I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 337 Liluka’S Plan

"The destructive power is indeed pretty good."

Looking at the small battle in front of him, Bell nodded slightly.

The timing of using the rune stones is actually not bad, and all the opportunities to attack were seized. If the vanguard could not be immersed in the amazing destructive power and lethality, Daphne's performance this time would be perfect.

"But Daphne was almost attacked by a monster, which is a minus point."

Bell saw Daphne's advantages, but also saw Daphne's problems.

Compared to full-time command, her fighting style is too aggressive.

Although this radicalness may be related to her desire to show her own value in front of her family, this behavior has shown its own shortcomings.

It can be said that things are counterproductive.

However, the evaluation of Daphne will not change. She still has quite good potential, but there is still room for improvement in some areas.

Although I don't know how Finn and others will evaluate it, it seems to Bell that Daphne's future will definitely be higher than Raul's.

The title of "Super Ordinary Man" actually determines Raul's future achievements. He does not have amazing talents, but only ordinary levels, and the achievements he can achieve are also limited.

Dungeons can only be played by extremely talented adventurers. Especially as you go higher and higher, the gap between ordinary people and talented people becomes more and more obvious.

To sum up, Daphne has enough talent, talent in magic and command, and has the conditions to enter the upper echelons of the Loki Familia.

"Gifted people...are indeed very different from us ordinary people."

Bell never had the talent to command. His talent was more of a patchwork. Maybe someone else could do the same thing as him.

So, don't be arrogant.

His heart slowly calmed down. The recent constant escalation had made his mind impetuous. Otherwise, he would not be caught by the Loki Familia if he could move forward more steadily.

He didn't use runes to force his heart to calm down, but while thinking about it, Bell's heart gradually calmed down the ripples.

The gains and losses of the past are already there, there is no need to dwell too much on it.

If you want to get entangled, just be more careful in the future.

While feeling emotional, Si'er set his sights on Lilluka.

Daphne has already shown her commanding ability, and now it's Lilyluka's turn to show herself.

Liluka, who was well prepared, took a deep breath, took a step forward with her team, and took over Daphne's position.

"Archers reconnaissance."

The archers who had been prepared nodded quickly and rushed into the woods.

"The others were ready, and the two archers were ready to fire rune stone arrows. They used the rock-enchanted vanguard to stagger with other vanguards to approach Zhonghuang to increase the space for defense.

Liluka, who does not have the ability to fight herself, knows that she can only choose a more stable way to face the monster tide. Strengthen the defensive ability of the vanguard and strengthen the offensive strength of the rear guard. This is what she can do.

Organizing the direction of the battle and guiding it as the eyes of the team are what she can do as a commander.

Maybe she is still very immature now, but Lilluka knows that this is the direction in which she can progress.

After calming down, the next thing to do is to wait quietly to search for the location of other hives.

Soon, in just a moment, the archers who had just gone out to explore had returned.

"Captain, there is a new hive 1,000 meters to the left in front."

"Where's the surrounding area?"

They were all in the woods, and no other beehives were seen. "

"Well, as long as the hive is not stimulated, the worker bees will not escape casually. A hive is a nest that produces a large number of worker bees."

If there is no alarm to the monsters, maybe other methods can be used to deal with it.

Lilluka thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"Miss Limi, how close can you get to the nest?"

"Huh? The closest distance is probably about 200 meters. If you continue to get closer, you will be easily noticed by the worker bees on guard outside the hive.

"About 200 meters?"

The distance was not too far but not too close, and it was a little awkward, but at this moment Lilyluka already had an idea.

"How many bottles of oil are there for burning?"

"I have three of them with me."

After thinking about the scope and power of the explosion just now, Lililuka believed that as long as those worker bees were attacked, they might all be wiped out in a short time.

"Very well, Miss Limi, you are responsible for lighting the tree two hundred meters away with an oil bottle, detonating it with a fire runestone, and attracting all the worker bees on alert around it.

"At the extreme distance, all the worker bees in the hive will not be attracted, but the worker bees on alert outside will be attracted. As long as those alert worker bees are attracted, then the hive will lose its eyes outside. If that is the case, How close can you get?"

Several archers silently calculated at the same time, then confirmed one point and replied at the same time:

"About 50 meters."

As long as the vigilant worker bees are attracted away, the periphery of the hive will be a vacuum zone, and people can be at least 50 meters away without being discovered by the worker bees in the hive.

This accurate answer is enough to increase your confidence.

"What about the shooting range?"

"Between 70 meters and 90 meters."

Considering accuracy, several archers can shoot accurately within a distance of 90 meters.

"Very good, then Miss Limi will light a fire 200 meters away and use the fire runes to attract the worker bees outside the hive. The other three will be deployed at the extreme distance in other directions of the hive. The sound of the runes exploding will serve as a guide. The three of them approached the hive.”

"Mr. Kevin, Mr. Lira, you will protect Miss Limi as a vanguard and central defender, and assist Miss Limi in dealing with the flying worker bees, using wind runes and fire runes.

"Miss Lal, you have a heavier responsibility. When you hear the sound, you need to go immediately to deal with the hive. Once the worker bees on guard outside the hive die, the hive will react. We have to seize the time difference to remove both the worker bees and the hive. Take care of it."

This is a time to test the tacit understanding of the plan. If there is a mistake in a certain part of the plan, the whole army may be wiped out.

But the four archers, the four forwards and the center back all laughed. At this moment, they were no longer in the unfamiliar relationship without cooperation. They already had a tacit understanding and were sure that they could do it.

"Don't worry, Captain, we can definitely do it."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: Oh my god, I overslept. Sorry, I only have one update today...

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