I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 330: Reflections On Cultivating Newcomers And Seniors

The joint expedition team of the Loki Familia and the Hephaestus Familia soon arrived at the "Rivera Street" on the 18th floor.

Considering that the expedition requires a lot of time, physical strength and energy, we temporarily stayed on the 18th floor for one day to re-prepare.

Going to the deep levels cannot be completed in a day or two. Almost every time the Loki Familia pass by the safe layer, they will stop to re-prepare and then proceed to the next floor strategy.

Almost every safe floor takes a day to conquer, and then it takes a day to reorganize and repair each safe floor. In other words, it takes at least 8 days for both teams to reach the 50th floor at the same time. Days of time.

After all, this is not an expedition for two or three people, but an expedition for a group of 80 people.

An expedition of this magnitude cannot be done quickly; it must ensure the safety of the team's progress.

When the Loki Familia's expedition stops on the 18th floor, they will choose to stay one night in "Rivera Street". This can save food for the day and allow the expedition members to have a good rest.

Because he is an old customer, naturally the owner of the hotel is not going to kill him. After all, the Loki family is a big customer who has to go on an expedition every once in a while. How can he still do business in the future if he is really aggressive?

Should we push such good business to other hotels?

Watching those guys make money, isn't it more uncomfortable than losing money yourself?

Therefore, for the Loki Family's large-scale accommodation, the hotel owner actually gave a very preferential price.

Although this discounted price is 30% more expensive than Orario, this is the 18th floor of the underground city after all, so it is natural that it is expensive.

However, the Loki Familia didn't mind how expensive it was, so they quickly checked into the hotel they had found earlier.

"Hey~ Have those children grown up a lot?"

Afterwards, Grace was a little surprised when she heard Finn and Riveria's comments about Lilyluca and Daphne. She didn't expect that those two girls turned out to be the two people who had grown the most.

"No wonder this advancement is going so smoothly."

"Those children were divided into different teams to carry out the strategy, and each of them made good progress. This was much smoother than imagined."

The first half of the expedition is to allow the new members to adapt to the expedition environment within the clan, and at the same time, it allows them to gain confidence and gain greater room for growth.

Originally, this stage was not easy to accomplish, but I didn't expect that it would go so smoothly this time.

"This is all due to the growth of Daphne and Lililuka. They both have good talents in command, and they can lead low-level companions to advance smoothly along the way."

Finn also had a smile on his face. Of course, this was not only because he had many companions who grew up in his family, but also because this person who grew up was a member of the same race as his little human race.

"In the next strategy, I also plan to let Lilyluka and Daphne continue to show their abilities."

"Is the next step going to be the strategy for the middle and lower levels? It will really be a test for those two kids."

Commanding the middle and lower levels is not something that can be done easily, and Grace is a little worried about whether the two children will not be able to hold on.

“It’s definitely still difficult, but it should be a good experience for them.

Fenn also knew that the commands in the middle and lower levels were different from those in the upper levels, and the monsters they faced were not of the same level, so the energy required was not as large as usual, but this was definitely a very good experience.

"After entering the deep level, let Lilluka and Daphne serve as my commanding assistants. In addition to commanding, I will also teach them some commanding methods."

"Are you going to let those two kids take your place so soon?"

Riveria could tell that Finn was preparing to move out of his command position.

Finn just nodded slightly to this.

"Now for me, once I reach the deep level, the pressure of command begins to become greater. In the past, there were only a few people in our family who were capable in this area. I also asked someone to help me with the command."

Finn was also a little helpless about this. After all, his age had reached a certain limit, and his energy was still weaker than in the past.

"Although my energy has not weakened much now, it is indeed decreasing. So taking advantage of this opportunity, the family members also need to cultivate some corresponding talents."

"Training new people can be done slowly, and training new people cannot be completed in a short while.

"Well, compared to the life span of less than a hundred years for purebred humans, most of our little humans can indeed live up to 150 years old. However, after 120293 years old, our energy is no longer as strong as before. The next 30 years I'm afraid I only have enough time to live a complete retirement life."

Issues of age and energy really need to be paid attention to.

"Then what are you still talking about?"

Leave more fire seeds for the Familia, so that the Familia will not be completely cut off at this stage.

"Grace, don't put me in your category. It's just that most elves are nearly 500 years old, and I have just reached the stage of youth.

This is what Riveria needs to do as a senior.

"Finn, you little humans have a longer lifespan than ordinary humans. And Grace, don't you dwarves do the same?"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"The lifespan of dwarves is generally about 200 years old, but we are actually similar to the little humans. After reaching a certain age, we will live in retirement.

"Well, in this case, I'm going to talk to Mr. Bell."

After being singled out, Finn and Grace both rubbed their heads in embarrassment.

Riveria didn't know what to say about these two people. She only started to feel like this after a third of her life.

Grace's emotion made Riveria directly roll her eyes.

"Yes, we have reached this age too."

Compared to purebred humans, the little humans and dwarves still have certain advantages in lifespan. Different races have nearly twice as long as purebred humans, so they also have more time to make preparations. .

When it came to the issue of age, Riveria and Grace also became a little dull.

"Our responsibility is to take them to experience more things and then bring them back safely. Other things are not within the scope of our thinking."

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