I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 422 Adventurer’S Hell—Dragon’S Possession

Fortunately, the "fairy spirit" cut off all contact with the "fetus", which allowed Bell to control the "fetus" more easily.

"As expected, the cutting was very thorough."

Runes were used to carve a mark on the "fetus" to ensure control over the "fetus", and once again confirmed that there were no traces of "fairy essence" on the "fetus".

Bell was still uneasy after just one confirmation. If he didn't confirm a few more times, God knows if the "fairy spirit" had left something behind.

All in all, it is definitely right to put caution first.

"No problem, we can start."

After several checks by Bell, the "fetus"'s absorption of the magic stone was almost complete.

The aura of Level 6 has stabilized at the peak of Level 6.

But it can only reach this level.

Becoming stronger and breaking through restrictions within the same level are completely different things. After all, the difficulty of the two is not one side.

However, reaching the peak of Level 6 has barely reached the standard Bell hopes to reach.

Although it is difficult to upgrade from Lv.6 to Lv.7, you can reach that standard using some special methods.

Sacrifice your own time just to condense everything in the past, present and future into this moment. As long as you have the consciousness to sacrifice everything, it is not a problem to cross the level restrictions.

Of course, the victim is not Bell, but the person who gained the power.

What Bell provides is nothing more than an opportunity and a platform. Those who choose to gain power can use this platform and opportunity to burn themselves and gain a short-term increase in power to the extreme.

It's a pity that the "fairy fetus" does not have a self, so it cannot choose to burn everything of itself just for the sublimation of this moment.

But after Bell has the ability to enslave the "Fairy Fetus", he can command the "Fairy Fetus" just like the "Fairy" commands the acidworm and the giant flower, allowing it to choose to burn everything it has to obtain the power to break through its own limitations. the power of.

The ceremony was quickly prepared, and Bell placed the "fairy fetus" into it.

Soon the "fetus" entered a special state, its aura began to become more and more violent, and its strength gradually emerged from the shackles of Level 6.

"It seems that the speed of the ceremony is a little faster than I thought."

"We need to control the progress of the ritual a little bit."

Bell randomly adjusted the speed of the ceremony, observed the surrounding situation, closed his eyes slightly, and waited for the end of the ceremony.

A night's rest brought the (chfa) expedition team's energy and spirit to the highest point, and all members who needed to participate in the unknown field had already gathered at the entrance of the 51st floor.

Finn's eyes swept over the people present to see him off, but he never saw that key figure.

"Bell-kun, have you gone to the deep layers yet?"

If he didn't know about the scene Cassandra saw in her precognitive dream, Finn wouldn't think so, but it was because he knew that Bell appeared in the unknown realm of the deep that Finn knew that Bell would go to the deep.

Although there was no way to know from Cassandra what Bell had done in the depths, Finn always felt that the things here had absolutely nothing to do with Bell.


.......ready to go.

Finn, who was stopped, looked away.

Now is the time for an expedition into unknown territory, and he needs to focus more on exploration, not where Bell is going.

"Ais, you are responsible for taking care of Haruhime."

Aisi nodded slightly and came to Haruji's side.

Behind Aisi squatting down slightly, Haruhime said "Sorry to trouble you" and then lay on Aisi's back.

The 51st floor is a dangerous world for adventurers.

Haruhime is only a Level 1 adventurer, so naturally she cannot keep up with others, so it is the best situation for someone to deal with Haruhime behind her back.

Even though she knew this, Lefiya still felt envious when she saw Ais carrying Haruhime on her back.

It's a pity that she is a Level 3 magician, so her footwork is incomparable to that of a werewolf, but she still has no problem keeping up with everyone else's footwork.

Naturally, she no longer had the honor of being carried by Aisi.

"Gossamer Breath!"

As Riveria called out the name of magic, everyone participating in the expedition was surrounded by a layer of light green magic yarn.

"This is a basic defensive magic. The effect will last for a while, but it's better not to rely too much on it."

Everyone has put on magic defense, and the next step is to officially start the action.

"Bert, Tiona, Tione, you are responsible for opening the way."

"Others follow!"

The three people with sufficient strength rushed to the front, while the others conserved their strength and followed behind.

Floor 51 is the real gate to hell.

The monsters that heard the footsteps quickly ran out of the dark corners.

Although there is no longer a hotbed of dungeons that continue to produce a large number of monsters, the monsters on this level are still a huge threat to adventurers.

Spider-like monsters were lying on the wall, and the tail thorns behind them were always ready to attack the adventurers.

"Get out of my way, don't block the road!"

Burt rushed to the front at his own speed. Wearing metal boots, he kicked away the monsters blocking the way with just one blow, and even kicked the magic stones of many monsters into pieces.

"Burt, please go away."

Diona wielded a large double-edged sword and swung it across [cutting off all the monsters that came after them.

The two of them, one behind the other, swept away almost all the monsters that rushed forward.

Even if there were a few omissions, Tione would still be behind to do the finishing touches.

Raul, who was following behind, took a deep breath and carefully looked at the surrounding situation, reminding Lefiya who had come to such a deep level for the first time.

"Lefia, pay attention to your surroundings. There will be no chance to stop next."

"why is that?"

Chun, who didn't understand, asked directly.

"Once you stop moving, you will be immediately besieged until you enter the 58th floor and defeat those cannon dragons.

Lefia looked at Raul with a puzzled expression, but noticed that Raul was paying careful attention to his surroundings. Even if she didn't understand, she paid more attention to the surroundings.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Suddenly, some noises in the underground were captured by Finn.

These words made Lefiya and Tsubaki even more confused.

However, no one in the advancing team gave an explanation, but kept moving forward.

A wall of fire rose from the ground, and the target of the attack was the route just now.

Bert reacted immediately and stopped quickly.

"We've been targeted."

Only when it stopped did Raul have time to explain.

"From the 51st floor to the 58th floor, there are "Dragon Pots". "The Purdah's Cannon Dragon can launch attacks that ignore Lou Kang's electricians.

The flames made the surrounding area of ​​the pit burn red, and part of the wall was melted into liquid.

"Burt, stop!"



If it comes into contact with these liquids, the surface layer of the skin will definitely be burned directly.

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