell didn't say, and this was what gave him a huge headache.

"Yes. They were looking forward to "Sword Lady" being able to step over them. They were looking forward to seeing "Sword Lady" grow, so they made an agreement with Ding Jian Ji|.

"Take your best friends and strongest partners to find them, overcome them, and prove to them that "Sword Queen" can live well. "

"So "Sword Girl" also made a promise to them, and she will definitely let them see her growth. "

Just like a parent's most ardent hope for their children, it was hard for Finn to say anything when faced with those two people's words that were like their last words.

But such a statement will definitely cause big problems.

In the past, Aisi (chef) has made many radical actions in order to avenge the black dragon, and such radical actions may intensify her leveling up in the future. This is definitely not good news for the Wang Luoji family. .


It goes without saying that Ais will be even more thirsty for power in the days to come.

This is actually nothing to an adventurer, but for Aisi, this pursuit of power will be very crazy, and may even exceed the safety limit.

"The principle is like this. Using Ais's attitude of attaching great importance to them will allow her to think more about the strength of her companions instead of relying on her own strength to prove it?"

As long as Ais pays enough attention to those two people, Ais will pay more attention to the issue of "proving" herself.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But Bell still needs a reminder here.

The role of "catalysis" is obvious, but where is the role of "inhibition"? Finn didn't see it at once.

"As far as the power of "Sword Lady" is concerned, unless she reaches Level 9, she will never be able to fight against those two people. For her, what she needs now is to prove that she can survive from their hands. This is their expectation, so "Sword Girl" will never waste this opportunity to prove herself. "

As long as Ais pays enough attention to those two people, then Ais will pay more attention to helping her companions improve their strength. Instead of just rushing alone like in the past, Ais will be more considerate for her companions.

This child is more stubborn than anyone else in terms of being rigid, accepting death, and stubbornness. Most of the lessons and preaching given to her lost their effect after she became stronger, and she became a naughty child again.

"Then let me make it clear, those two people have the strength of Level 8. From the feedback from their souls, I can feel that their power is even stronger than that of the filthy fairy."

"Mr. Bell, what does this mean?"

Bell naturally saw Finn's hard work and understood the problems he had to face, but he didn't have many worries in his heart.

"Captain Finn, this is a catalyst for "Sword Lady", but it is also an "inhibitor". "

"Because this is her only chance. If she doesn't seize this opportunity, she will never get another chance."

Finn had to admit this with a headache.

"One of you needs to keep up with the footsteps of the "Sword Queen", otherwise with the character of the "Sword Queen", she will probably choose to fight alone and not involve you. "

"Captain Finn, if the problem of "Sword Lady" is passed on to you, another problem will arise. "

Finn understood Bell's explanation instantly, and at the same time, the worry in his heart dropped a lot.

.....Well, given Ais's character, this may be true.

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