I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 284 Sorry, Hestia

"That is a "trial" for adventurers.


"That's right."

Hephaestus adjusted her sitting position. The hot water soaked her whole body, and her legs that were immersed in sleep were slightly spread apart. While enjoying the comfort, she explained to Bell.

"For adventurers, dungeons are a place where they can challenge themselves, improve their level, and even make money to support their families, but it is also a very dangerous place."

"Dungeons are full of dangers." This statement is not limited to the monsters born in dungeons, but is also based on the shadow that dungeons have on adventurers at all times.

"Like a dirty fairy?"

"Bell, that's not a trial, it's just letting the adventurers die.

Those scarlet beautiful eyes gave Bell a roll of his eyes.

If the impact of the dungeon on adventurers is that of a filthy fairy, then for adventurers it will be a difficulty of "no one survives".

"Those red substances are actually the wild rage that comes with every monster. This is the curse given to adventurers by the dungeon, and it is also a trial."

"Those things will be stained on the adventurer's body after killing 597 monsters, through the blood of the monsters."

Bell immediately thought of the monster blood that had not been dealt with today. He did not expect that it could be so deceptive.

But that point is definitely of little use, so this is a phenomenon caused by the blood of monsters over time.

This made Bell's face darken.

He originally thought that he himself was cautious enough, and he was not tricked by the dungeon on this issue.

Looking at Bell's dark expression, Hephaestus could probably guess what he was thinking.

The hand under the water pressed on the back of Bell's hand, attracting his attention to her, and then continued.

"You don't have to pay too much attention to this trial. All adventurers have been hit by it."

This answer made Bell confused.

"Since you, God Hephaestus, know it, it means that other gods also know it. Then why are so many adventurers falling for it?"

"Because this trial has disadvantages, but it also has advantages.

This argument is acceptable to Bell.

Since it is a problematic matter, then not talking about it must be (chfb) besides the disadvantages, there are also advantages.

"That kind of madness will trigger some strong desires in the adventurer's heart, thus making the adventurer's character more distinct."

“People who are greedy for money will be more greedy for money, anxious people will be even more anxious, and people who have the desire to kill will often have more desire to kill.

"However, this impact is not absolute, and there are ways to combat it."

"As long as you have a firm enough xinxing, you can resist the psychological influence that arises, and you can also make your xinxing more firm through these experiences.

"This character is actually very important for adventurers. Most of the gods who are aware of this problem will not say it explicitly, but they will take the initiative to guide their children out of that state."

Hephaestus explained the "trial" in great detail, which also made Bell frown.

"So, the reason why Orario's adventurers are so lazy still lies in the comfort of the first dozen floors of the dungeon and the curse of the dungeon on the adventurers?"

It turns out that the reason why adventurers are so lazy and content with the status quo is not just as simple as not wanting to take risks, but also the whole conspiracy formed by the dungeon.

"That's it."

Stoss confirmed Bell's conjecture, and the hand that was pressing on the back of Bell's hand moved to the lower part and interlocked with Bell's hand.

"So, for new adventurers, promotion to Level 2 is a critical period. Once this period is affected by the dungeon and they are unable to get out on their own, the influence of the dungeon will last a lifetime.

After Bell's heartbeat stopped for a moment, he was no longer passive and clasped Hephaestus' hand tightly, and then thought of a question.

"Why am I only being affected now?"

"Didn't I say it? The influence of dungeons takes a long time to take effect. How long do you think it takes for an average adventurer to reach Level 2?"

"Um, three or four years?"

"Before Loki's "Sword Girl" broke the fastest record in one year, Orario's fastest record was more than two years, and more than half of the adventurers couldn't even reach it in ten or twenty years. Lv.2, and those people are the ones most affected by the dungeon. "

For mediocre adventurers, if they stay in dungeons for a long time, the impact of the dungeons before upgrading will be more serious.

On the other hand, if you are a talented adventurer, you may have already raised your level to Lv. 3 before being affected by the dungeon.

But Hephaestus had seen Bell controlling his desires just now.

In a sense, at this level, the influence of the dungeon is not even felt by the person involved, but even under such circumstances, Bell still restrained his desires. This is the most incredible thing about Hephaestus. , and Hephaestus was happiest.

The thumb under the water gently moved Bell's thumb. This simple play made Hephaestus not bored at all.

"Idiot~ You shouldn't speak at this time, but should express it with actions."

Bell himself felt that he was extremely embarrassed. Everything happened directly in his face, but he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Bell's silly look, Hephaestus couldn't help laughing.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Hephaestus smiled and leaned towards Bell.

"Sorry, Hestia, I have to move on."

Such a direct straight ball stunned Bell.

After all, this was the first time in his life that he heard a girl say such direct words to him.

At this time, Hephaestus silently apologized to her best friend in her heart.

He was still thinking about how to be tough in front of Hephaestus, but he was instantly made blushing and heartbeat by saying "my love".

After all, I really have no experience in this area.

"As expected of you, my love."

"You haven't given me a reaction yet?"

In terms of height, Hephaestus has the advantage, and the same is true in terms of sitting height.

Just like the previous two times, Hephaestus still held the initiative.

"You should be the only one who was affected by the dungeon at Level 3, and even managed to break through this influence with your own willpower."

Bell admitted that he had watched a lot of short films about spreading candy, but the problem was that he was the one looking at his phone and giggling, not the protagonist in the short film.

"Uh... I... I don't know what to say..."

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