I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 298 Summary, Induction And Enlightenment

Two figures were flying on the 20th floor of the underground city.

After the 20th floor of the dungeon is a forest maze, where you can see countless towering trees, some of which are even connected to the previous level or even the next level.

Almost all the animals that appear in Animals have changed into the form of monsters. Not only have their sizes become larger, but their destructive power has also been fully strengthened. Some monsters even have the ability to spit water and fire.

"Buzz buzz!"

The dense buzzing sound brought a black cloud and pressed towards the two figures who were running wildly.

If your dynamic vision is good enough, you can see that those black clouds are made up of individual bees.

But those were not the finger-sized bees in the outside world, but a group of bees each the size of a human head.

Being stung by an outside bee may only hurt for a while, but being stung by such a big bee may really take the person away.

The spikes on the tail are completely designed to target foreign enemies. A shield of poor quality may not be able to withstand a few attacks.

What we are chasing now is a whole swarm of bees. If you look at it casually, the number of bees is not just dozens, but at least hundreds.

The two figures running in front of the bees had no intention of slowing down, but were controlling their speed to lead the bees behind.

One of them glanced back.

"Senior Raul, did we lure too many people here?"

"Don't talk and look ahead. If you get bitten by those things, you'll be in trouble."

The other person didn't even look back.

He once experienced the feeling of being stung by these things. His whole arm was penetrated, and the extraordinary pain swept through his entire consciousness. No matter how tough a guy is, he can't withstand the heartbreaking pain.

"Senior, have you ever been stung by those things?"

....Don’t dig into my dark history!”

The man looked back at the crazy bees and ran back as if suffering from PTSD, even his speed increased a lot again.

There is no need to answer carefully at this time, it must have been bitten once.

Another person also started to accelerate.

The bees behind the two people also seemed to have aimed at the target. They followed the two people as quickly as possible regardless of other things, waiting for the opportunity to give the two people a fatal blow.

A thousand meters away from the two of them, a girl had already drawn her bow and was ready.

You can see that the bow body is burning with red flames, but the bow itself is not burned up by the flames, but maintains its original appearance.

He took out a wooden arrow from nowhere, took a deep breath, put the arrow on the bow, and then raised the bow above his head, gradually raising the bow to its maximum limit.

At the same time, a breeze condensed on the tip of the arrow, and the arrow body was affected by the burning flames on the bow, except for the arrow tip.

The red mark of her teammate appeared in the girl's eyes, and then she made the final preparations.

Seeing the right moment, he loosened the bow string, and the wooden arrow flew out with flames.

At the same time that the two figures appeared, the wooden arrow also passed through their heads at an extraordinary speed.

The moment the two noticed it, they immediately flashed to the side.


A fire storm erupted from behind them.

The fire that was ignited at that moment almost evaporated the moisture in the air, and even the two people hiding behind the tree felt a bit of heat, and their skin even became dry and cracked in an instant.

After about thirty seconds, this fire storm will end.

There was no longer any buzzing sound in the air. The two people hiding behind the tree stepped out from behind the tree. They carefully poked their heads towards the edge of the tree. Ten gusts of hot wind blew their eyes. .

After getting used to it for a while, I finally saw the hellish picture scroll behind the trees.

A large number of trees were burned to ashes almost instantly, and the ground was directly melted by the flames, and there were even signs of a large area being melted.

This phenomenon actually encompasses all space within the visual field.


Even Raul, who was accustomed to big scenes, couldn't help but speak the quintessence of Chinese culture.

"This, this is the power of an arrow!? This is not much worse than Riveria's magic."

You know, that was not the power of magic just now, but an arrow formed by adding magic and other magic. There was no need to recite the incantation, it was just a simple arrow shot. Such destructive power was too terrifying. .

This is also true. After all, everyone is confused by such destructive power. Even Cassandra who shot the arrow did not hold back and sat on the ground looking at the destructive power she caused.

Bell, the only one who was calm, was not surprised. The fire took advantage of the wind and condensed the air on the arrow tip. When the object was concentrated, the air at the arrow tip instantly enveloped the flame and exploded completely, making the flame that he could control become violent and abnormal. , showing extraordinary destructive power.

I took out another notebook and added the sentence "It has more than enough destructive power, but it can only attack fixed targets" after "attached to the fire wind bow and arrow".

This kind of pure destructive power can form a deterrent in the underground city, but that is based on the situation that it can be attacked.

It takes too long to prepare, and he also needs to personally control the rune to condense the air at the tip of the arrow, otherwise the destructive power will not reach this level. If it is achieved simply by using runes, the power may be reduced by 40%. Such a gap It's just too big.

Although there are many problems with the attack, the test just now was not about the destructive power, but whether he could do it.

Facts have proved that Bell can really bring his support to the extreme, especially in the area of ​​destruction.

"You can temporarily support a single attack."

Bell also knows that he has just begun to try to assist, so don't think about covering everything, you can start from a single aspect.

"You can use runestones to strengthen physical abilities, but consciousness. I can do a little research on the combination of runes to speed up thinking."

"If we increase the acceleration of thinking and cooperate with the acceleration of the body, we may be able to reach a higher level of performance."

"If I concentrate now, I can only take care of one or two people. This is a bit like when I usually fight multiple monsters."

"Perhaps this kind of exercise can really improve my feeling about fighting."

Originally, it was just a guess that this kind of training might increase his strength, but now Bell feels that this approach might really increase his strength outside of the panel.

That is to say, a clearer judgment on the battlefield and better control of the situation.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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