I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 430 The Fruits Of Victory

"It's done!!!"

Loki jumped up from the sofa in excitement.

“It actually happened!”

Although there must be some reason for the kid's betrayal, even if he did, being able to defeat the Level 8 "Fairy" who unleashed the water is indeed a manifestation of strength.

"I didn't expect your child to actually succeed."

Although the Loki Familia suppressed the power of the "Fairy" in the previous confrontation, it was not difficult for Hestia to see that the suppression was only temporary. Once the effectiveness of the magic wears off, the children of the Luji family will definitely fall into the trap.

But I didn't expect that the Loki children actually decided the winner within five minutes.

"That is!"

Loki held her chest out proudly. Her child's outstanding performance allowed her to hold her chest up and raise her head in front of the little dwarf.

"My children have always been excellent. Even when faced with disadvantages, they know how to make up for it."

"It is indeed excellent."

Although not as good as her Bell, looking at the entire Orario, it is difficult to single out.

"I don't know how much power Mr. Bell controlled just now, and how much strength the fairy spirit exerted.

.…Right. "


As a spectator of the 27 gods, Loki did not know this issue.

But soon Bell's answer came on the screen.

"Please don't worry God Loki."

"Although I limited the output of "Fairy Spirit", the strength exerted by "Fairy Spirit" still reached the peak of Level 7. I think Captain Finn and the others can get a big upgrade this time. "

"Lv.7... emmm, although it's still a lot worse, it should be considered the best for Finn and the others.

Loki felt a pity that he was not an opponent at Level 8, but this pity was thrown aside by Loki.

My child was able to defeat the fairies because he had made all the preparations and even risked his life. Only then did he get a chance.

But if you face a fairy with level 8 strength, you may not even have a chance to win.

Even if he wins now, there is still some element of luck, which Loki himself admits.

As for the Level 8 fairies, at least they have to wait until their children are fully upgraded to Level 7.

"Indeed it's the best."

Hephaestus thought so too.

"Actually, your children were already very reluctant just now. If you want them to defeat the Level 8 fairy, do you think your children will be completely defeated by the first spell?"

These words left Loki speechless.

Maybe the difference between Lv.7 and Lv.8 is really only one level, but such a level can really drive people to death.

The strength gap between the adventurer and the monster really cannot be smaller than one level, otherwise even if it is only one level, the adventurer or the monster will definitely be killed.


Burt was lying on the ground and had lost all his strength. Now he even felt a burning sensation in his breathing.

The magic just now exceeded the strength that his body could bear. Even if he kicked the magic out with all his strength, it still had great side effects on his body.

The backlash of magic left no part of his body unaffected by burns.

"Mr. Bert!"

Hearing the sound, Bert reluctantly opened his eyes and saw the shy elf looking at him with tears on his face.

The scorching heat made it impossible for him to make a sound, and he could only barely make a hoarse sound of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Lefiya then remembered that Bert needed the panacea. She quickly took out the panacea from her space pocket, let Mr. Bert lean on her legs, then opened the bottle and carefully delivered it to Bert. Around the mouth.


The panacea entered his mouth, and the powerful medicinal power swept through every part of Bert's body in an instant, the most obvious one being his throat.

His throat, which had been burning due to the backlash of magic just now, slowly recovered.


There was still a hint of hoarseness in his voice, but Bert's face looked much better.

"Where's Finn?"

"No problem, captain, Tione is taking care of you over there."

Hearing this, Lefia immediately looked over to the leader, but soon she saw Tione holding the leader and taking care of him, and she felt a little more relaxed.

The leader is being held by an Amazon woman?

Bert seemed to be able to see that scene even without looking up.

"The Amazon woman is going crazy with joy right now."


Lefiya didn't react for a moment, but she looked very happy when she looked at Tione, and her eyes seemed to have red hearts popping out.

"Silly elf, Finn agreed to that woman's proposal, did you forget?"


Lefiya then remembered that the group leader had agreed to Tione's proposal.

"Doesn't that mean that the leader and Tiona are really going to get married?"

Lefiya's eyes widened.

The group leader agreed to Tione's proposal because he suspected that he might not be able to come back this time, but he really survived the trial this time. Doesn't that mean that these two people will get married after returning from this expedition?

Bert didn't think the Amazon woman would let this opportunity pass.

"That woman will definitely pester Finn to fulfill her promise to marry him. How shameless do you think that woman is?"

This left Lefia speechless for a moment.

Although it was a bit inappropriate to say this, she herself felt that if she had Tione's thick skin, maybe she and Sister Ais would... ahem.

Blushing Lefiya quickly stopped her fantasy, this time was not suitable.

While talking, the panacea took effect in Bert's body. The burning heat in his body subsided little by little, and even the charcoal on his legs returned to its normal flesh color. However, the missing right leg was still missing.

After swallowing the fairy magic, the magic power completely backfired on his body. After the kick, Bert's right leg had lost its activity and that part had completely turned into coke.

Naturally, recovery will not happen with a panacea.

"Mr. Burt, your legs...

Lefia couldn't bear to look over.

"Huh, it's just a leg."

Bert snorted nonchalantly.

"Have you, stupid elf, forgotten that guy's runestone?"


Lefia was stunned for half a second, and then she remembered that that person's runestone seemed to have the ability to regenerate severed limbs.


At this moment, Aisi had arrived in front of Bert.

Having just finished "Fairy Spirit", she is no longer in the same state as before. As the skills stop functioning, her improved abilities have also slipped, and she is still in a bad state after consuming a lot of magic power.

Bert looked over, and there was a hint of gratitude on the puppet-like face, which made the corners of his mouth slightly raise.

"Finally walked up, Ais."

He longed for his companions and didn't want to lose them again, but this time he didn't have to worry.

His partners are not weak, at least they will not let him face the experience of loss again.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers and please give me a review

PS: There will be a second update, but it will be later.

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