I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 458 The Uneasiness Of The Dark Faction


At this moment, all the gods of the dark faction have a row of question marks on their foreheads.

"It's not that I feel wrong, it's really Level 8."

They can also judge from the momentum just now. It has definitely surpassed the level of Lv.7 and reached the peak of Lv.8.

Although they were also questioning why the "fairy clones" had already reached Level 8, why they didn't kill all the children of the Loki family. But the thing in front of me is obviously more serious.

If there is no doubt that the "Fairy Spirit Clone" reaches Level 8, then this is obviously the work of their dark faction.

But who did this?

Even if they have the intention to do so, will the "fairy spirits" cooperate with them so much?

It's obviously unrealistic.

Even if some of them can find a self-destructive method to increase their strength, the "Fairy Spirit" will never be used as a self-destruction tool by them.

And obviously the "Fairy Spirit" didn't do this at all.

No matter how ferocious the Loki children are, the Level 8 bomb can definitely take away all the Loki children once it explodes.

But now?

None of them died. This is the result of the "fairy spirit" not decisively self-destructing.

But who did this?

They helped the "fairy spirits" collect the magic stones, but they were not involved in the method of improving their strength.

And it's not easy for even them to find a way to deal with this.

If their gods were really that awesome, wouldn't they have overthrown Orario long ago?

But the current situation really seems to be the work of their dark faction, so what is going on?

It can't be Loki's doing, right?

This idea was quickly abandoned by the gods of the dark faction.

Even if Loki has this intention, she is definitely not a god with this ability.

And she has the ability to guarantee that her children will have the conditions to win against the Level 8 "Fairy Spirit"?

No one can guarantee this kind of thing, unless their gods directly unlock the seal of divine power.

But would Loki do such a thankless thing?

Obviously not.

As long as the divine power seal is not released, no god is confident enough that his child can survive the Level 8 "Fairy Spirit".

It's just that it's obvious that explanation won't work.

It's really because the hostility towards the dark factions among the gods is too strong now.

At this time, once you explain, you will be suspected of being the god of the dark faction.

And was this really not done by their insiders?

This is too much like their dark faction style, and I always feel that the person who did this must be from their side.

"If that's the case, if the dark faction masters this method, why don't they attack Orario directly?"

Suddenly during the meeting, a god asked such a question.

Suddenly the eyes of the gods focused on the speaking god.

"Dionysus, are you from the dark faction?"

...I am just making a reasonable guess. If the dark faction really mastered that method, it would be easy for them to destroy Orario. Therefore, I think it is an uncertain method, and I simply want to show that it is a method that has not yet been mastered. "

The god Dionysus, who was slandered as a leader of the dark faction, sighed and shook his head slightly, then listened to his unhurried explanation.

"The biggest problem for the dark factions now is whether they have completely mastered this self-destructive method of improving their strength. If they have really mastered it, then we need to make corresponding preparations. If they have not fully mastered it, then It becomes necessary to capture them alive.”

"We are about to face a war with the dark faction, which is also very necessary."

"In addition, I think we gods need to pay more attention to our own security issues. What we are most worried about now is that those guys use suicide attacks. And once we are all captured, it is equivalent to Orario being captured."

Perhaps it was the gods and the children of the netherworld who formed Orario.

But once the children in the lower world lose the assistance of the gods, then the children in the lower world will completely lose the power they control, which can be regarded as destroying the power to protect Orario in a different direction.

When everyone heard this, they all fell into thinking.

Indeed, as Dionysus said, the current situation is still unstable.

Regardless of whether the dark faction has mastered that part of the technology, they still need to treat those bastards as if they have mastered that part of the technology. After all, the case of "Fairy Spirit" is considered a success.


At this moment, Freya suddenly raised her hand.

"Oh, Freya, is there anything you want to add?"

Ganesha saw that Freya wanted to speak and asked directly.

But Freya smiled slightly and continued the topic of Dionysus just now.

"Indeed, the current situation is just as Dionysus said. If the dark faction really mastered that technology, then Orario will never continue to be alive. I even suspect that there is another group among the dark faction. The forces are moving.”

"Oh! Freya, do you have any basis for saying that?"

"Based on... I naturally won't have it. After all, I am not a member of the dark faction. However, I think there should be gods among the dark faction who like to "play", otherwise what? Will these technologies be invented?”

The smile on Freya's face became even brighter.

However, the gods of the Dark Faction are filled with uneasiness, and from Freya's words, they can easily tell that the Dark Faction has been infiltrated.

"As for that kind of technology..."

Freya paused for a moment before speaking, and she lightly tapped her lips with her fingers, but just such an action caused the eyes of the gods to turn without knowing where to turn.

"It should still be unsettled."

"Otherwise, the "Fairy Spirits" have already reached Level 8, and they would have allowed the Loki children to leave alive. If it can really be controlled, LM8's "fairy spirit will completely destroy the children of the Luji family almost instantly."

This made the gods who heard it tremble, and they all looked at Loki involuntarily.

Soon they discovered that Loki's face turned completely dark with shock, and even blue veins could be seen on his forehead.

"Hey! Nymphomaniac, whose child do you think will be torn to pieces!?"

The black-faced Loki jumped up from his seat, his face full of acting skills already filled with anger.

"Also, don't underestimate my children! From now on, your family will not be the only one in Orario to have Level 7. My family will also have one, and there are three of them!"


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the pill price.

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