I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 283 Hephaestus’ Reminder

After scrubbing the whole body with the juice of the fruit, the skin that was slightly dry just now regained its moisture and elasticity as if it had absorbed water.

....... The fruits I use here should not be added to those that are available or not. If I often use this kind of fruit to bathe my skin, it will feel like I have taken special care. "

Bell now has a lot of opinions about her skin.

It would look more masculine if you add some roughness and strength.

But because of his "robust" nature, his muscles not only have super endurance, but also have super flexibility, which makes his skin not look particularly strong, but very elastic.

When you raise your arms, you can only see very few muscle shapes on the slender arms. This is the best form of "strongness" in order to balance flexibility, endurance and explosiveness. It is a kind of protective color on the human body.

Although Bell really doesn't want to have such a function, it cannot be denied that the current body can exert far greater speed and strength than in the past.

There are almost no disadvantages except that the muscles are rarely visible and the skin is too pure.

Bell pinched his forearm.

"Is it because my body is so painful that I am always weak when facing God Hephaestus?"

Bell didn't know whether the answer to this question was correct or not. After all, he didn't know the inner thoughts of God Hehephisto.

"Do you want to think of ways to make yourself stronger?"

Bell actually wanted to take the initiative in front of God Hephaestus, but every time, God Hephaestus took the initiative and even dominated his actions.

But after thinking about it, he still chose to give up.

"Hey... Instead of thinking about taking the initiative in the relationship, it's more reliable to think about how to improve your strength."

Yes, the world he is experiencing at this moment is not the comfortable world in his previous life. This world is not strong enough to say that he will really die.

Among the monsters in the dungeon, who would play a love game with you except the "heretics"?

Not even those "heretics" can play love games with anyone. If you don't show your sincerity to them, they won't show your sincerity.

Therefore, the basis for achieving everything is strength.

But Bell can't continue to speed up now, and the consequences of continuing to speed up are often bad.

It only took less than three months to go from having no basic skills to level 2, and from scratch to Lv. 3 in less than three months. This speed is unprecedented.

This kind of improvement speed is the most suitable speed for Bell. The "personal training" with the characteristics of "early maturity" is turned on almost all the time. As long as he is doing exercises, his strength can be displayed very quickly. growth of.

This means that almost every workout, every battle, and every effort he makes adds a growth value, so after almost any workout or battle, Bell will see an increase in strength.

Under such circumstances, Bell was able to achieve the extraordinary feat of reaching Level 3 in three months.

At a time when his growth rate is almost at full speed, Bell actually spends more time on training his "skills".

The great thing about "personal training" is that it can also help you develop your "skills".

But just because the speed and direction of growth have been found, and are even advancing steadily, Bell doesn't know what direction he can find to improve his strength now.


"The current research projects are poison and curse. These two fields are very helpful in combat, but it will take time to directly become part of the strength.

Research itself is not accomplished overnight, and it is difficult to plan Rune's path to becoming stronger at this stage.

"Sword skills?"

"But I'm still learning the ultimate skill in the field of "Swallow Return". Currently, I can only superimpose two slashes with one breath and one breath. I'm still a long way from completing "Swallow Return". Studying other techniques is putting the cart before the horse. "

The ultimate of "skills" is the embodiment of "Yan Hui". To seek breakthroughs in other areas is to find trouble for yourself, which is unreliable.

"Then which direction should I look?"

Bell couldn't help but fell into thought.

"What about the two directions of assistance and connection?"

Bell is an inspiration when he hears the sound.

The person standing at the bathroom door was the person he was thinking about how to change his weak state, Hephaestus.

However, the state of God Hephaestus was a little not right at this moment.

"God Hephaestus, are you on the wrong track?"

That's right, God Hephaestus is not wearing the usual black trousers and white shirt at this moment, but is simply wearing a bath towel around her body, and her big white legs that are usually tightly wrapped are now It was right in front of Bell that his eyes were blurred.


so white!

Nice legs!

Tohsaka Rin is a character who stands out in the second dimension and can play for years, but at this moment, Bell feels that God Hephaestus is even above Tosaka Rin.

Is this Sister Yu? Bell said that he was under a lot of pressure.

Did you go wrong?

Of course you are right.

Hephaestus smiled and walked into the bathroom. Of course she knew Bell was in the bathroom, otherwise how could she get here?

The white toes are particularly eye-catching under the light in the bathroom, and the slender yet plump fleshy long legs make people don't know where to put their eyes.

In fact, Bell really didn't know how to close his eyes, but after taking a few glances, he still used his willpower to avert his eyes.

After his eyes shifted, Bell felt that his cloudy mind became much clearer, and he even breathed out unconsciously.

"That's true."

Hearing the sound of falling water next to him and a sudden sentence, Bell turned his head in confusion.

"God Hephaestus, what did you mean by that sentence just now?"

Hephaestus's scarlet eyes reflected Bell alone, but the Bell seen in those eyes was also tainted with some red aura.

"Bell, you've been feeling a little out of control lately."

Bell thought about it for a moment, and then with a solemn expression he began to check the usefulness of his runes.

Hephaestus watched quietly from the side until the runes lost their brightness and Bell's face became even uglier before speaking.

"Do you feel it?"


Only then did Bell notice the red aura remaining on the outer layer of his body.

It's very dull, as if it will disappear at any moment. If you don't look carefully, you can't observe those things.

After a simple inspection, Bell discovered that those things were...some kind of curse.

"God Hephaestus, what is that red substance?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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