I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 297 The Initial Test


Raul, who was holding the sword tightly, charged at the approaching Minotaur with a sweeping motion.

The sharp sword blade directly split open Miniu's muscles and cut Miniu in two.

Another Mi Niu raised his ax and rushed towards Raul. Raul quickly took two steps forward, held the hilt of the sword with his backhand, and swept the sword with his backhand.

Just like cutting through tofu, Miniu's strong muscles couldn't even stop him in the slightest, and were cut open directly by the knife.

"It's indeed a good weapon."

The muscles of the Minotaur were cut open easily. You must know that for adventurers' weapons, the muscles of the Minotaur are quite difficult bones to chew, but now they are cut open so easily. The muscles of the Minotaur, this weapon is simply terrifyingly sharp.


Just when Mi Niu in front was about to rush forward, a female voice rushed forward with a soft drink.

Daphne grabbed the long knife in her hand and rushed forward. 27 Speed ​​is Daphne's biggest weapon as an adventurer. Although she is only Lv.2, she has also accumulated a sufficient amount of "ability points" in the Lv.2 stage. Her speed is like a wind. Go up.


The Minotaur raised the giant ax in his hand and struck down Daphne who was rushing towards her.


At the moment when the giant ax was about to hit Daphne, a shield composed of dozens of hexahedrons blocked the giant axe's blow.

Daphne didn't even pause in her actions. She clenched the long knife and immediately aimed at the Minotaur's hand and chopped it down.

The long knife cut through Mi Niu's arm without even a pause, and a trail of blood splashed into the sky. The hand that had just attacked had been broken and fell to the ground.


The Minotaur, who was in pain, quickly changed his state and hit Daphne directly with the horns on his head.

But Daphne is not a novice, she has already reacted to the actions of the Minotaur.

He ducked to avoid the horn attack, and then stabbed the Minotaur straight through the chest.


The Minotaur instantly turned into a pool of white ash. It seemed that the thorn directly penetrated the Minotaur's magic stone.

"Daphne-chan, bow your head!"

When Daphne heard the sound, she felt a shadow blocking the light above, and she immediately crouched down.

An arrow with strong wind pierced Daphne's scalp directly.


The sound of blood splattering made Daphne quickly raise her head, and she saw a standing Minotaur that had lost its head but had not yet fallen down.


Daphne screamed secretly, bent her knees slightly and jumped out backwards.


The next second the Minotaur lost his head and hit the ground heavily, and a strong smell of blood spread on the ground.

Almost all four Minotaurs were killed directly in just a few dozen seconds.

Raul killed two and Daphne killed one.

No combination of this level of efficiency can match it.

"Huh... This is really an easier battle than I imagined."

Daphne wiped the blood on her face. She hardly paid much attention to the battle just now. She only needed to focus on the Minotaur in front of her.

Daphne breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight and looked at the wooden knife in her hand.

"This weapon is much sharper than imagined."

Daphne already felt that she had estimated these weapons as high as possible before, but after actually using them, she could feel that the initial overestimation was still low.

At the same time, Daphne also knew in her heart what level of weapon she was holding.

At least it’s second-tier!

The strength of this weapon is beyond imagination.

Despite being pleasantly surprised, Daphne did not regret not choosing other weapons. For her, one of the weapons she is good at is enough. What is more important to her is actually the space pocket.

The versatility of the space belt bag is much better than weapons with amazing strength, and she will also need to prepare some rune stones in the space belt bag later. Daphne has already felt from the shield just now that the rune stones are very useful, and they are very useful for frontline battles. great help.

Daphne turned her head and looked at her hand that was still holding the bow. Her right hand that shot the bow and arrow looked a little trembling. But was the bow and arrow so powerful?

But the power of the arrow just now was indeed very powerful.

"How do your hands feel?"

This increases the danger in dungeons, so it is only practical in special circumstances, and is completely unnecessary in ordinary circumstances.

But even such a low "ability value" cannot change the fact that Cassandra is Lv. 2. The difference in level is very obvious in "ability value". Maybe Cassandra at this moment is equivalent to Lv. .1 The adventurer has 600 or even 700 points of durability and strength.

You must know that Cassandra is an auxiliary who is good at healing, but not very good at bows and arrows, but the arrow just hit the Minotaur's head.

If even Cassandra's hands are numb due to the arrow's recoil when she shoots an arrow, then the Lv.1 adventurer may only use this attack method once, and after one time, La La will be defeated. The bow hand was completely numb.


Bell crossed out the operation of attaching wind to the arrow. This method can concentrate the attribute attack that can last for fifteen minutes into a single burst, which greatly enhances the destructive power of the attribute attack, but also greatly increases the damage to the target. The physical requirements required for this kind of attack.

Daphne walked over to Cassandra.

"...a little numb."

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

Cassandra's "ability value" is relatively low at 923. Even though she has reached Lv.2, she was upgraded only when her magic power reached the promotion standard. She is not like other adventurers who polish their "ability value" To the extreme.

Of course, the most important thing is that "Attribute Enchantment" is worth 1 million Falis each. It is not necessary to use it for ordinary attacks. This approach is really too expensive.

The sudden sound startled Cassandra, but she breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the person next to her was Bell.

After Kassandra shot the arrow, her hand was numbed by the rebound of the bow.

"Mr. Raul, Daphne, and Cassandra, please rest for five minutes before starting other tests."

All Bell needs to do in these five minutes is to make corresponding adjustments and find a better assist opportunity from the simple battle just now.

"The side effects of adding wind to arrows are still too great."

The power of that arrow made Bell very satisfied, but the aftermath of the arrow also made Bell very dissatisfied.

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