I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 431 It Seems That Someone Has Plotted Against You


Finn was in a particularly complicated mood at the moment, especially when faced with the offensive of facial cleanser. He was a little overwhelmed.

Just as Lefiya had seen before, red hearts really appeared in Tione's eyes at this moment.

It's not because of anything else, it's simply because the marriage is stable.

Finn's complicated mood at this moment also stems from the issue of marriage.

Although he chose to agree to Tione's proposal yesterday, he was fulfilling Tione's last wish.

He was not sure whether he could go back from the dungeon this time, so compared to his own ideals and goals, Finn chose to realize Tione's dream.

But who knew they would really get over this difficulty this time.

With all their cards out, they used all the power they could, and even chose the quick attack that was most beneficial to them in this trial.

Bet everything on this limited time of 5 minutes.

If they lose the bet, they will completely lose the qualification to fight against the fairy.

But they won the bet.

With the information provided by Cassandra, he saved his right hand that should have been lost, and provided Bert and Ais with a way forward.

Knowing the information that fairies can use magic, they completely gave up defense and chose to let go of all attacks.

It can be said that if they do not get any of the conditions, then they will never have a chance to return alive when facing an immortal spirit of this level.

But Bert's magic created a miracle in the end.

It was also because Bert gave up all his attacks that gave them their only advantage in this crusade.

This battle should be the most dangerous crusade.

This challenge with a time limit of 5 minutes really doesn't treat people as human beings.

Even at this moment, Finn was still frightened when he recalled the details of the battle.

You know, if they make one wrong step, they will be doomed.

It can be said that their victory this time had many luck factors. It was the product of a combination of intelligence, luck and strength. It was a victory that could not be replicated.

But now that he had won, Finn was having a headache.

"Captain~ Can we get married when we go back?"

It was this problem that gave Finn a huge headache at the moment.

Obviously he didn't feel such a headache when facing the "fairy spirit", but why did he feel powerless and helpless when facing his own marriage?

"Tionne, the marriage should be slowed down a bit."


Although he had already guessed this answer, Tione still had obvious disappointment on his face.

In fact, Finn didn't want to renege on the debt, because he knew that Tione would never renege after he said those words.

Based on Tione's past situation, Finn is sure that Tione will definitely find an opportunity to run to his room. If he finds the opportunity, he will eat him to the bone.

So marriage is inevitable.

It's just that it's definitely not possible recently.

In order to prevent Tione from getting distracted, he still needs to explain.

“There are a lot of things to deal with when I return, and just the upgrades alone will keep me busy for a long time.

It is definitely a very important thing for the three members of the Loki Familia to cross from Level 6 to Level 7.

This means the expansion of Orario's Level 7 combat power, and also means a major reshuffle of Orario's family strength.

In the past, the situation of two kings mentioned by Orario was a child's play.

After all, the Freya Familia has Level 7 adventurers, which is a power that the Loki Familia does not possess.

So the two kings in the past were just a nice way of saying it, to give some face to Loki, the second oldest in the world.

But this time, the three giants in the Loki Familia have all been promoted to Level 7, so the old-fashioned positions in the past can really be moved.

The term "Double Kings" is no longer a flattering term, but truly puts the Freya Familia and the Loki Familia on the same level.

Moreover, getting married is not something that happens casually. At least it requires careful preparation.

In addition.........Marriage cannot be started just by talking about it. ’


It was a bit of a pity that I didn't get an answer right away, but Tiojin was also prepared very early.

Moreover, the group leader has already agreed to her proposal, which cannot be changed.

Regardless of whether it is a special situation or not, if you agree, you agree, as long as she is serious.

Tione carefully helped Finn up.

Although she wanted to pick up Finn directly, her body was still paralyzed by lightning after the fierce battle, and she was still not very flexible. Naturally, she was unable to do things that required energy.

"Captain, are you okay?"

"Barely okay."

Finn, who was being supported, obviously felt that his legs were weak.

The "ferocious magic spear" can greatly improve his physical ability at the expense of rationality, but it also greatly overdraws his physical strength.

Normally Finn would have held back during the fight.

But the enemy he faced this time was unprecedented, the most ferocious enemy he had ever encountered in the first half of his life. If he had any reservations during the battle, he would be the one who died, so this also caused him to consume almost several times more physical energy than usual, directly resulting in a situation where his physical strength was drained.

However, the 59th floor is indeed not a safe place. Even if you want to rest, you should go to the 58th floor, which has been thoroughly cleaned.

[Tione, leave here and go to the 58th floor first. "

"The Cannon Dragon on the 58th floor has been cleared. Monsters will not be born in the current dungeon. It is a place where we can temporarily recover our strength.

"I see."

When it comes to business, Tione is also much more serious.

In fact, as long as it is a serious battle, Tione's character is still very serious, but it is easy to go berserk due to impatience.

Of course, this phenomenon does not exist when facing Finn.

When facing Finn, Tione would never be impatient at any time.

While Tione was supporting Finn, Grace also picked up Bert who was lying on the ground.

"This time, it's (Hai Hao) you who rushed to the front."

Grace's eyes looked at Bert's right leg, which was a huge loss.

"Tch, old man, your shield can't block the fairy's magic. And old man, you're not good at quick attack, right? Wouldn't it be better to protect the old woman from the beginning?"

This is true. Dwarves have advantages in durability and strength, but they have almost no advantages in agility, flexibility and jasmine.

Even though runestones were used to increase the speed, with Finn in front attracting the attention of the "Fairy Spirit", Grace's role as a human shield was indeed a bit useless.

Grace looked at the tough-tongued werewolf speechlessly.

"You bastard, you are the only one who dares to call Riveria old lady mother-in-law."

"Besides, I'm just acting as insurance this time."

The werewolf glanced at Finn, who was being supported by Tione. He pouted in displeasure, always feeling that he was being plotted against.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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