I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 329 Loki Is Only Miserable At The Moment

This is really the case. Simply speaking, Bell's birth is superior to all the adventurers in Orario.

After all, being both a Zeus Familia and a Hera Familia is truly unique.

Although these identities are really just ordinary identities, after all, the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia are no longer as glorious as they once were. They are poor phoenixes and not as good as chickens. The identities at this level are just additional settings.

What is really special is Bell's aunt, "Quietness", who is known as the "incarnation of talent".

As the woman who killed Leviathan with one move, her talent was recognized by Orario as the strongest.

And Bell is the most talented nephew.

"My children don't have as abnormal a relationship as yours. They are both members of the Zeus family and the Hera family, and they are also related to that talented monster. They are simply a family of perverts."

Loki couldn't help but complain when he thought of Bei "Three Four Three"'s hidden identity.

That "incarnation of talent" turned out to be this kid's aunt. How outrageous!?

You must know that "Quietness" was able to remain invincible against the Level 9 Empress as a Level 7 back then. This was not just a simple level jump, it was a two level jump!

If the aunt is a monster to that extent, then the nephew also has this kind of "irrationality" to a greater or lesser extent.

So after knowing Bell's identity, Loki's jealousy always made her want to complain.

"It's not a pervert."

Hestia pursed her lips. She didn't care so much about Loki saying that other people were perverted, but it was inappropriate to say that Mr. Bell was perverted.



Hestia turned to look at Hephaestus, and saw that Hephaestus's eyes were always hinting at her, reminding her of what Mr. Bell asked her to show Loki before.

"By the way, Loki, since we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future, I can give you an explanation."


There were question marks on Loki's head. Is there anything this little dwarf is hiding from her?

Hestia walked aside and took over the piece of paper with Bell's updated data imprinted on it.

Of course Loki saw the piece of paper and knew it was that boy's data, but she was speechless.

"Do you need it? I don't know if your child is not Level 2? You still need to show this kind of data. What's wrong with this... lying grass!?"

Of course Loki knew that the boy was probably Level 3. After all, he had noticed some results during the last test. But when he saw the level on the update paper, Loki's eyes almost popped out.


The updated data clearly says Lv.4, not Lv.3.

The data are all 10, which means that Level 4 has just been upgraded?

Is it already so easy to upgrade from Lv.3 to Lv.4?

Loki stared blankly at the updated data. There was no clear data marked on it, but Loki understood that the data before the update would definitely not be bad. Each data had definitely reached the extreme level. After all, with that kid's The character will never joke about his future.

Well, if that kid is not joking, then the world is joking with her, Loki.

This made Loki scream hysterically.

"This kid has only been in Orario for three or four months, so why has he reached Level 4 directly? How did he improve so quickly?"

No one can ascend so quickly!

Loki could remember how long it took for his child to advance from scratch to Level 4. It was probably less than 7 years.

Ais's improvement speed is already considered fast, but it took her 6 years to reach Level 4.

Almost every time I upgrade, I raise my ability value to the limit before choosing to upgrade.

You must know that increasing the ability value is not an easy task. When the ability value reaches a certain limit, the improvement speed will become very slow. Even Finn and the others have been stuck at Level 6 for a long time. Even they The ability value only increases by 1 or 2 points after each expedition.

So how do you want to upgrade to Lv. 4 within three or four months? And that’s while raising your ability value to the extreme.

Hestia covered her ears, obviously finding it difficult to accept Loki's hysterical screams.

"Is it necessary to be so excited?"

"Is it necessary? Do you think it's not necessary!?"

Loki was really pissed off when he saw the little dwarf making such a fuss. This bastard was a typical example of someone who got a good deal and still behaved.

"I won't say anything about the special powers that brat possesses, but that brat actually improved his level so quickly despite having powers. This... this is simply too much!?"

Yes, at this moment Loki truly felt what it meant to be a "Chosen One"...

This damn configuration highlights an unreasonableness.

"Loki, your children are actually not bad at all. It's just that you're comparing them to the wrong person. How can you compare ordinary children with powerful children?"

Hephaestus looked at the sulky Loki and couldn't help but comfort him:

In three or four months, even if he is well in four months, he has improved from nothing to the current level 4. There are still three development abilities in the growth process. The three development abilities are all special types, and they also have all-round abilities. type of power.

"Please, I've let you know the level and development ability. Can't magic and skills be kept a secret?"

Nonsense! Of course I know that boy's skills and magic are the key.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Although Loki also felt that it was definitely wrong to compare his own child with that brat. Just like Hephaestus said, I am afraid that he will not be able to find another child with power in the next world. You definitely can't compare with that brat.

Bell-kun's magic and skills must be kept secret.

Even Loki couldn't help but want to report this brat for cheating.

But there is still a very obvious difference between this Ais and the children of the Shorty family.

"My children's secrets are all about magic and skills. How can I show them directly?"

"Where are that brat's magic and skills?"

Originally this was a comforting word, but it sounded so unpleasant to Loki's ears.

In the past, she felt that Ais was the chosen one. After all, Ais really grew up very fast. She broke through Level 2 in one year and was promoted from Level 2 to the current Level in less than ten years. 6, can be said to be the most talented representative of Orario.

Hestia was silent when faced with Loki's complaints.

"It's unrealistic for you to find a second powerful Bell in the lower world in the future. How can you compare this child with your own children?"

Loki couldn't help but get angry and sulked. Today should be a happy day, especially when he sees his children growing up. But now she couldn't help but feel that 2.0 was terrible, and she couldn't stop feeling so difficult.

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