I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 440 Freya’S Emotion And Loss

At this time, Freya was escorted to the Tower of Babel, where she belonged to her personal home.

"Sure enough, that child is as special as I imagined."

Freya lay on the bed like a girl who didn't care about her image at all, and recalled the scene she saw in the child's soul world in her mind.

"Whether there is darkness or light hidden behind the wall of sighs, I can't help but want to find out.

The obstruction of the soul world prevented Freya from seeing the color of Bell's true soul, but she had already made a definite answer in her heart.

Bell must be the other half she is looking for in the lower world.


Although the results were in line with Freya's expectations, the final answer came half a year later.

The child now destined to be her other half was Hestia's child.

This is what makes Freya most depressed.

If that child had not joined any of the dependent clans, then she could easily take that child into her pocket. "Unfortunately, she missed the opportunity to meet that child for the first time.

A missed opportunity, and the recognition when we first met.

When I thought that my eyes were looking at the wrong child, Freya, I felt a pang of angina.

Perhaps she should have seen the whole thing at first glance when the child and Hestia went to the "Mistress of Plenty", but she chose to give up because of the child's lackluster soul and gave it to the child and Hestia. Time for Ya to grow up.

But after growing up to this point, Freya already understood in her heart that her power might not be able to work on that child.

"Now that child planned this drama of the growth of Loki's family, his wings have already been fully developed, and even Loki has become a pawn in the hands of that child to check and balance me. It's too late."

Today I saw the child appear on the 59th floor, and Freya can make a judgment based on the reactions of Hestia, Hephaestus and Loki.

That child planned the entire expedition, including everything about the "fairy spirit", in order to give Loki's child a LV.7 that could fight against Ultra.

Although Finn and others who have just reached the level of Lv.7 should not be Oita's opponents, the Loki Familia with three Lv.7s are obviously on the same level as her.

What's more, there are many capable children in the Loki family who may have to stand out. Once the number of Level 7 and Level 6 increases, the current situation of Orario may change slightly.

Freya believed that the news would spread throughout Orario soon after the Loki family's expedition team returned.

The guild will not miss this publicity opportunity, and neither will Loki.

Freya, who was lying on the bed, slowly turned over and looked at the night view outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

"For the sake of profit, Loki chose to remain silent even though he knew he was being used as a pawn. This is in line with Loki's character."

"But that kid's behavior really scared me."

Being able to persuade Loki was enough to surprise Freya.

During the crusade against the "Fairy Spirits", Freya could sense that the strength of the "Fairy Spirits" far exceeded the Level 7 level, but several of Loki's children still seized the most critical time to give the "Fairy Spirits" Caused immeasurable damage.

He even defeated the "Fairy Spirit" in a short time.

Freya raised a slight smile.

"Even the clone of the "Fairy Spirit" has been controlled. The power that the child has is really versatile in terms of versatility. "

Freya was not blind and could naturally see that the "Fairy Spirit" did not use all its strength.

The strength of the "fairy spirit" far exceeds Level 7, and can even be said to reach Level 8. Even her child Ou is no match for her, let alone the children of the Loki family.

Deliberately letting the children of the Loki family get in trouble means deliberately giving the children of the Loki family the opportunity to achieve "great careers."

Really capable.

Determined to make the confrontation between Loki and her more stable, Freya made so many preparations that Freya felt that the child had worked hard.

It's just that the child probably didn't expect that she would do something like this.

But looking back and thinking about it, if she hadn't been so decisive, the child's plan would have been successful.

Once she and Loki are about the same strength when facing off, it will mean that she is completely restrained.

With Loki's character, after getting benefits from that child, he would probably actually stand against her, even if it was just a pretense on the surface.

But on the surface, it is undeniable that she and Loki are on the same level.

During the time when Loki confronted her, the child had time to grow up.

It only took half a year to reach Level 4. If the child was given a few more months, it would be conceivable to reach Level 5 or even Level 6.

After that child's wings were completely full, she couldn't do it even if she wanted to use force.

This wave of very deliberate targeting made Freya feel a great impact. This was an impact that no one in the lower world had ever given her.

A child from the lower realm actually planned to achieve a confrontation with her.

As long as the two families continue to confront each other in front, he will have enough time to grow up slowly.

"I didn't expect that I would show my weakness in that situation."

But Bell, who was so emotional, was slightly stunned.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"It's still half a year behind."

On the other side, Bell, who returned to the temporary base on the 50th floor, felt inexplicably heavy.

It was Bell's fault that he didn't check the surrounding situation well, but he didn't expect that he would be so unlucky.

The Loki Familia has the ability to compete with the Freya Familia.

"Wait! Why did God Freya appear in the guild's internal gathering?"

"Every precaution is only one move away."

The overall promotion of the Loki Familia.

It should be said that the better Bell became, the more disappointed Freya felt.

In fact, if he proceeds according to his previous predictions, as long as the expedition team returns to the ground, the news that the three pillars of the Loki Familia will be promoted to Level 7 will spread overwhelmingly in Orario, and the conditions he hoped for have been completely achieved.

This has to make Bell lament his bad luck.

Unfortunately, this is the result.

But there was still a deep sense of loss in those smiling eyes.

Although Freya didn't like playing chess, she was still chosen by that child.

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