I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 399 As You Like

"Do you want to take two days off? It seems that something is wrong."

If the problem in the dungeon hadn't been discovered, the rest time wouldn't have been extended by an extra day.

You must know that the expedition team's time in the dungeon is limited, and the resources they carry determine how far they can advance. Even if the expedition team can bring more resources to the dungeon because they have space pockets, they can't just waste time in the dungeon, let alone the current situation.

Being able to choose to stay in the dungeon for one more day at this time was obvious. Bell was sure that Captain Finn had guessed the right direction.

"Very correct choice."

Standing in the camp, Bell walked around and looked around. All the important members of the expedition team had a layer of exhaustion on their faces.

"It seems that they have also discovered the problems in the underground "357" city. It seems that they often participate in expeditions and are well aware of the anomalies in the underground city, and are on guard against the underground city giving them a big surprise."

The upper-level combat capabilities of the expedition team are in this situation, so naturally there is no way to directly launch a fierce attack on unknown areas. Maybe the fairy side is not ready yet at this time. If the expedition team were to move forward at this time, his plan would be completely scrapped, but fortunately Captain Finn was a cautious person.

After wandering around, Bell quickly found Sanjono Haruhime sitting in her tent. He searched for Aisha's location and found that she was helping to set up a tent outside.

After noticing this, Bell walked directly to Sanjono Haruhime's tent.

Arriving in front of the tent, Bell did not walk straight in. Because he could tell from the sound outside that he was changing clothes inside, so if he walked in like this, he would definitely be regarded as a pervert.

After hearing the "thin whispers" inside weakened and the footsteps began to move outside, Bell walked into the tent.

When Bell opened the curtain that blocked the tent, Sanjono Haruhime inside the tent was just about to go out.

Chun Ji was also startled when she saw a person who was too tightly wrapped appeared in front of her, but through those eyes, she immediately realized who the person in front of her was.

"Mr. Bell."

Seeing the slight surprise in the girl's eyes, Bell could only sigh. It was God Loki who said some indifferent words that made this girl still have some thoughts in her heart. Bell didn't know what to do. After all, he had been exposed as a bad guy before, and now this girl probably wouldn't give up.

"Let's talk about this expedition."


Haruhime was still very excited when she heard "Talk", but when she heard it was related to "Expedition", her high emotions obviously stopped. But she still wanted to talk to Bell alone, even if it wasn't about her.

Bell officially walked into Haruhime and Elsa's tent. Looking at the slightly awkward girl standing opposite, he got straight to the point.

"You should know what kind of situation we will face in this expedition, right?"


"Captain Finn and the others need to use your power if they want to defeat the fairies. But your magic is a one-time improvement in a short period of time. Once you use it, you will become a target because you can't use it a second time. "

Haruji nodded slightly. After joining the Loki Familia for so long, Lord Loki and Lady Riveria have often said this. Her magic is the key to breaking through the dilemma, but it is also a problem with her magic that it becomes unusable for a short period of time after using it.

"This is not that I want to tell you the dilemma you are facing in detail, but Captain Finn wants me to help you set it up [so that you can be teleported back to this camp when you are fatally injured, at least so that you can survive this expedition. Come down."

"So, where is the leader? Where are Lady Riveria and Sister Elsa?"

"As you heard before, they need to face challenges. Challenges naturally come with a price, and facing death is the price they have to pay.

Bell didn't say any words of comfort, he just told the cruel reality ruthlessly. But this time the effect was surprisingly poor.

Haruji's eyes did not waver at all, but she looked at those eyes quietly.

"Mr. Bell was lying just now."

"Lying? Why should I choose to lie?"

"Because what Mr. Bell did was not to kill the leader and others..."

Haruhime hit the key point directly. She clearly remembered what Lord Loki said, as well as what the group leader, Lord Riveria and Sister Elsa said.

"The reason why Mr. Bell chose to cooperate with our family is not only because he wants to be protected by Lord Loki, but also because he hopes to strengthen our family."

"So, you promoted this result through my actions? Haha."

This is really unexpected. I didn't expect that the cute fox girl in the original work also has such a shrewd side. Bell knew that he had really underestimated the adventurers in this world. They were not stagnant people, but were absorbing experience and moving forward at all times.

Looking at the fox girl in front of him, Bell remembered how he was lying on the ground crying when he first saw this fox girl. It has only been a while, but the fox girl has already changed so much.

"Is it also because God Loki and the others often talk about me that made you make such a judgment? It is true that I have grown up a lot compared to the beginning."

Bell was happy to see Haruhime Sanjono making such great progress.

"But I will not choose to interfere with the challenge faced by Captain Finn, let alone help. This is a trial. If they can survive it, that is their sublimation. If they cannot overcome it, then they are doomed. That’s the level.”

Haruji bit her lip slightly. She could tell that those words from 3.0 were not lies, so that's what Mr. Bell really thought. She couldn't see any thoughts through her eyes, but she believed that Mr. Bell was definitely not a heartless person.

"I still believe Mr. Bell."

.....You are such an idiot. Only a fool would be so unswervingly trusting someone who has no basis. Only a fool like you would focus on someone like me. "

Another boot failure left Bell a bit disappointed to be honest. He really hoped that this girl could break up with him, but it seemed that he had failed this time.

"The influence of God Loki is really not small. I shouldn't have been led to those words by God Loki last time."

After sighing, Bell chose not to continue.

"As you like."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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