I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 441 9 Consecutive Shots Show Your Character

Why did Freya appear at the guild's internal gathering?

This question made Bell suddenly understand the most critical point in the current situation.

The ornament on the scabbard of the "Sword Lady" was left by the sage of the guild to observe the progress of the expedition team.

The power of the guild is actually very clear. There are only three gods: Uranus, Hermes and Ganesha. They watched the progress of the expedition team. Bell felt there was no problem. After all, even if the three gods knew about it, they wouldn't make much of a fuss.

But why did the guild's forces appear like God Freya?

"Did God Freya directly join the guild force?"

This bold guess made Bell's eyes widen.

Because this guess is not impossible, but very possible.

"God Ouranos is not an unreliable god. He is determined to bring peace and stability to Orario, and he can put in a lot of effort to do so. He will never allow gods with unclear positions to appear in the guild, or even allow gods with unclear positions to appear in the guild. God knows that the guild has dungeon power."

If this is certain, then the appearance of God Freya means that the situation has changed.

Only when God Freya has made her position clear and made an oath can she join the guild power level.

And once God Freya joins the guild force, the position between them will become ambiguous.

Now that God Freya has joined the guild forces, there is room for reversal of their vaguely antagonistic stance in the past. At least in the face of the current situation, what they need from each other is to work together. After all, the key now is to overcome the problem of the black dragon.

Of course, Bell felt that what Freya cared about might not be the so-called truth about the world, but just her personal desires.

Joining the guild force was probably a temporary decision, just to change the antagonistic relationship between them.

After getting these guesses, Bell rubbed his forehead tiredly.

"It seems like what God Freya said will come true in the soul world."

Bell exhaled slowly.

At this moment, he felt a little pressure on his shoulders.

There is still a lot of pressure to directly face God Freya. Even if you have made a lot of preparations, God Freya is different from other gods. No matter how much you prepare, it will still feel inadequate.

Therefore, when facing this situation, you still need to stabilize your mood first.

After taking a few deep breaths, Bell sat cross-legged on the bed.

Taking deep breaths and sitting quietly can slowly restore calm to a turbulent heart.

A calm mind and a calm heart allow Bell to think more rationally.

After half an hour of calming down, Bell felt much calmer.

God Freya's choice to join the guild forces means that she will not choose to use force to act.

In fact, it can be seen from the previous agreement between God Freya and Hestia that God Freya gave up the option of using force.

Judging from God Freya's initiative to join the guild, her method should be to build relationships and get behind our side.

So, he may face frequent visits from God Freya in the future?

"Let's put the matter of God Freya aside for now. No matter what God Freya does, working hard to accumulate strength will not change."

If you accumulate strength, there will be more issues to think about.

Your own ability and level as an adventurer are the most critical point, and they are also your basic strength.

Bell is also most concerned about this part.

"As for ability points, I joined the expedition team, so the various ability points should have increased. However, my ability points should not increase too much. I am not the main force in the expedition team."

Because the issue that needs to be considered is not the accumulation of one's own abilities, but one's own concealment, Bell did not have many opportunities to take action during the expedition, and most of his actions were in the dark.

The rare places where they are cruel are the enhanced species on the 25th floor, and then the combination of humans and monsters controlled by the "fairy spirit" on the 99th floor.

Therefore, Bell does not have any expectations for the increase in his "ability score".

What needs to be looked forward to is whether he can get the corresponding "great achievements" by controlling the "Fairy Spirit" to give the expedition team hardships.

If you really have it, then the next step is to recommend it to Level 5.

In addition to their own hard foundation, there are also fighting skills.

"Secret Sword Yan Hui" has been trained to the extreme, and now it is only half a step away from the limit of that skill.

"Yan Hui" can also step into that field at any time, and what is needed next is just a breakthrough in actual combat.

Most of the powers that can be mastered at this stage have been mastered, so you can try to see if you can come into contact with new powers.

"First, let's draw cards of ten consecutive high levels."

Bell did not choose to pray to draw a card, but directly chose a high-level card draw that required 1 million faris.

In fact, Bell is doing this to attract Heroic Spirit Cards with a low probability.

It is not as easy to collect 5 gift cards with four stars and above as it is with low-star gifts.

In this case, instead of choosing a certain gift, it is better to bet your luck on whether a Heroic Spirit Card will appear.

[3-star gifts: "Special Spicy Mapo Tofu"*4, "Blue Black Key"*2, "Green Black Key"*2, "Red Black Key"*2]


Advanced card draws increased the probability of 4-star gifts, but the result was the three-color black sword and Mapo Tofu, which made Bell once again feel how tricked this system was.

Playing with probabilities is too much even if you have enough luck.

What's more, it's the system's probability, which really doesn't make you laugh.

"With blue sky and white clouds, 10 million faris has been spent."

This consumption speed really makes Bell feel heartbroken.

If he could get some useful gifts, it might not make Bell so uncomfortable, but the three-color black sword plus Mapo Tofu is really heartbreaking.

"Ten rounds first. If you can't draw anything useful, then we'll stop here."

An investment of 100 million is already too heavy, and this is the bottom line that Bell can afford today.

Bell knows that drawing cards can be addictive. (Money is good) Once it goes too far and there is no draw, it really won't happen anymore, so he sets a limit for himself.

Then the result is——

[3-star gifts: "Blue Black Key"*10, "Green Black Key"*10, "Red Black Key"*10, [Pedage of the Golden Tree]*4, "Special Spicy Mapo Tofu"*6 , "Sakura's Special Bento"*5, "Weekly Dinner"*5, "From Uruk"*3, "Mixed Juice"*10, "Short Rest"*5, "Wonderful Time"*5 , "Angel's Blessing"*5, "Dear Friend"*5, "Elixir of Rejuvenation]*1]

[4-star gift: "Steel Training"*5 uncles]

[5-star Heroic Spirit: "Bow Level" - Orion]

"...A 5-star heroic spirit!?"

The first 89 gifts are not the most critical. To be honest, except for a few gifts, many of them are specially used to improve the mentality.

But the 5-star Heroic Spirit at the end really made Bell’s eyes widen. .

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