I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 398 Let’S Wait For Two Days First

Neither Revis nor the masked man took the madman seriously.

A madman is just a madman. We have to give up anyway, so why not let that lunatic test the bottom line of Loki's family? If that lunatic really succeeds, it wouldn't be a bad thing to take care of Loki's family.

Of course, the death of Sword Girl is really a pity.

If Sword Lady is not dead, then the plan for Sword Lady can be postponed to continue planning later. That wouldn't be a regrettable thing.

But neither of them thought the lunatic would succeed.

Therefore, at this moment, the two people reached a mutual agreement [Let's see what the lunatic can do. Let's see how far ten fanatical believers can go to the goddess in his eyes.

After two days of rest, the expedition team has fully recovered its mental state and is beginning to move towards the 50th safe floor.

A series of events occurred along the way, which led Finn and others to discover a strange phenomenon.

There was no "monster feast" on the way to the 50th floor. Normally it wouldn't be so peaceful.

"Finn, that's weird."

"Ah, that's quite strange."

Finn naturally discovered this problem as well. The sudden decrease in monsters has relieved a lot of their burden, and even members of Level 2 and Level 3 can have the opportunity to exercise. But this sudden decrease is strange.

"The number of monsters has decreased a lot, and it is far less than the amount of monsters I saw when I came here several times before. Moreover, after a batch was dealt with at the front, there was no subsequent replenishment.

It was as if the birth of monsters had stopped. "

"Such a situation has never happened in the past. There are too many things that have happened in this expedition that have never happened in the past."

Such abnormal phenomena occurring in the underground city can be called "abnormal situations". Any adventurer who is walking around in the dungeon does not want to encounter "abnormal situations" because they are often closely related to life danger.

Abnormalities in the dungeon mean greater trouble is coming. This is common sense to all adventurers.

Today, such an "abnormal situation" occurred.

No, to be precise, it was not that an "abnormal situation" occurred today, but that the dungeon at this moment was completely immersed in an "abnormal situation" called the Black Dragon.

Therefore, what is happening now is an "abnormal situation" among "abnormal situations".

Finn and others were watching their surroundings cautiously, wary of any surprises that the dungeon might bring to them.

However, this kind of precaution was completely ineffective, because there were really no abnormal situations on the way forward for the expedition team. Except for the problem that the number of monsters is very rare.

Even after the expedition team successfully reached the 50th safe floor, there were no abnormalities.

…….…strangeness. "


Sitting in the camping tent, Finn held his chin and thought about this phenomenon. He has spent a lot of time in dungeons in his life, and has experienced countless "abnormal situations", but this is really the first time.

"Very strange."

Riveria was also surprised. Why did the second half of this expedition go so smoothly? Even the last time they encountered many problems, they even encountered several "Monster Feasts" in the second half of the expedition. ”.

"It's not an "abnormal situation", nor is it a "monster feast". The number of monsters is surprisingly small, and after a wave of monsters were cleared, there was no follow-up follow-up. This is really weird, and it is not like a normal dungeon at all. "

After being mentioned in this way, Finn finally realized that the dungeon at this moment was indeed not an ordinary dungeon. A conjecture suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Riverlia, perhaps, this phenomenon has some connection with the black dragon."

"Black dragon...that dragon's roar also had an impact on the dungeon?"

Riveria's reaction speed was also very fast, and she immediately understood this connection from Finn's words. Needless to say, this phenomenon in the dungeon must be directly related to Dragon Roar.

"The black dragon's overreaction has obviously had a great impact on the dungeons other than ours. The monsters in the dungeon are not born quickly. You must know that we are in the deep layer, and the dungeon here will never let it go. place. But now this phenomenon has occurred, it is obviously influenced by the black dragon."

The more Finn thought about it, the more he felt that he had found the key to the anomaly.

Because now it is definitely not their adventurers who will have such an impact on the dungeon. The only one who can think of it is the black dragon who suddenly made a noise not long ago.

And the black dragon is in the deepest part of the dungeon. It would be natural if the black dragon had an impact on the dungeon.

…Please give me flowers…

But Finn, who had come to the conclusion, felt a dull pain in his thumb.

"This is not a good sign."

This feeling has helped Finn save the day many times in the past. At this moment, he also believed in his feeling. This phenomenon in the dungeon is not a good one for them.

"The "fairies" deep in the dungeon may be even crazier. "

" Mr. Bell said that the "fairy fetus" needs to absorb a sufficient amount of energy when it reaches a certain level. There are almost no subsequent births of monsters in the current dungeon, which means that the "fairy fetus" cannot get enough energy. "

"So, Riveria, what method can be used to replenish the lack of energy?"


This question made Riveria frown and think for a moment, and then her face became much more solemn.

"Special magic, special skills, and special potions are used to temporarily increase one's own strength, just like abilities with negative effects such as madness. It may not be as safe as Mr. Bell's runestones, but that kind of thing You can find some in Orario, too.”

"It seems that this is the price for not having an "abnormal situation" on the front floor. The fairies we face may be more terrifying than we imagine.

Finn sighed helplessly. He did not expect that the black dragon's influence would reach such an extent, and a series of chain reactions would eventually be fed back to their adventurers.

"Rivieria, continue to rest for two days. After two days, we will start arranging strategies for people to enter unknown areas."

Now knowing the problem they faced, Finn did not choose to act immediately.

They are completely in the dark about the situation in the unknown field. If they hurry up and catch up now, they may be able to catch the fairy by surprise. But he couldn't be sure what stage the fairy was in at this moment.

If you are unsure about this, acting in advance is the biggest problem. If it hits the muzzle, the group will really be wiped out.

And now that they have just crossed the 11th floor, it is inevitable that they will consume physical and mental energy on the way. Exploring unknown areas when you are dissatisfied is tantamount to courting death.

Therefore, whether it is to give them a breathing space or to give the fairy a leeway, they need to delay for two days.

PS: Please collect and send flowers...Please comment and price.

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