I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 299 It Really Is Because Of Men!

Night comes again to Orario.

The streets of Orario are still as lively as a festival. Perhaps for adventurers who are wandering in danger every day, the joy of night is the only time that can relax the tense nerves of adventurers.

Perhaps only a very serious crisis in Orario would allow the adventurers to stay peacefully in the family at night.

At this moment, the space in Loki's family Finn's office was opened, and the three people were sent directly back to the office.

But it was dark inside the office at the moment. After all, Finn didn't always stay in the office.

"He's back."

Through the moonlight, Raoul looked at the familiar layout around him and immediately confirmed where this place was.

"So dark."

It was almost impossible to see anything in the room.


The sound of something being hit was particularly clear in the room, and then a low scream was heard:

"Little toe...it hurts..."

Listening to the sound of the impact and the low scream, one can imagine a person's little toe colliding directly with the furniture uncontrollably, causing both people listening to feel phantom pain.

"Cassandra, please be careful. Can't you keep moving in such a dark room?"

"Um...Daphne-chan, you are still mean to me..."

"Come on, we are adventurers, we just stubbed our little toe, is that true?"

Just the next second.


There was a more violent crash, this time the sound was louder, and it really startled Raul.

"What's wrong?"

The air fell into silence for a while, and then a voice sounded like it was being held back:

"Senior Raul......I also bumped into......"

Raul was immediately speechless.

"Daphne, you should be careful when you walk. I just said that Cassandra was careless, but you turned out to be so careless yourself."

The person who went to catch the mummy turned into a mummy was talking about the situation at hand.

I have no choice but to do it myself.

Raul is very familiar with the group leader's office. With some moonlight and being careful, he will definitely not run into it. I can only say that the two girls are too impatient.

Raul quickly came to the wall and turned on the magic lamp, which suddenly lit up the office.

Looking back, the two girls were squatting over there with their feet covered, and they looked like they had been hit hard.

It was really hard for Raul to imagine how these two girls could be so careless at this time. Could even carelessness be contagious?

"Cassandra, Daphne, you...should be okay?"

Normally you can resist even the attacks of monsters, why are you so vulnerable today?

Of course, that is because Raul at this moment does not understand the pain felt by the two people. The feeling of being hit on the little toe is no less than being hit by a monster.

"Well...it's okay..."

But Raul didn't sound like he was fine.

"Cassandra, aren't you good at healing magic? If you can't help it, just use healing magic.

After reacting, Cassandra immediately took out her wand and began to recite the incantation.

After a burst of green light, their painful little toes got rid of the pain, which made the two girls look much better.

"It's okay, Senior Raul."


Raul noticed that the two girls' faces were a little lowered when they stood up. In order to make the two girls feel better, it was best not to mention what happened just now.

"Let's go.


At this moment, the "Twilight Pavilion" is holding a banquet for "Sword Princess" to break through to Level 6.

Loki wandered around the girls and ate their tofu one by one, which also caused a lot of cooing.

"Loki-sama, don't touch me!"

"Oh! Limi, have you grown up again?"

"Loki-sama, please stop talking nonsense!"

The girl who was teased by Rocky screamed with her cheeks flushed, while the girls watching the fun all laughed.

"Yes, Lord Loki, this guy has grown up even though he has reached this age. It is simply abnormal."

"You, you guys, don't say anything!"

The topics among the girls are relatively open, such as talking about their bodies, boys they like, etc., but the constant topic is still love.

Among them, the story of Tione and the group leader is favored by all the girls in the family clan.

Of course, it's okay not to be optimistic. After all, everyone knows that Tione pesters the group leader all day long, causing other girls who are interested in the group leader to give up completely.

The topic between Tione and the leader is naturally normal among the Loki Familia, but after a long time, everyone stopped talking and basically waited to see when the leader would give in.

After all, judging from Amazon's level of initiative, there is basically no suspense that the leader will be eaten up by Tione sooner or later.

Recently, in addition to the topic of Tione and the leader, the love story between the newly joined Haruhime and a boy from the Hestia Familia has also been reported within the Loki Familia.

Apart from Haruhime's love topic, the one that actually concerned the girls the most was Aisi.

After a group of girls were noisy for a while, they all looked at Ais, who was sitting in the distance and drinking quietly.

"Loki-sama, has Ais encountered anything recently?"

"Yes, she has changed a lot recently. She usually goes to the dungeon by herself to exercise, but recently she started to exercise with us."

"Rather than exercising, it's better to say that Ais wants to help us exercise."

"Yeah yeah."

Listening to the girls' curious questions, Loki looked at Ais with some relief.

"Something must have happened to that child, after all..."

The eyes of several girls were wide open, with some strong interest in shock.

"Is it because you have a boy you like?"


Loki, who was about to speak, was choked back by these words.

"Please, Aisitan will never find a boy she likes! This is the only thing I can guarantee!"

Yes, you can’t have it, and you definitely can’t watch it!

I haven't succeeded yet, how can anyone else?

Facing Loki's opposition, the other girls didn't take it seriously and even tried to persuade him kindly.

"Loki-sama, sooner or later Aisi will find a boy she likes."

"That's right. And Aisi's change is too big. If she wasn't in love, would she have such a big change?"

"Moreover, Lord Loki, Ais's orientation is normal. I don't think she will like you. W

These words were like shards of glass that stained Loki's face.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"As long as I'm keeping an eye on Aisitan, it's absolutely impossible for Aisitan to fall in love with a thief who jumped out of nowhere!"

At this moment, Loki was like a tiger guarding its food, baring its teeth to intimidate other approaching creatures.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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