I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 403: Push God Loki To The Front

Bell walked down the stairs and entered a bright exit.

After walking out of the cave of the stairs, the entire floor suddenly became extremely bright, and this was the 59th floor, an unknown territory that even the gods had never seen before.

As an unknown floor, the situation on this floor looks a bit like an Amazon forest like the "Big Tree Maze" on the 24th floor, with a lot of vegetation growing everywhere. Looking from a distance, you can even see many wonderful species, such as mushrooms with several floors.

But it is difficult to hear unnecessary sounds in such a huge forest.

Even Bell's hearing, which has been enhanced many times, can only pick up some subtle sounds. Other sounds may be inaudible because this layer is too empty, or perhaps because there are almost no other monsters here.

"The taste is very mixed, and the sound is not very loud."

"The aura of the monsters is very small. It seems that most of the monsters on this floor have been regarded as the treasures of the fairy spirits. However, even the aura of the giant flowers and acid insects can hardly be felt. They are all sent out to find the magic stones. Yet?"

But on the way to the 59th floor, Bell didn't see the acid worms or giant flowers. So it looks like the fairy is preparing to take action against monsters below level 59?

This made Bell couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that just as I guessed, the dragon's roar also has a great influence on the fairy side. They are not prepared to attack the monsters below the 59th floor because they are worried about the counterattack of the Loki Familia. Once Captain Finn and the others pay attention If you see those giant flowers and acid bugs, you will probably choose to kill them immediately, and then lead people directly to the 59th floor."

This approach now prevents the expedition team from knowing to what stage the fairy's fetus has been fed, but instead makes Captain Finn worry about being a trap.

It's just that this mutual restraint will not last too long, so they choose to control the giant flowers and acid worms to attack the deeper monsters, and plunder the magic stones of those monsters to feed the "fairy fetuses".

"The situation is much more stable than I imagined."

But after a brief period of pleasure, Bell also needed to think about the follow-up preparations he would need to make if the magic stone over there was not heavy enough.

Bell's eyes were focused on the center of this floor, and it was difficult for him not to sense the familiar breath of life. That's where the "fairy fetus" is located.

It’s just that he didn’t choose to find the “fairy fetus. This floor also needs to be properly arranged.

What Bell hates the most is unexpected situations, and among all kinds of unexpected situations, "intrusion" is often the most frequent. In order to avoid this situation, this floor also needs to do corresponding processing work.

But before making preparations, he still needed to communicate with Hestia.

"God Loki, you can already go to God Hermes. I won't take action against the fairies so soon. They have already sent giant flowers and acid worms deep into the depths to look for magic stones. , I will not attack the fairy before I send the magic stone back."

Bell himself is prepared to pick up ready-made products, so naturally he will not attack the "fairy fetus" that has not yet been fed. If he had to make preparations by himself, he would not have much time to return to the camp.

Before this crusade officially begins, Bell doesn't want his direct involvement to be known to Captain Finn and others.

What Cassandra could see was only part of it, and it was not the part of the crusade that she personally operated. Although it has been exposed a little, if you use "the gods want to see a battle" as an excuse, you can fool them.

But if he hadn't appeared in the camp before the crusade started, he would have been easily associated with him. This is something Bell will never allow, otherwise why would he choose to act at this point in time?

"it's me again?"

Loki pointed to his nose. She didn't want to go out to find the messenger at this time. According to her understanding of the messenger, that guy was definitely messing around in the rebuilt Happy Street.

"Who do you think is the most suitable person here? My Mr. Bell is in the dungeon, and most of the children of the Hephaestus family followed your expedition team to the dungeon. Only your family has a lot of them. Is the child at home?"

"Does Hephaestus also have children there?"

"Shit! Hephaestus is a production family, doesn't Hephaestus need people for his shop and commissions?"

Following Hestia's explanation, Hephaestus shrugged helplessly, saying that he was helpless.

The Hephaestus family's industry will not stop just because they participate in the expedition. Hephaestus also took this part into consideration [naturally leaving those children with less skilled skills at home.

Part of it is because my skills are a little too low to help, and the other part is naturally managing the entrusted work of the family members.

The Hestia Familia is even simpler. There is only one member, Bell Crane. This kind of job of finding people can't be done with a main god running around outside when night falls, right?

After walking around for a while, I found that only Loki's family had time to go out and look for other people's children. Naturally, the job of finding Hermes fell on Loki.

Loki, who had sorted out the situation, was also speechless. However, he also understood that at this time, it was most appropriate for him to arrange for someone to find the messenger of Hermes.


"Really, all the errand work is mine..."

Although he was still cursing, Loki still went to prepare to find someone. After all, things were too big this time. Ouranos also needed a messenger to report the news, and they couldn't just let their tempers pass.

And the bias on Ouranos' side was of great help to them.

Suddenly a space crack appeared in front of Loki.

A familiar hand stretched out from the crack in space and threw a talisman in front of Loki.

In a hurry, Loki quickly grabbed the rune stone with both hands. Just when he was relieved and before he could get angry, he heard a voice from the other end of the screen.

"This is the scene I recorded. The confrontation and conversation between me and the black dragon are all in it. You should know how to use the recording crystal. If necessary, show it to God Hermes.

"In addition, you can expose some of your relationship with us, preferably through the passage in your room."

...You just want to push me to the front!"

Loki immediately understood what this boy meant. Just let Hermes know about their relationship [but not expose the relationship between the dwarf and Hephaestus. Doesn't this just push her forward?

Then I heard a voice from the other side of the screen.


PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review and a small price.

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