I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 282 It Seems That I Am Passive Every Time

After taking care of the things outside, Bell quickly returned to the tribe.

Observed the integration situation of the outer boundary of the barrier and the world barrier.

The area wrapped around the barrier has begun to appear void, and the space has begun to show signs of extending to the surrounding area.

Bell knew that this was the result of the World Barrier wrapping up this pseudo-alien space bit by bit. Once the World Barrier completely merged with the surrounding barriers, the Hestia Familia's territory would be completely removed from Orario's land. Being completely independent, the original position was like a place of refuge.

Once the world barriers are completely integrated, this place will become "outside the world" in the true sense, and then the security will be completely maximized.

"It's still a little short of that."

The progress of integration is very rapid, even faster than predicted.

The previous prediction was three months, but based on the current progress, it may only take one month to complete the integration.

After confirming the progress of the fusion, Bell did not immediately return to the big tree house, but walked around.

"The space has been stretched a lot. The space inside the barrier is relatively stable. After all, it is still integrating with the world barrier."

This stage of integration is often the most dangerous.

Fortunately, he has always been cautious, and a dense barrier has been arranged around it to prepare for this stage of integration.

The internal space is expanding and being stretched, which does not have a great impact on the internal sense of space.

This is preparation for adapting to the "outside world". The pseudo-alternative space that Bell originally created to deceive the space has begun to transform into a real alien space.

After stretching his body and putting the dirty cloak into the fourth dimension, Bell walked into the big tree house.

"Lord God, I'm back."

"Welcome back, Mr. Bell!"

Today's Lord God also jumped out of the room and jumped on him like a gust of wind.

Bell reached out and hugged Master Shanggami, taking in his soft body and the two balls close to his belly.

Doing this once a day always makes Bell feel itchy.

"Sniff, sniff~"

Like a cute little beast, Hestia held up her nose and sniffed Bell's body. Suddenly, a strange smell made her pinch her nose and jump away from Bell.

"Wow! Mr. Bell, why do you have a weird smell on your body?"

Bell immediately thought of the four rice cows he had killed with the "Hydra Dagger" in his experiment. He scratched his head in embarrassment and pulled up his clothes and smelled it. Sure enough, there was a fishy smell.

"I'm sorry, Lord God. Maybe it's because of the blood stains on my clothes when I killed the Minotaur. I'll go clean the clothes later."

"Hmm~ Then let me help Mr. Bell take a bath today!"

When it came to cleaning, Hestia's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the past, they lived underground and did not have a suitable bathhouse. They could only use temporary small baths. However, in that kind of place, you could not even stretch your legs to take a bath, so how could you relax and enjoy a bath? time?

Good guy! Lord God, you’re not going to act anymore, are you?

This sentence almost made Bell's eyes pop out.

Subconsciously, I constructed a figure of Lord God in my mind, and then erased the heavenly dress.


.....The picture is a bit exciting.

Bell, who has no practical experience, said that kind of scene is really exciting for the chicks.

Bell quickly used a cooling rune on himself to calm down his heated mind.

Under the influence of Rune, Bell quickly woke up from his feverish delusions.

"Lord God, I'd better wash it myself."

Staying true to your heart is difficult.


The look of disappointment was very obvious, and Bell felt that he would definitely not be able to hold on if he continued to watch.

So Bell's figure quickly disappeared in front of Lord Shangshen, leaving only a voice.

"Lord God, I'll go first."

Looking at Bell running away, Hestia's face gradually turned pink.

"Hmm~ Mr. Bell, why don't you try harder?"

We arrived at the bathhouse, which was specially made by Bell for Lord Kamigami.

The internal construction is like this big tree house.

The ground is the skin of trees, but it is not uneven, and you can even see reflections. The smooth bark can absorb and purify sewage. The used water is absorbed through the tree and then placed inside the bath.

Recently, Bell has clearly felt that Master Shangshen's hints towards him have become more and more obvious.

"I'm a man after all. If I'm always stimulated like this, I won't be able to fulfill my promise to Lord God.

Near the innermost position, you can see a big tree hole. There is a steady stream of hot water gushing out of the tree hole. This big tree hole is also the outlet for the internal circulation in the bathroom.

In addition, there is a large tree-structured bathtub in the bathroom, which makes people think it is naturally formed in a big tree house.

"Ah...it's also a problem that God-sama is too cute."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Perhaps because of the involvement of the Goddess Hephaestus, the Goddess who had been very stable before became restless.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Si'er's restless mood became much more stable.

"But when I was with God Hephaestus, she was the one who stimulated me."

This effect can be achieved by making appropriate and reasonable modifications to the elf tree.

He grabbed a ripe fruit from the wall and crushed it gently. A large amount of juice flowed out from the inside of the fruit. Bell poured all the juice on his head and then threw the crushed fruit to the ground.

Scrubbing his hair with both hands, a fruity fragrance slowly filled Bell's nose. The crushed juice slowly turned into foam while scrubbing with his hands, gradually taking away the dust and smell on Bell's head. It just leaves the sweet smell of the fruit on your hair.

Yes, Bell has determined that Lord God always hints at the real crux of his problem, which is jealousy.

If you imagine carefully, he did not take the initiative to get close to God Hephaestus. God Hephaestus took the lead every time, and he only had the right to be passive.

Bell took off his extra clothes and went directly to the scrubbing area.

Because he and God Hephaestus are usually very close, and in addition, he is probably always close to God Hephaestus recently, which must have stimulated the God.

"Well, he must be jealous.

It is a pollution-free internal cycle.

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