I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 338 Just Like The Plan

"The bond is connected."

Finn was happy to see the connection between Lilly Luca and others, and it was also the difference between Daphne and Lil Luca.

Daphne was the same type of conductor as him, but Lilyluka's personal ability was not that outstanding, so she could only choose to specialize in command and work part-time as an assistant.

Therefore, when Lililuka's leadership skills are stimulated, the entire team will start to integrate based on her.

Maybe Lilluka's ability is not the strongest, but her influence is not bad at all.

"Captain, don't you need to go take a look?"

Tione was still a little worried about Lilyluka and the others' actions.

Even if it is just a hive, once the plan fails and a large number of worker bees are drawn from the hive, it will be more than some Lv.1 and Lv.2 can handle.

"Don't worry."

Finn's eyes glanced at an empty spot.

"An impatient guy has already passed by."

Tione and Tiona turned their gazes over one after another, only to find that a certain werewolf who had been standing there had disappeared.

At this time, a certain werewolf was already standing on a tree looking at the new adventurers below who had started to take action.

"Tch! These guys are really not afraid of death."

Burt was complaining, crossing his arms and looking at the guys in action below.

A hive in the middle layer can produce hundreds of worker bees. Once there is a problem with the worker bees outside, the hive will quickly produce queen worker bees to fight the enemy.

Even for Level 3, it is a big trouble. If several Level 1 and Level 2 are surrounded, death is definitely not far away.

Although there were complaints and dissatisfaction on his face, he still came over.

His creed is that people of whatever caliber should do whatever they want. Those who are unaware should not jump into danger. The reality is that no one will save those who are unaware.

He doesn't have much interest in those little people without strength, but he is not interested in watching these guys with no strength take the initiative to die.

In fact, Lilluka's plan is fine.

If the archers seize the opportunity of the worker bees leaving to launch a fierce attack on the hive by attracting the alert worker bees on the periphery of the hive, then the hive will be destroyed in an instant, and only the number of worker bees that have been attracted will be taken away.

In terms of that amount, without saying too much, two rune stones and a few bottles of oil are enough to completely burn the remaining worker bees to death.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the plan goes smoothly.

At this moment, Limi sprinkled fuel on the edge of the tree 200 meters away, and after keeping a certain distance, she used fire runestones to completely detonate it.


After doing all this, she hid in the grass on the side with her companions Kevin and Lila, hiding her position as much as possible, and at the same time prepared the fire rune stones in her hands.

Kevin and Lila, who were traveling with them, also had wind rune stones ready in their hands, ready to fatally wound the flying worker bee.

The other three archers hidden in the extreme positions and the corresponding vanguard and central defenders all followed behind. Their existence was just in case, and they could start fighting at any time if the plan went wrong.

The violent explosion attracted the attention of the worker bees on alert outside the hive. As a monster's instinct, it needs to know the situation of emergencies and tell the hive what is happening outside.

Based on this instinct, most of the worker bees on alert outside the hive flew in the direction of the explosion, but there were still some worker bees remaining outside the hive.

The archers who were all in place did not panic because of this incident.

"The explosion can draw away most of the worker bees, but there will still be some worker bees left outside the hive. So what we need to do is to find an angle that the worker bees are not aware of and launch a fierce attack on the hive."

All the archers who noticed the departure of the worker bees were looking for a suitable angle to attack the hive, and the countdown had already begun in their hearts.




The ones who had the opportunity to attack were the two archers. They took out the rune stone arrows attached to the wind rune stones and fire rune stones and aimed at the hive to shoot!


The explosive reaction caused by the collision of wind runestones and fire runestones directly enveloped the entire hive.

The worker bees who were still on guard outside were obviously paused after being blown away by the storm. The archers did not seize the opportunity to shoot the hive and directly attacked the worker bees that had not yet recovered.


A sharp and precise arrow hit the worker bee that was swinging from side to side.

…………Please give me flowers…………

However, several of the worker bees calmed down after the storm, and quickly rushed towards the archers with sharp spikes.

The vanguard who had been prepared long ago stood in front of the archers with shields.


The heavy impact was blocked by the shield.

The central defender's spearman dodged past the shield and swept across the worker bees who had not yet recovered from the impact.

Instead of aiming at the body with its hard skin, he aimed at the wing feathers.


No matter how hard the worker bee's body is, the wing feathers are the most fragile part of the body.

Once the wing feathers are knocked off, the worker bee will directly lose its ability to fly, which is enough for the worker bee to lose its mobility and the offensive weapon of its tail stinger.


The long gunner seized the opportunity to stab the worker bee that lost its ability to maneuver.

The remaining worker bees outside the hive were almost slaughtered in an instant.

Just when the battle here started, an explosion not far away also sounded.

Lal looked up in the direction of the explosion.

"It seems that the progress on Limi's side is also good."

"Of course, you have seen the power of that kind of runestone. No matter how many worker bees there are, they can't withstand the combined explosion of two runestones. What's more, there are only a dozen or so worker bees on guard."

"Yeah, Limi still has the oil bottle, so there's almost no problem."

They are very confident in their plans and actions this time. As long as they seize the opportunity, they will not have to face the pressure of worker bees.

They seized the opportunity very well and got rid of the hive and the remaining worker bees outside. The rest was Limi's business.

Limi, 200 meters away, has finished killing the remaining worker bees.

"Huh~ The power of this rune stone is really not small. If used in conjunction, it is not inferior to the magic sword at all, or even better."

Looking at the corpses of worker bees that were burned to char on the ground, some of them could only leave some broken magic stones. "It is conceivable that the explosion of two complementary talismans produced many days of calendar.

But this is not the point. The point is that their plan was successful and the hive was destroyed directly.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your comments and evaluation.

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