I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 457 The Gods Whose Anger Surged

The news of the return of the Loki Familia expedition team spread almost throughout Orario. Even God Loki personally went to the entrance of the dungeon to greet them. It can be said to be quite eye-catching.

The gods soon learned about the return of the Loki children with victory.

And the guild quickly verified the news brought back by the expedition team, regarding the fact that the "Fairy Spirit Clone" existed on the 59th floor and was conquered by the expedition team.

After confirming the news, the guild directly announced the relevant information to the entire Orario.

"A "fairy clone" close to level 8 appeared on the 59th floor?"

"The children of the Loki family also attacked the "fairy clone" head-on?"

This news is considered to be heavy intelligence among the gods.

"The Dark Faction is also involved? Even the large amount of energy that allows the "Fairy Spirit Clone" to grow is provided by the Dark Faction by collecting magic stones?"

"It even provides a way for the "Fairy Spirit Clone" to self-destruct in a short period of time to increase its strength!?"

"What do those madmen want!?"

Good guy, now the dark faction has completely stung the hornet's nest.

The dark sect's teasing of the black dragon had already made the gods disgusted enough. Now it actually cooperates directly with the contaminated fairy spirits in the dungeon, and even provides those fairy spirits. What is it? It's obvious. 453 "Those lunatics are simply completely crazy."

"It's not the first time those lunatics have done something like this."

The gods were not surprised by the behavior of those madmen, but facing the current situation, the gods gnashed their teeth when they talked about it.

Those madmen are really not human beings. The fun that the gods originally wanted to find is not much. Those madmen also plan to turn the beautiful lower world into the chaos of the past.

Those madmen don't just want to turn the lower world into chaos, they want the gods to completely return to chaos!

There was a lot of discussion among the gods at the meeting, but only the gods of the dark faction looked confused.

"Lv.8? Can the fairy clone reach Iv.8?"

Almost all the gods of the dark factions don’t know about this part of the matter.

"Is there a way to increase strength through self-destruction? Is this really possible?"

This is also a big question.

Obviously, this Level 8 "Fairy Spirit Clone" is the result of increased strength.

If you want to improve your strength in a short period of time, or even reach such a high level, is it really possible to use ordinary methods?

However, the term "self-destructive method to enhance strength" is quite in line with the style of their dark faction, after all, this is what they usually do.

Most of the children who join their children and can take the initiative to die are not very strong in frontal combat. If you want those children who died to be effective, then you can only let those children blow themselves up.

But, can this method also be used on "fairy clones"?

No, it should be said that they are all very willing to see this scene, but will the fairies agree?

This is one question, as for another question.

Why hasn't the "Fairy Clone" whose strength reached Level 8 killed the Loki children yet?


Ganesha coughed lightly in the center of the gathering of gods, attracting the attention of the gods.

"As for the guild's judgment on the level of the "Fairy Spirit Clone", part of the battle scene was also taken over with the help of the Loki Familia. After the judgment of several gods, the "Fairy Spirit Clone" on the 59th floor indeed has the strength of Level 8. "

"Several of the gods include me, Uranus, Loki, Freya and Hermes.

Good guys, I've found both the neutral and the opposite.

As soon as the list of judged members came out, all the gods became uneasy.

Ganesha is the funny one among the gods, but he has taken over the Astralia family's safety protection work for Orario, and he can be regarded as a fair god.

Loki and Freya are the two kings of Orario, and their respective families have fame, power and strength in Orario.

Ouranos does not belong to any party, he represents a more neutral guild.

Hermes...well, a very neutral person. There is no more neutral person among the gods than him. All the gods know the character of Hermes. This guy is famous for being a fun-loving person. He is a model in the heavens who neither messes with nor gets close to anyone.

These five gods rarely make unfair judgments, except for Loki who will add personal elements. But isn't this Freya who confronts Loki? It can be said that this judgment will definitely not be unconvincing. .

Except for the gods of the dark faction.

"Who knows if the five of you are colluding with each other?"

All the gods from the dark sect have come up with this idea invariably.

Unfortunately, this idea did not last long, especially after what Ganesha said later.

"The battle scenes received by the guild have also been approved by Loki, and they can release part of the judgment on the strength of the "Fairy Spirit Clone". In view of the fact that the remaining parts contained secrets of the Loki Familia, Lu Ji refused to release them. "

"The guild also considered that the affairs of the dark faction are very serious now, and the god Ouranos also agreed to Loki's request, but only released some clips of the battle."

The screen was cast quickly.

The scene is when the expedition team led by Finn rushes towards the "elf clone" that is upper body human and lower body monster, the "elf clone" suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura, even through the screen, the gods felt a True.

"Really Level 8!?"

Unable to hold back the surprise in their hearts, many gods jumped up.

"Those madmen can really do it! They are preparing the magic stones needed for the "Fairy Spirit Clone" again, and they have even researched ways to self-destruct to increase their strength. What do those guys want to do? They really want to have a fight, right?"

Now all the gods believed the information released by the guild.

Maybe a lot of information can be faked, but the strength that actually reaches Level 8 is definitely not fake.

This also made the gods who were still in the playful stage become completely serious.

Because all the gods know that once the dark faction succeeds, they will go back to heaven to live a boring life.

If he had always been in heaven, the gods would not have such big opinions.

But having already tasted the sweetness of the lower world, the gods were unwilling to return to that lifeless and uninteresting heaven.

Therefore, what the dark faction is doing now is to let them die, which will have the same result.

Now that the dark factions have done so well, we can no longer continue to make trouble with them. Then we must drive all the dark factions on the ground back to the heaven.

The lower world doesn't need those lunatics.

The fires of the gods were all ignited, but the gods of the dark faction were all confused.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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