I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 300 The Characteristics Of The Loki Family


Esshoushan, who was drinking, paused for a moment before his figure flashed and came to Riveria's side in an instant.

She finally figured it out. She must not let Loki get close to her when her strength was not well controlled in the past two days. Otherwise, Loki would either take advantage of him or accidentally punch Loki to death.

These two people may not be what Ais wants to meet, so at this moment, when Ais heard Loki's voice, she leaned in next to Vilia.

Others were embarrassed to beat Loki, but Riveria would definitely beat him mercilessly.

Riveria's hands shook as she was leaned against him, and she looked at Loki who was about to come up with an unswerving expression.

"Wow! Aisitan actually uses this method!"

Although he felt that Estan could start to rely on others, Loki's heart was still full of sadness.

Because Estan hid with Riveria, she couldn't take advantage of Estan.

"Didn't you force me to do so?"

Riveria rolled her eyes at Loki who was shouting "Catch the thief" angrily. She didn't have that much psychological preparation. If Loki really pounced on him at this moment, "She would definitely tie Loki up and hang him from the ceiling."

"Aren't you the one who harassed Ais when she couldn't control her upgraded power?"

"But it was my mother who beat me!"

"How on earth can you say such a thing so confidently?"

Riveria wanted to poke at Loki's confident face with her fingers at this moment.

Seeing that his mother was really angry, Loki took several steps back with a look of fear, until he bumped into Burt and then shrank behind Burt.

"Of course it's because he is the main god!"

Immediately, veins popped up on Riveria's head.

Not to mention Loki, even Bert, who was being used as a shield, felt a heavy pressure at this moment.

At this moment, Bert made a very wise choice. He immediately changed positions with Loki at a speed far exceeding Level 5, and directly pushed Loki forward.


Loki stumbled before she could react, and suddenly a pair of hands supported her, preventing her from falling directly to the ground.

"Ah, thank you...ahhhhh!"

"You're welcome, Loki~"

Riveria accepted Loki's thanks with a smile, and at the same time grabbed Loki's head with one hand and lifted her directly into the air.

"You are not allowed to touch Ais these days, do you understand?"

"Ahhhh! I understand, I understand, put me down quickly!"

Loki felt the iron hand on her head pressing down on her skull, and it even felt like her skull was about to burst. Only then did she choose to give up the sneak attack on Ais.

Riveria snorted softly, and then let go of Loki, who was squealing from her grip.

Loki was let go and fell to the ground. After getting up, she hid behind Burt and grabbed Burt's clothes with both hands, as if to prevent him from escaping just now.

"Burt, you traitor!"

These words made the veins in Bert's head throb.

"What does it have to do with me if you provoke that elf?"

"Of course you are a shield!"

This matter-of-fact tone made Bert very angry.

"You pushed me up to serve as a shield for you? Do you think the hair on my body as a werewolf can resist the magic of that elf?"

"Don't you often say Riveria is an old woman?"

Bert's neck suddenly felt cold, and he felt cold sweat break out on his back. He shouted desperately with a red neck.

"When did I say that the elf was an old woman? Isn't that what you said?"

"Huh? When did I ever say such a thing."

"Just this morning, Finn and the old man heard it too."

Finn and Grace, who were involved by Bert, both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. Why do they make such a big fuss every time they drink?

Of course, they are also very sure of Bert's statement.

At least this guy Bert wouldn't point at Riveria's nose and call her "old woman" even if he was drunk. This was no longer seeking death, this was pure seeking death.

Don't think that just because Riveria is a turret, you can underestimate her. The last thing you can't mess with in Orario is these turrets standing at the back, because they really can do more than just cast magic.


Riveria slapped the table with a dark face and stood up. She walked in front of Bert and Loki without saying a word, grabbed them with one hand and dragged them to the side.

"Hey! I'm innocent, Riveria. It's not like I said you are an old woman, Riveria, Riveria...ahhhhh!"

Burt was unsurprisingly a victim.

No one else dared to continue reading.

Everyone's attention was diverted to other places, but in such a big dining hall, there were only the sounds of fists beating people and the screams of Bert and Loki, which can also show the prestige of Riveria in the Loki Familia.

…………Please give me flowers……

After a while, the canteen door was opened.

Because it was in such an environment, everyone focused on the opened door almost at the same time.

Many members were a little surprised by who came in.


Finn, who was being fed by Tione, quickly stood up, just in time to escape the embarrassment of being fed.

Among them were the little fox who was always careful about eating, Ais who was hiding from Loki just now, and Riveria who was about to finish teaching Bert and Loki.

"Well, Mr. Bell said that today's test is over."

Aisi's eyes also revealed curiosity. The target was the person who could chop off that woman's hand. Aisi couldn't help but pay more attention to the person named "Bell Cronny".

Finn thought for a while and decided to release it. Members of the same family would see it in the future, so it would be better to prepare them in advance.

Now Finn was even more curious. The test that Raul thought was good made Mr. Bell dissatisfied.

"Raul, Daphne, Cassandra, is Mr. Bell's test over?"

At this moment, Finn really wanted to know what kind of tests the three people had gone through today, and also wanted to know what they had gained.

"Captain, it's hard to explain the specific things, so Mr. Bell asked me to bring back the recorded rune stones. Do you want to release them?"

But before Finn could ask any questions, Raul took out a runestone he was carrying.

Raul was a little overwhelmed by being stared at by so many people, but he still answered well.

"Let it out."

Others say this sentence is perfunctory, but at this moment, this statement has very strong reliability.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please comment and give me a price.

Finn was very interested in this. If it weren't for the fact that such a test was not easy to watch, he would have wanted to watch from the side.

This sentence instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"What were the results of the test?"

"There should be a few more tests needed after that. Mr. Bell will inform us about the time. From what I see, Mr. Bell seems to have gone back to prepare other magic."

"I think it's pretty good, but Mr. Bell doesn't seem very satisfied with it.

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