I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 404 Hermes’ Bad Premonition

Bell's unabashed answer also made Loki uncomfortable.

"After all, this big drama of defeating the "Fairy Spirit" was arranged by us. If Captain Finn and the others succeed in defeating the "Fairy", they will be able to reach Level 7, which will be a great benefit for the Loki Familia. Isn't it possible that God Loki is still unwilling to stand forward after receiving such great benefits?"

This is actually quite reasonable. Although Loki wanted to refute, "This is just an opportunity," she really couldn't say that. After all, this crusade was not open and aboveboard, but involved a lot of behind-the-scenes operations.

Finn and the others may not know these things yet, but as one of the chess players, doesn’t Loki know?

Therefore, this matter cannot withstand refutation, and there is no way to refute it. The "September 17" crusade, which was almost like cheating, gave the Loki Familia greater room for improvement. Even if it is an ordinary act of cheating, this kind of cheating can definitely be enjoyed by any family member.

Since the Loki Familia enjoy this treatment, they also need to bear some appropriate responsibilities.

"Hey...Okay, okay, I'm unlucky."

Loki also understood this. After getting such a big advantage, she couldn't say anything else, but it was really not too much to ask her to stand forward. So, she admitted it.

Although standing in the front requires taking certain risks, as long as Finn and the others can cross that level, there is no problem in taking a little more.

Loki comforted himself in his heart and walked towards his room.

Through the space tunnel, Loki returned to his room.

I didn't come back just for fun this time, I still needed to find the messenger of Hermes as soon as possible. But there is no need to go to Happy Street to find someone, even if Loki knows that guy is definitely staying in Happy Street.

"Lily! Lily!"

Loki walked out of the room and shouted loudly to the empty home, and soon a human girl walked out of a room not far away.

"Loki Lord."

Linne Yarushe, as a rare healing magician among the Loki Familia, is also known as the "Clown Waiter".

"Lily, please send someone to the Hermes Familia immediately. Tell the Almighty to call Hermes to me as soon as possible. There is something big going on." "

Linye immediately became energetic after listening to Loki's words. Seeing that Lord Loki was not sick today, she knew that it was really a "big thing". Otherwise, according to Lord Loki's normal character, he might have pounced on him long ago.

"Yes, I will contact the Almighty immediately. "

As one of the powerful Familia in Orario, the Hermes Familia is not an exploration Familia, but a production Familia. It's just that what they produce is not equipment and weapons, but work such as intelligence and distribution, as well as some props occasionally made by the "Almighty One".

As an adventurer in Orario with the ability to develop "mystery", the props made by "Almighty One" are very popular. Because adventurers with this development ability can often create super-standard props.

Naturally, such family members usually open their doors to do business, and they will not close their doors very early and not receive guests.

And today, the Hermes Familia also welcomed an unexpected guest.

The receptionist is the "Almighty One" Asfi Al Andromeda herself. Of course, this is also because the task entrusted involves the Lord God.

Asifei pushed up her glasses.

"So, it is God Loki who wants God Hermes to come? And the discussion is about big things?"

Deep down in her heart, she always felt that God Loki's statement was a bit strange. But Yasi Fei couldn't figure out for a while why God Loki wanted to find Lord God at this time.

"Yes. "The Almighty" Loki is very serious this time and should be serious about it.

"I see."

Although she was unclear about the situation, Yasi Fei still accepted the commission. After all, the matter involved God Loki, and she couldn't refuse such a commission. What's more, this time the commission still involves her family's main god.

"I'm going to find God Hermes now. Please go back and tell God Loki first. I will bring God Hermes over as soon as possible."


After completing the entrusted task, Line nodded slightly and turned back to inform Lord Loki.

After watching the people leave, Yasifei looked at the empty seat two meters away.

"Do you think God Loki is really talking to you about serious matters at this time?"

Suddenly a corner of the cloak was lifted from the empty seat, revealing that the person sitting there was the Hermes Loki was looking for.

"Well~ It's really rare for Loki to come to me for something. But the Loki children said that Loki is serious, so it should be said that Loki really comes to me for something. But, I really don't want to go... ..”

Hermes instinctively felt that Loki's visit to him this time was definitely not a good thing.

Are you looking for him during your family's expedition? Or are you serious? It's hard to imagine if something happened to Loki to look for him.

"Do you think there is something wrong with God Loki?"

"No, other gods may have problems, but Loki is absolutely fine. It's just that Loki doesn't do anything good every time he comes to me."

Hermes felt a dull pain in his forehead when he thought of those damn experiences in the past. Those uncomfortable memories seemed to be attacking his nerves, making him very resistant to meeting Loki.

But Hermes also knew that he would definitely not be able to escape at this time.

It's probably not a small thing for Loki to let his children come to him blatantly. But it was because of this 5.8 guess that Hermes became even more reluctant.

"At this point in time, all the gods will be careful. Orario is also targeting those dark factions. At this time, the gods will not show up casually. Once they force those guys into the corner, maybe they will be injured. It is the consensus of all gods.”

"So, you still want to go?"

Hermes weakly supported his chin with his palms. At this time, he really hoped that he could not take refuge in the family members. If he didn't hear it, he could try to hide it, but if he heard it, how could he hide it?

"Let's go. Let's see what happened to Loki. He came to me at this time."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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