I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 421 The Unwilling Fairy

A shrill scream spread throughout the 79th floor.


"The lackeys of the gods!!!"

A girl was kneeling on the ground with a ferocious face.

Snow-colored skin, an ideal but not obtrusive figure, paired with that white long skirt, if you don't count the neck down, it is really a perfect combination.

But the face on the neck is ferocious, almost the same as the evil ghosts in hell.

The feeling of having your soul ripped out is not good at all.

In the past, he would transfer part of his soul to the clone's body, but that was not to cut off his own soul and disperse it to the clone's body, but to leave a mark on the clone's identity so that his consciousness could be projected onto the clone. This also ensured that The clone can always be controlled by her.

But he was caught by that man.

The man saw through it and projected her consciousness onto the clone. The man even glued her consciousness, soul and the clone together, leaving her to make a choice only between her consciousness and part of her soul.

"Damn man! Damn bastard! Damn lackey!!!"

At this moment, the girl wanted to eat the man's flesh and blood and devour the man completely.

But at this moment, the girl could only curse ferociously.

The soul that was torn off has been permanently lost.

That man can completely tear and destroy the soul, and the soul torn out by him will definitely not have a good outcome.

So He already knew that his torn soul would not end well.

But even if he was so filled with hatred at the moment, he couldn't leave this level.

Being swallowed by the dungeon, he could not leave the floor as he wished, otherwise he would have left the dungeon early and headed to Orario to take revenge on the gods.

If he couldn't leave the floor where he was, why would he choose to give birth to his own clone and let his clone become a tentacle to Orario?

If he hadn't done this, then he wouldn't have been seized by that man to tear off a part of his soul.

She cultivated her clones one after another and tore apart part of her soul, which caused her to suffer unprecedented damage.

Whether it is energy or soul, it will take time for him to recover at this moment.

Therefore, he did not dare to continue taking any action during this period of recovery, otherwise he was not sure whether his foundation would completely fall.

Not willing to give in!

But no matter how unwilling he was, he had to admit that that man would be a big trouble in the future.

The abandoned part of the soul no longer has spirituality, it is just a part of the soul that has been torn off.

"You did a good job. In order to prevent me from finding a chance, you actually stripped off your consciousness and marks so cleanly."

Bell checked that part of his soul and couldn't help but admire the decisiveness of the "fairy spirit".

After seeing his methods, he decisively chose to abandon all media that would become a handle, in order to allow his consciousness to escape safely.

Although this is the result he hopes to see.

To be honest, Bell was relieved at this moment.

"Huh~ If that guy knows that I don't have the ability to completely tear high-strength souls into pieces, I'm afraid it won't be easy to scare that guy out."

Runes are a very versatile power, almost all-encompassing, so Bell can use different types of powers as long as he finds a suitable combination of runes. All of this is due to the special nature of runes.

It is completely unreasonable to be born from the world tree and accompanied by the power of the world's principles.

Rune was unreasonable, but Bell himself was still within the scope of being reasonable.

To put it simply, Rune can exert all-encompassing power, but the people who use this power are not yet at that level. This directly affects the maximum limit that Rune can exert.

The soul level of "Fairy Spirit" is much higher than imagined. Naturally, if you want to take advantage of the soul of "Fairy Spirit", you need to be strong enough. Otherwise, you will not be able to pry the soul of "Fairy Spirit" .

But fortunately, the "Fairy Spirit" was obviously frightened by his operation, otherwise it would not have torn off part of the soul so simply.

Moreover, in order to prevent him from getting caught, the "fairy spirit" even cleaned up the soul so cleanly that it didn't even leave a backhand behind. This really surprised Bell.

To achieve this level, he must at least reach Level 5.

"In the final analysis, it was me who pulled my crotch."

"If I had reached Level 5, I might be able to completely cut off the fairy's consciousness. Unfortunately, now that the fairy knows that I have the ability to do this, I'm afraid there won't be another chance."

Although it is a pity, there is nothing we can do about it.

Sometimes things are just so unsatisfactory.

"Well, now is not the time to do such things."

After all, acid bugs and giant flowers themselves do not have the ability to think about things. They are just "collectors" who take orders to act. (Wang Qian Zhao)

Maybe there will be local intestines that can be used in the future.

"It will take some time for the fetus to fully absorb the magic stone."

The surrounding acid worms and giant flowers have set action orders. As long as he does not untie the barrier, the acid worms and giant flowers outside will not notice the problem.

"It's better to seal up the souls divided by the immortals first."

"We still have to deal with the fetus first before we can arrange the carrier."

He withdrew his energy and focused his attention on the "fairy fetus" in front of him, which had only its soul and instincts left.

PS: Please collect...Please...Flowers......Please evaluate.

Bell directly sealed that part of the soul with runes. After the "Fairy Fetus" was used up, this part of the soul could still be recycled.

Bell's eyes scanned the surrounding acid bugs and giant flowers.

Because there is no interference from the "fairy spirit" consciousness, and there is no risk of the "fairy spirit" consciousness being projected over, this makes the subsequent work much simpler, and the final result will be better preset by Bell. The ending is close to the above.

The brand of slavery is engraved inside the "fairy fetus" and it can be turned into an obedient slave.

This is the soul that the fairy gave up, and it is also the soul that did not do anything behind the scenes in order not to leave any clues. This is something that can be preserved.

"First we need to prepare for extreme treatment."

Bell then controlled the "Fairy Fetus" to absorb the magic stone.

"But it's not a big problem."

These are all preparations that need to be made, but there is still one important thing that needs to be done now.

"Although it is different from what was originally envisioned, as long as a few changes are made, the spirit can control the soul and fetus to move."

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