I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 339 The Arrogant Wolf Lives Up To Its Reputation

Soon all the members who had gone out to carry out the plan came back one by one.

"Captain, the plan went well."

A group of people came back with smiles, the plan went smoothly, and there were no mistakes even during the execution.

"Very good!"

At this moment, Lilyluka also had an excited smile on her face. This was the first time she had made such a plan, and her teammates were also very helpful and carried out the plan smoothly.

Everyone who successfully executed the plan laughed when they saw Lilluka's smile.

Although they only destroyed one hive, this was the first time their team had implemented such a plan, which should at least make them happy.

A certain werewolf also came back quietly without anyone noticing.

Looking at a group of people celebrating the smooth progress of the plan, a certain werewolf's "380" also had a smile on his face.

He doesn't really hate those small characters who have no strength. What he hates more is the small characters who know that they are not strong enough but don't make progress.

Make continuous progress through your own efforts. Maybe these improvements are very small, but only those who keep making progress can give birth to strong people little by little.

The strong will always be strong. This sentence is applied after the strong become stronger. Before the strong get rid of the title of weak, they all grow up little by little. The strong are not born in that position.

"Oh, Burt, you can still laugh."

The smile on a certain werewolf's face froze, and suddenly turned into a stinky face that could make people look back.

"Stupid woman, which eye of yours sees me smiling?"

"Oh~ of course it's the left eye plus the right eye."

Then Tiona directly pulled Ais next to her and said with a smile:

"Ace, did you also see the way Bert smiled just now?"

"I see it."

Aisi, who is not familiar with the world, does not deny it. If you see it, you see it. There is nothing to deny.

After getting the answer, Tiona smiled at Bert who was stiff all over.

"Oh~ I didn't expect you to smile so happily when you see other people's plans succeed. You usually have a bad face, but you are still happy for others.

These words made Bert feel uncomfortable all over. He knew that the stupid woman in front of him said this on purpose, otherwise this stupid woman would not have dragged Ais to target him.

"It's so noisy!"

A certain werewolf, with a red face, scolded the stupid Amazon woman for meddling in her own business.

After scolding, he turned around and left here.

"Burt, it's time to move on soon, don't go too far."

Finn's voice caused the werewolf to pause slightly, leaving only a trace of smoke on the ground.

"Pfft hahaha!"

Tiona couldn't help but laugh directly after Bert left.

"Ais, you saw it, that's the true face of that werewolf."

"I usually have a bad face, but the guy inside is not that ugly."

After being in contact with Bert for a long time, I realized that this werewolf is really a tsundere.

It didn't sound nice, but that guy had a completely different idea in his heart.

And he doesn't like to be mentioned. Once someone mentions it, this werewolf will quickly want to escape from this place, just like a shy girl.

"But that guy is always like this. It's really disgusting. Why would a grown man pretend to be like this? And no one likes him.

Tiona can say that the most unpleasant thing about the Loki Familia is Burt, the dead werewolf.

Listening to Tiona's complaint, Ace tilted her head as she watched Bert leave.

"Since you are happy to see Lily's plan succeed, why don't you just say it?"

"Hey~ who knows, boys just don't understand this kind of thing."

Tiona didn't know what the werewolf was thinking. She saw that guy often doing annoying things. To be honest, this kind of behavior was actually quite annoying.

But after getting to know this guy, Tiona knew that this guy had such a style of speaking and doing things.

But that's what makes people annoying.

Tiona couldn't help but roll her eyes when she thought of this.

"Ais, do you still have that with you?"

Aisi nodded slightly, and her mood calmed down at the same time.

"Put it in the space pocket, it's safer there."

Even if it was placed in her room, Aisi was worried about losing the memory crystal, so Aisi always carried the memory crystal with her. After getting the space pocket, she put the things in it. .........

"Recently, your exercise speed has slowed down."

Although she knew in her heart that her father and mother were never dead, but were always waiting for her in the deeper layers of the dungeon, Ais was not in any hurry this time.

"Thanks, Tiona."

Unexpectedly, Aisi didn't have any mood swings, but nodded calmly.

“The challenge of being a mom and dad is not something I can do alone.”

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Tiona Lianshan showed a hint of surprise that could not be concealed, and then laughed generously.

Just like what her father said to her at that time, she took her strongest partner to cross them.

Tiona said tentatively.

For this goal, Aisi chose to temporarily slow down her growth rate.

This was a rare request from Ais.

"I can't overcome my father and mother alone, so I hope everyone can move forward with me.

Maybe that was the last time she saw her father and mother, and returning there was what she had to do.

Mom and Dad are being controlled by the dungeon, so what she wants to do is to completely liberate their souls so that they will no longer be restrained by the dungeon.

As the only one on her own, Ace knew that she would never be able to do 4.7, so she wanted to take her friends forward this time.

What's more important is that this time she didn't go to the dungeon for revenge, but so that her father and mother could admit that she could survive under their hands.

Ace was really grateful that Tiona could choose to help her at this moment, so she also made a decision to move forward for her own goals and to take her friends with her.

"Well, I will definitely follow Ais's footsteps and move on. When the time comes, I will definitely go with you to the depths of the dungeon to meet your father and mother."

That meeting soothed her anxious mood, and the flame of revenge that had been burning no longer continued to burn her heart.

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